Was the
SLO Data Use
Goal A
Goal B
Goal C
Ops(2020-21)100 Addition of 2 smart tablets and software to facilitate floor plan reconfiguration, inventory management, and work order management. Helps provide a more equitable method of accessing data at each location.
Ops(2020-21)101 Addition of flat panel screen in the OPS conference room and new Repro EOC to facilitate regularly scheduled meetings with other colleges' Operations Department, Facilities Management staff, connect with sustainability programs. Enables the campus to fully commit to our sustainability goals.Provides transparency to our faculty, staff, students - for example - we could view/track amount of water or energy used.
Ops(2020-21)102 Replacement of vehicle 9251 (van) due to age and propensity of break downs. Provides a more safe method of transportation.
Ops(2020-21)103 New battery operated gum machine to facilitate gum removal throughout campus.
Ops(2020-21)104 New wheelchair accessible shuttle to replace existing due to its propensity of breakdowns. Provides a more safe method of transportation.
Ops(2020-21)105 Space reconfiguration of Reprographics and Operations to provide ADA accessibility, Emergency Operations Center, Sustainability Center. Provides an adequately sized EOC which meets code.
Ops(2020-21)106 Event software to facilitate internal and external event reservations.
CareerCen(2020-21)101 Services and Outreach: The Career Center will offer expansive services in person and online in order to provide a greater range of comprehensive career services to students on the main campus and also at the Davis and W. Sac Outreach Centers. Increase the staffing pattern assigned to the Career Center : Hire one permanent clerk and one additional permanent SPA staff. Recruit one Master's level Career Counseling intern to provide extended services (i.e. Career Exploration Workshops and assessments). X X
CareerCen(2020-21)102 Professional Development: Provide and support ongoing professional development through conferences, seminars, workshops, and training opportunities for career center faculty and classified staff, including maintenance of professional memberships. Membership in professional organizations may include, but not exclusive to: National Career Development Association, National Association of Colleges and Employers, and California Placement Association. Staff participation in professional development as appropriate. X X X
CareerCen(2020-21)103 Outreach and Collaboration: Work collaboratively with Work Experience and other SCC departments to foster relationships with local regional employers that will highlight marketable careers connecting coursework to job market in the local region. Investigate and identify regional business leaders seeking to promote job opportunities for students. Invite targeted employers to Career Day(s). Organize Vocational Career Days that will target career technical education and job placement. X X X
CareerCen(2020-21)104 Assessment: Assist students who are undeclared in identifying a major and career goal. New and continuing undeclared students will attend career exploration workshops and complete interest, career and personality assessments to assist them with identifying a major. X X X
CareerCen(2020-21)105 Technology: To increase availability of efficient technologies in career development, major exploration and job search services, as well as systems that will track students served. Assess current technology and update existing systems as appropriate. Identify and purchase new career technology programs. Bring back the funding to offer Myers Briggs and Strong Interest Inventory, so we can provide valuable resources to students for career exploration. X X X
CareerCen(2020-21)106 Career Exploration: Collaborate with HCD professors to incorporate career exploration workshops in their syllabi. Develop ongoing career workshops and services to students at the SCC main campus, Davis Center and W. Sacramento Center. Career Exploration: Collaborate with HCD professors to incorporate career exploration workshops in their syllabi. Develop ongoing career workshops and services to students at the SCC main campus, Davis Center and W. Sacramento Center. X X X
CareerCen(2020-21)107 Student Learning Outcomes: Collaborate with Institutional Research in developing Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) with a greater focus on the career exploration process, and specific to career workshops, in addition to job preparedness. Develop a survey that will report on SLOs. Work with PRIE to identify data collection tool/program that is input and user friendly. X X X
CareerCen(2020-21)108 Data Collection: Collaborate with Institutional Research in developing processes in collecting student data, demographics and also track the career center utilization by students. Schedule consultation with PRIE. Investigate data collection programs that are compatible with existing college data bases. Evaluate and track utilization peak periods to assess the need to adjust hours to maximize student access to career services. X X X
CareerCen(2020-21)109 Marketing and outreach: Work with Media Services to develop and maintain social - multi media for marketing and outreach of the WEXP and Internship Program, including website and Facebook. Increased awareness of program and engagement of students and employers. X X X
WEXP(2020-21)100 WEXP Instruction: WEXP course adjunct instructors will go through Adjunct Performance Reviews and new WEXP course adjunct instructors will be hired and trained. WEXP course adjunct instructors will go through the Adjunct Performance Review process in accordance with the LRCFT guidelines and instruction from the Counseling Dean. A new pool of WEXP course adjunct instructors will be recruited, hired and trained. X X X
WEXP(2020-21)101 Staffing: Increase staffing to include a permanent Work Experience Internship Program Clerk position for in-office duties to included: intake, office coverage, data entry, social media, and extended services. Recruitment, hiring and training for a Work Experience Internship Program Clerk position. Work space will be made available for Clerk position. X X X
WEXP(2020-21)102 Office Equipment and Supplies: Purchase additional software, equipment and supplies - including but not limited to a color printer. To include stand up desk for WEXP SPA staff. Program will have better tools and equipment to work with and provide more professional materials for program services. Outreach material will have a more professional look, improving visibility and increasing engagement among students and employers. WEXP SPA will stand up desk for more ergonomic work station. X X X
WEXP(2020-21)103 Employer Relations: Develop a Work Experience Education and Internship Program Advisory Board - to include SCC faculty, classified, administration, and employers and community organizations. Increased employer and community engagement will demonstrate increased development of internships and work experience opportunities for students; and increased campus involvement will demonstrate increased engagement of students in internships and WEXP courses. X X X
WEXP(2020-21)104 Professional Development: Improve and enhance services to students by supporting the ongoing professional development of WEXP and Internship Program staff and faculty through attendance at CIWEA (CA Internship and Work Experience Association) conferences and other statewide/local seminars, workshops, and training opportunities, including maintenance of professional memberships. WEXP and Internship Program staff and faculty will utilize the resources and networking benefits of organizational memberships to better assist students by participating in various internship and work experience organizations and conferences. X X X
WEXP(2020-21)105 Outreach: The WEXP & Internship Program will offer expansive services in person (on and off campus) and online in order to provide a greater range of comprehensive career services to students on the main campus and at the Davis and W. Sac Outreach Centers. Newly created outreach material that clearly explains the program systematically will be disseminated across campus, including the Davis and West Sacramento Outreach Centers to increase campus awareness of program. Presentations will be conducted in classrooms throughout all disciplines; and in department and campus - wide meetings to explain how the Work Experience and Internship Program can benefit our students and faculty. X X X
BSS Div(2020-21)100 Purchase laptop computers, cart, and 2 wifi connections to improve student access to classroom computer support in PSYC, GEOG, SOC courses. Students in GIS-related classes, Statistics, and Research Methods will have access to classroom technology. Yes We purchased these computers. X
BSS Div(2020-21)101 Purchase computers and create a space in or near the BSS Division for adjunct faculty, including faculty computers, phones, office furniture, etc. Students in the BSS division will have greater access to Adjunct faculty for support in their classes. No-Other This project is waiting for VP approval and we are holding the money to use when it is approved. X X
BSS Div(2020-21)105 Work with SAH Area and facilities to secure a suitable lab space to teach one section of PSYC 311 lab each semester. PSYC 311 will be offered on the main campus each semester. No-Facilities constraints We are still working with Science to find an appropriate lab space. X
BSS Div(2020-21)106 Hire Full-time Faculty, Psychology (Statistics)--New. Hire a new full-time faculty member with expertise to teach PSYC 330 and other courses in the PSYC degree. Yes We hired a fulltime faculty member. X
BSS Div(2020-21)107 Hire Full-time Faculty, Psychology (Psychology of Women/Sexual Oriention)--Replacement (G.Pitman) Hire a replacement full-time faculty member with expertise to teach Psychology of Women and Psychology of Sexual Orientation. NOTE: position could be shared with WGS. No-Lack of Funding This position was not approved. X
BSS Div(2020-21)108 Hire or reassign support staff for division faculty to convert or make Canvas materials and OER text books accessible. Allow instructors to continue the use of free textbooks that may not meet standards of accessibility. Provide support and labor to convert readings to accessible formats (PDF's, articles etc…) that are posted on Canvas. Partial We were able to use some grant funding to convert readings to accessible formats, but we didn't hire new staff for this purpose. X
BSS Div(2020-21)109 Relocate the Fashion program to a larger space on Campus. Moving to a larger space should allow the program to enroll and serve more students. No-Facilities constraints Fashion is still reviewing options with operations. X
BSS Div(2020-21)110 Improve use of RHS 261 for Nutrition classes by fixing flooring. Replace the old carpet with new flooring that will be more appropriate for food prep classes. No-Facilities constraints We are not able to replace the flooring X X
BSS Div(2020-21)111 Hire Fulltime faculty member in split position between History and Ethnic Studies. (Replacement for Rosamaria Taghetti) Hiring a new fulltime faculty member in History/Ethnic Studies will allow for Chicano History and Ethnic Studies to be taught and provide leadership in a growing area. No-Lack of Funding This position was not approved.
BSS Div(2020-21)112 Provide additional equipment necessary to offer a Biopsychology lab course on the main campus. If we purchase the required supplies and equipment, we will be able to offer an additional section of Biopsychology on the main campus. Yes Budget Committee provided funds for this purchase. X
BSS Div(2020-21)113 Maintenance of Effort needed to provide the needed support to maintain the Legal Scholars, 2 + 2 + 3 program, which requires a coordinator reassignment and monies for Legal Pathways Registration, Pathway to Law Summit (required by MOU), Graduation Ceremony, Printing and Postage. 1. Coordinator, .2 fte, reassignment 2. Legal Pathways Registration 3. Annual Pathways to Law Summit (required by MOU) 4. Graduation Ceremony 5. Brochures and Printing. No-Other We have been funding through a grant instead. X X X
BUS&CIS Div(2020-21)100 Improve the air quality and temperature in the Business Building. All vents in offices and classrooms will be cleaned and filters replaced. Air filters are changed routinely such that there are no black flakes falling from the air vents onto people's desk. Have the a/c and heat working so that not more than one call a week needs to be made for a temperature check in the building.
BUS&CIS Div(2020-21)101 Health and safety improvements. Masks, gloves, hand sanitizers, and instructions/workshops on how to properly use each will be provided to the Business Building.
BUS&CIS Div(2020-21)102 Computer lab sanitization. Computer labs will be cleaned and sanitized, and a plan for doing so will be developed and shared. Disinfecting wipes will be provided in all labs in sufficient amounts so that each keyboard and mouse can be wiped down between classes.
COMM(2020-21)100 Hire three full time faculty members Expand the Communication department's offerings by filling a growth position and two replacement positions. X
HFA Div(2020-21)100 Hire 1 Full time Clerk III The complexity and quantity of administrative and support tasks to support the Humanities and Fine Arts division instructional programs has increased in recent years. The reductions in funding only increased this workload because performing the typical tasks involved in supporting division programs, within the financial constraints imposed, increased the complexity and workload on the division staff. Currently there is one full time Administrative Assistant and a permanent 50% Clerk II
HFA Div(2020-21)101 Hire a permanent Clerk III at 50% Hire a permanent 50% classified Clerk III. This would eliminate the need for the MORE temporary classified position.
HFA Div(2020-21)102 Permanently increase the IA Accompanist position (66781) FTE from 10 hours to 30 hours, which would enable the Music department to . Provide accompanist support for all vocal, choral, and applied instruction courses in the Music department. • Cost: $12,342 ($24.94/hr for 16.5 weeks)
HFA Div(2020-21)103 Hire a full-time Classified Permanent employee to run the Music Lab. The Music Lab is an essential function of the Music Department, providing access to computers and pianos to students, providing support to instructors, and organization to the Music department as a whole.
HFA Div(2020-21)104 Permanently reinstate repair budget to $3,000. (MOE)
HFA Div(2020-21)105 ) Permanently increase IR budget for Commercial Music Ensemble, which was suddenly reduced two years ago, and receives $500 less than other performance ensembles. • Cost: $500
HFA Div(2020-21)106 Fund individual instruction expected in the Applied Music Class so we are in compliance with curriculum mandates outlined in the Transfer Model Curriculum for Music and our AAT. • Cost: $15,000 (funds private lessons for approximately 15 students for 9 months)
MUSIC(2020-21)100 Purchase a Yamaha U1 studio piano for rehearsal studio 119A • Cost: $8,697.00 (including 10-yr. warrantee, 1 free tuning, and bench) No-Lack of Funding This was not funded. We are still in need of this piano and will try again on the next Unit Plan.
KHA(2020-21)100 Resurface tennis courts and format color in accordance to ITA/CCCAA standards. Current courts are a safety concern due to surface not being level. Yes Courts resurfaced spring 2022. X X
KHA(2020-21)101 Maintenance of Effort needed to Provide the needed support to minimally maintain an 17-sport team, approximately 500 student athlete program which is equitable, integrity-based, and complies with Institutional, Conference, and CCCAA (California Community College Athletic Association) policies and standards of practice. 1. Equitable travel per diem, 2. equitable team equipment allocation, 3. payment of event management expenses, 4. payment of membership dues/fees, 5. adequate level of division staffing/equipment Yes All sport teams were funded adequately. X X X
KHA(2020-21)102 Institutionalize the Panther for Panther Program for student athletes Student-athlete academic success No-Multi-Year Program funded for 21-22. X X X
KHA(2020-21)103 Remodel South Gym which will include: new flooring, baskets, bleachers, scoreboards, and painting. Updated and improved SG facility. No-Lack of Funding No funding provided for this project. X X
KHA(2020-21)104 Replace North Gym bleachers and install existing bleachers in South Gym for increase use for Intercollegiate Athletic events. Increased stability, aesthetic and spectator capacity No-Lack of Funding No funding provided for this project. X X
KHA(2020-21)105 Update and paint the Athletic Weight Room with signage. Room used as a means to recruit and attract athletes to attend Sacramento City College No-Facilities constraints This project was delayed due to weight room construction. X X
KHA(2020-21)106 Remodel softball complex which includes replacing bleachers in softball field; existing bleachers have safety issues; install field lights; expand dugout and clubhouse; build new press box; install restrooms in complex. Meet minimum safety standards. Strengthen compliance with Title IX. No-Lack of Funding No funding provided at this juncture for all items listed. X X
KHA(2020-21)107 Remodel and cover batting cages needed for baseball and softball programs that would additionally create facility for activity classes. Productivity of sport programs; create additional facility for activity classes serving student interests. No-Lack of Funding No funding provided for this project. X X
KHA(2020-21)108 Purchase 210 padded chairs with Panther logo needed to replace and update existing chairs as well as provide needed seating for other facilities. 150 chairs needed for football team rooms in Hughes Stadium; 50 chairs needed for North Gym; 10 chairs needed for Union Stadium Meets needs of facility and game management. Yes Completed. X
KHA(2020-21)109 Increase full time faculty/coach personnel who specialize in fitness and athletics to meet the needs of the department and its' students and 450+ student-athletes, to include strengthening of our title IX compliance. We currently have 7 male intercollegiate sports, all (100%)with FT faculty as head coaches. We currently have 10 female intercollegiate sports, just 7 (70%) with FT faculty as head coaches. Productivity of fitness courses. Increased proportion of student athletes coached by full-time faculty/coaches. Expansion of instruction in fitness and coaching certificate courses. Partial We hired a new softball coach but other head coaching positions are needed. X X X
KHA(2020-21)110 Build/repair pool that would adequately meet standards needed for intercollegiate competition which are currently not being met; facility would include deck storage space, offices, team and locker rooms. Meet general student population needs as well as intercollegiate athletic needs. No-Other No funding provided for this project. X X
L&L Div(2020-21)100 Developmental Writing Assistance Program (DWAP) mentors for combo (ENGWR 300+108) courses Improved student success and retention, particularly among DI groups Yes We have continued our DWAP mentor program for ENGWR 300+108 courses. Course success data indicates increases in the overall success rate for 300+108 students, including in most of the DI groups. X
L&L Div(2020-21)101 Community of Practice (COP) workshops and other PD focused on stand-alone ENGWR 300 Improved rates of student success in Transfer-Level English in first year Partial In the last academic year, the English Department offered ten (10) Community of Practice workshops focused on stand-alone ENGWR 300 sections, with an average participation rate of 8-10 faculty members per workshop. Data shows a slight decrease in student success in ENGWR 300 overall between Spring 21 and Spring 22, but an increase of about 5%) in the success rate in 300+108. X X
L&L Div(2020-21)102 COPS and other PD focused on teaching the new blended ESL curriculum Accelerated progress through the ESL program; more students transitioning to ENGWR 300 or higher No-Other This program was a one-time program designed to provide support for instructors teaching the new blended ESL curriculum and was not intended to be a long-term project. X X
L&L Div(2020-21)103 ESL Guided Placement Increased number of students placed into ESL or referred to ENGWR Partial Number of students taking placement remained stable. X
L&L Div(2020-21)104 Language Acquisition Mentorship Program (LAMP) mentor for ESLW 340 Improved success rates for students in ESLW 340 and more ESL students transitioning to ENGWR 301 or 302 No-Other Program has been discontinued. X X
L&L Div(2020-21)105 ESL outreach/student recruitment Increased numbers of new ESL students Partial Some outreach efforts continued, but the pandemic and shift to 100% online didn't not allow for as much outreach as planned. X
L&L Div(2020-21)106 ESL embedded tutors Improved success and retention rates in classes with embedded tutors Partial Tutors embedded in a few sections. Impact on retention rates is undetermined. X X
L&L Div(2020-21)107 ESL Lab tutors Improved completion rates for ESLLAB section; increased enrollment in ESLLABs Partial Each section of ESLLAB had a tutor; increased lab enrollment not seen in 20-21, likely due to pandemic and shift to 100% online; however, increase in lab enrollment seen in Fall 2022. X X
L&L Div(2020-21)108 River City Writers program Increased enrollment in creative writing and literature courses No-Other Due to the pandemic-related shift to remote operations, the River City Writers series has been on hiatus; however, there are plans to revive it as we continue to transition to more in-person instruction and activities. X
L&L Div(2020-21)109 Outreach and support for English majors Increased enrollment in ENGLT and ENGCW courses; increased number of English majors Partial Due to the pandemic-related shift to remote instruction, this effort was sidelined for quite some time; however, the English Department has just recently held an in-person event for English Majors that had good attendance. And, the English Department provided students with a survey to fill out to gauge needs and interests of students in terms of course offerings, events, etc. Impact on future enrollments is unknown as of this date. X X
L&L Div(2020-21)110 Hire full-time faculty in English-Journalism to oversee campus newspaper Maintain quality and success of THE EXPRESS Partial Due to the inability to hire full-time faculty except in cases of critical need, the division was unable to hire a full-time journalism instructor; however, we have hired an adjunct instructor who assists the Journalism Department Chair in overseeing The Express. X
L&L Div(2020-21)111 Student assistant to support the online college newspaper High quality online college newspaper Yes The division has hired a student assistant for The Express for the past several semesters. X
L&L Div(2020-21)113 Refurbish mobile Chrome carts The division's 3 mobile Chrome carts will be ready for in-classroom use Yes The division now has several new carts and has received new laptops to substitute for out-of-date ones. X X
L&L Div(2020-21)114 Reading-Writing Lab tutors Improved success rates in ENGWR corequisites courses Partial The division has consistently hired student tutors to work in the Reading/Writing lab until this fall, when the lack of an Instructional Assistant in the lab made hiring/training tutors not feasible. However, we will be hiring tutors for spring, and the English Department is currently formulating a plan to make improvements to the Reading/Writing lab to make it a more beneficial resource to students. X X
L&L Div(2020-21)115 Tech support for online teaching: Calendly, Padlet, and Class for Zoom Improved retention rates in online courses No-Other This goal was not met because we were not able to find funding for it and it would have required a lot of groundwork to get into compliance with regard to accessibility (per IT.) X X X
L&L Div(2020-21)116 ESL Lab re-design Increased student enrollment in ESLLAB; improved student engagement Partial The ESL Department is currently implementing a plan to re-design the lab to make it a significant resource to ESL and immigrant students who are enrolled in classes in all disciplines at the college. This re-design began in Spring 2022 and will continue through the Spring 2023 semester. Enrollment numbers in the ESLLAB courses have increased slightly since last spring; impact on future enrollments and student engagement is yet to be determined. X X X
LTAT(2020-21)100 Hire a full-time 12-month classified Universal Course Design Specialist to support universal course design and development for all distance education courses. Universal design, (which includes accessibility) is an essential component of online programs. Ensuring a quality learning experience for all learners – including those with a disability – is federally mandated. There is currently no person on campus dedicated to assisting in building courses that are sound in both accessibility and layout/design. Because of the skill set required create universally designed content, it is unreasonable to depend upon faculty alone for the creation of such courses. Failure to address this issue is damaging to our students and leaves us open to litigation. Work with UDL Coordinator in identifying and remediating inaccessible course content. Audits performed pre and post position creation will provide data on percentage of compliant vs. non-compliant materials. X X X
LTAT(2020-21)101 Hire a permanent 12-month, full-time Clerk II for the Learning Skills and Tutoring Center (LSTC). The LSTC is the centralized tutoring hub at SCC, and it coordinates the hiring, training, and recruiting of student tutors for all the tutoring services on campus and at the outreach centers. The main LSTC counter directs student traffic and distributes academic support information to all students seeking assistance. However, the center is currently using several part-time staff and student help, resulting in unpredictable and insufficient services that cause student and staff frustration. A permanent 12-month clerk would ensure adequate and consistent year-round services to the students and campus community and improve communication and collaboration among different student support services on campus and at the outreach centers. The clerk would answer phones, make copies for the center and the tutors, schedule tutoring appointments, assist with organizing files and documents, assist in the daily operations of the center, as well as act as a liaison between students, tutors, and staff. Additionally, the full-time clerk would assist the Tutorial Services Assistant with processing paperwork for the approximately 250 tutors hired each year campus-wide, as well as with record keeping of positive attendance for the tutoring center and its programs and of the satisfaction surveys for the center. The presence of a full-time 12-month clerk would allow the faculty coordinators and the Tutorial Services Assistant the time needed to concentrate on researching and improving student-centered academic support (e.g., expanding online tutoring). Enable the Learning Skills & Tutoring Center to provide efficient tutoring services and increase student participation in tutoring and other LSTC programs, as well as enable the Tutorial Services Coordinators and Tutorial Services Assistant to perform their tasks more effectively. X X X
LTAT(2020-21)102 Hire a full-time, permanent 10-month Clerk II for the Writing Center in order to meet students’ needs for tutoring appointments and post-appointment follow-up, increase the number of students served, adequately support online tutoring and equity goals, and increase ability to track students. The clerk is the first point of contact for all students calling or coming to the Writing Center. Clerks match students with appropriate tutors, help them sign up for the Writing Center, make appointments using WC Online, enter progress data about each visit that students make, and maintain records. Currently, the Writing Center relies on temporary part-time clerks. The Center experiences high turnover among part-time clerks and difficulty finding anyone who had the required skills who is willing to work for the Los Rios temporary clerk pay rate. This adversely affects the Writing Center’s ability to help students and the number of students seen and forces the Center to turn more students than necessary away. 1.)Increase in writing tutoring sessions 2) Increase in post-session tracking of students 3.)decrease in the number of IA hours spent doing clerical tasks freeing up more IA time for instruction of students X X
LTAT(2020-21)103 Hire a full time faculty Universal Design for Learning Coordinator. This position would support faculty and staff in the development of accessible content, and curriculum for courses/student-focused services utilizing UDL principles and best practices in accessibility. The position will develop and deliver training programs incorporating universal design for learning principles for college faculty and staff. The position will be responsible for ensuring compliance with accessibility standards, and will serve as the primary liaison between SCC and district-level accessibility resources (currently under development). The position will work in conjunction with the classified Universal Course Design Specialist to provide support and consultation services for faculty/staff in utilizing UDL and digital accessibility. Audit DE courses and report on the number of DE courses that are 508 compliant. Collaborate with faculty to ensure all content is 508 compliant and follows universal design principles. Result is that students will have better access to course content. X X
LTAT(2020-21)104 Hire temporary clerks for LSTC to provide assistance to students seeking information and tutoring services. 1.)Avoid reduction of services 2.)decrease the number of IA and coordinator hours spent doing clerical tasks freeing up more IA and coordinator time for instruction of students. X X
LTAT(2020-21)105 Hire temporary part-time Instructional Assistant (IA) for Learning Skills & Tutoring Center to help cover evenings & weekends Assist students and tutors; assist with online tutoring; assist students in LTAT 92. Assist in presenting college success workshops. X X
LTAT(2020-21)106 Purchase sound-proof pod or booth for online tutoring in LR 144. Ability to meet increased demand for online tutoring X X
LTECH(2020-21)100 Marketing materials for Library and LRC at Centers: Increase utilization of library services by presenting well-designed posters, bookmarks, and trifold brochures marketing Library access and services to students, including posters specifically designed for students at Davis and West Sacramento Centers. Estimated costs for printing - $300 Production of materials; distribution at outreach events; posters are posted around campus and centers. No-Multi-Year Brochures and materials printed pre-pandemic are still in use. To be continued in 2023-24.
LTECH(2020-21)102 Present and distribute data on Library services: Facilitate awareness of Library services to students by sharing statistical data with regard to circulation, reference services via attractive infographics; circulated to wider campus community, including administrators. Piktochart Pro Team for 3 users: $120 annually / Printing costs: $300 annually. Total estimated costs = $420 annually Provisioning of design tools Piktochart and Canva (pro versions); printing and distribution of infographics via department chair, division dean, and PIO. No-End Date Not Met X
LTECH(2020-21)103 Increase ergonomic safety in Circulation service area by procuring four task mats - one mat for each station at the Circulation Desk. Task mats are purchased and in use. No-End Date Not Met X
LTECH(2020-21)104 Standing librarian station at Research Help Desk: Increase approachability of librarians at Research Help Desk by transforming one seated reference station into a standing desk station. VARIDESK Height-Adjustable Standing Desk - Pro Plus 36 - Black - $395 One of the three workstations at the Research Help Desk has a standing desk. No-Other X
LTECH(2020-21)106 Room upgrades for LRC 220: Promote student engagement and success by implementing room upgrades in LRC 220. Renovation of LR220 No-Lack of Funding X X
LTECH(2020-21)107 Collaborative technology-enhanced study rooms: Serve student study needs by allocating some spaces currently used for print collection to spaces for individual and collaborative study, including technology-enhanced study rooms. First year: reduce or eliminate bound periodicals shelving on west side of 2nd floor and reallocate space for student needs. Collaborative technology-enhanced study rooms are complete and available for students to use. No-Other Plan for new study rooms is on hold due to college-wide hold on new projects such as this one. X X
LTECH(2020-21)108 Purchase people-counting system: Comply with State Chancellors reporting expectations and better assess use of LRC space by implementing a people-counting system. Preliminary cost estimate $1000 - Procurement and installation of counting sensor using current 3-D technology and cloud-hosted statistics; development of policies for data collection and reporting. Yes A camera-based people-counting system was acquired from Sensource, Inc. and was installed in January 2022. 3 years of service were also purchased. Sensors were mounted at the LRC main entrance, the 2nd-floor landing, and in front of the elevators and stairwell on the 3rd floor. The sensors count exits and entrances and monitor total occupancy of the building as a whole, the second floor, and the third floor. Sensource provides an online data retrieval portal. Librarian was trained in using this portal and designing dashboards for ongoing monitoring. Weekly reports showing recent and cumulative traffic and occupancy are emailed to interested parties including the Library Dean. X
LTECH(2020-21)110 Hire Public Services Librarian: Fill gaps created by transfer of Public Services Librarian to Technical Services when Technical Services Librarian was not replaced in August 2018 Hiring of Librarian No-Hiring constraints X
OTSS(2020-21)100 Funding three temporary classified Instructional Assistants (IA) for STHD who assist students with basic technology needs, online support with Zoom and Canvas. The temporary IAs are a part of the District-wide Centralized Student Technology Help Desk assisting all Los Rios Students. To provide support and assist students with online technology and face-to-face support when applicable. 60 hours a week of Student Technology Help per semester and 400 hours for the summer semester. In addition, to dedicated hours to help disproportionate students. X
OTSS(2020-21)101 Hire two temporary IAs for technology support, one on on 2nd floor and one on first floors. Each IA for 20 hrs/week to provide assistance to students using the the 1st and 2nd floor computer lab areas. Students will receive tutoring/asssistance on Microsoft Office applications, PeopleSoft, FAFSA, Canvas,Google applications, wireless printing, etc. 1. Hiring two temporary part-time IAs, one for the 1st floor and one for the 2nd floor. X X
MATHSTAT(2020-21)100 Deliver programs and services that demonstrate a commitment to learner-centered education and institutional effectiveness by keeping lab equipment and close to current technology by updating lab equipment. A. Request remaining funds for new Mechanical Properties Tester. B. Plan for purchase of Mechanical Properties Tester. C. Installation of Mechanical Properties tester into Lab (goal: Spring 2022). D. Integration of Mechanical Properties tester into Lab (goal: Spring/Fall 2022). E. Conduct feasibility and cost analysis of a new Circuits Lab. Partial We were able to secure the remaining funds for the Mechanical Properties Testing Machine. The machine was purchased and installed in 2021 and is in use in the ENGR 412 class at this time. For part [E], investigation of such a lab has begun, but the cost analysis portion has not been conducted. X
MATHSTAT(2020-21)101 Deliver programs and services that demonstrate a commitment to learner-centered education and institutional effectiveness by keeping software close to current technology by updating software. A. Purchase floating licenses for ENGR 405 (MathWorks - MATLAB) B. Obtain quotes to change software for ENGR 312 to SolidWorks. C. Conduct cost analysis of a new Circuits Lab for ENGR 400. Partial A. MathWorks offers licenses that can be re-assigned to students each semester and those licenses were purchased and are being used by students each semester. B. The quote has been requested, with follow-up, but we have not received a response yet. C. The cost analysis has not been conducted. X
MATHSTAT(2020-21)102 Deliver programs and services that demonstrate a commitment to learner-centered education and institutional effectiveness by keeping lab & instructional equipment operational, supplies at adequate levels, and software up-to-date. A. Purchase Lab Specimens to remain at appropriate level B. Tinius Olsen Mechanical Properties Tester Service Inquiry C. Update Software Maintenance Plans (MathWorks – MATLAB, National Instruments, KeyCreator) Yes Lab specimens for use in the ENGR 412 Lab were purchased. The Tinius Olsen machine was serviced in Spring 2022, after our return to campus. All licenses were updated and maintained. X
MATHSTAT(2020-21)103 Develop and evaluate support programs for students throughout the Mathematics and Statistics course pathways. 1) Hire additional tutors to embed in MATH, MATHS, and STAT sections. 2) Develop additional support programs for students whose educational goals include Statistics, STEM, and CTE pathways. 3) Track data on retention, success, and throughput rates to identify student groups that are highly unlikely to suceed and are in need of additional support and to identify which new course structures are working. 4) Develop Canvas tools and videos for use in MATH and STAT courses. Partial For objective (1), we tried to hire tutors to embed in courses throughout the 2021-2022 academic year but were unsuccessful, mainly due to the stress of the pandemic. For objective (2), this objective was modified due to the pandemic. Faculty worked together to support students with online learning and make connections with them while remote. For objective (3), the department studied the initial data from full implementation of AB 705. We found that students who were unsuccessful in the support classes did not return at alarmingly high rates. Ways to keep students engaged and enrolled in classes were discussed and faculty increased their efforts to reach out to their students. For objective (4), faculty shared content and videos for use in online classes. X X
MATHSTAT(2020-21)104 Establish a sinking fund to purchase 2 carts of 22 tablet/chromebooks for instructors to use in MSE RHN classrooms. *If it is possible to utilize chromebooks that have been returned to the district after being loaned out during the pandemic, we would like to request use of 44 of them for this purpose. More sections of STAT and MATH using computer technology in classrooms for instruction. Yes Carts were purchased with HEERF funds in Spring 2021 and were put into use in Fall 2021 when we returned to campus. X X X
MATHSTAT(2020-21)105 Purchase Whiteboards for the six classrooms on the first floor of RHS. Whiteboards purchased and installed for the six classrooms on the first floor of RHS. Partial The whiteboards were purchased in the Spring 2021 semester. Supply-chain issues delayed receipt of them and issues with installation in the rooms were encountered. Currently, only two of the rooms have had the chalkboards replaced. We are working with Ops on completing installation. X X
MATHSTAT(2020-21)106 Training on how to use Canvas effectively for mathematics courses to build quizzes, integrate outside websites, etc. A. Canvas trainings and activities specific to math, statistics, and Engineering developed and utilized. B. Continue and extend the collaborative work undertaken within the department for developing course materials. Yes A. Many faculty took part in extensive training for online instruction during the pandemic. Not all of the instruction was specific to math and statistics. Faculty within the department worked collaboratively on ways to engage students in the online environment, particularly in asynchronous classes. B. We had a group of faculty who worked collaboratively on cross-listed courses within Canvas and with OER materials. Reports were given regularly to the department and additional faculty joined one or both of the projects. X X
MATHSTAT(2020-21)107 Remodel the MESA Center MESA Center remodeled with the space being used in a way that better serves the MESA students and the program's outcomes. Yes The plan to remodel the MESA Center was approved and purchases for new furniture were made in Spring 2021. The remodel of the space began in Fall 2021 and is nearing completion. X X
MATHSTAT(2020-21)108 Expand the Math Lab Increased number of students tutoring needs met due to more meeting space being available. No-Other Due to the pandemic, this objective has been put on hold for further evaluation. X X
MATHSTAT(2020-21)109 Work with STEM Deans and Department Chairs to support STEM student success by providing central meeting, studying, and tutoring space (STEM-Center). a) Feasibility analysis b) Planning started c) Implementation Partial Plans are currently underway to colocate tutoring services. While not focused on STEM, all STEM fields are included in this plan. Implementation of the plan has begun this fall (Fall 2022). X X
MATHSTAT(2020-21)110 Proctoring space for exam retakes/makeups. a) Space found and developed b) space utilized for test proctoring No-Other Discussions regarding in-person testing services have been had but this really needs to be a full-campus discussion. X X
PRIE(2020-21)100 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS: Complete final draft of the Institutional Self-Evaluation Report (ISER) and the Quality Focus Essay (QFE) by early Fall 2021. Secure approval for the ISER and QFE from all constituency groups and submit final reports to the LRCCD Board of Trustees. Prepare for the Fall 2022 ACCJC site visit. ISER and QFE reports completed, approved by constituency groups, and submitted to the LRCCD Board of Trustees. Yes ISER and QFE were completed and submitted to the Board of Trustees and to ACCJC. X X X
PRIE(2020-21)101 PLANNING: Work with the College Council to draft a new five-year college strategic plan. Completion of 2022-2027 SCC Strategic Plan. Partial SCC is in the process of drafting its new strategic plan. It should be completed and approved by the end of Spring 2023. X X X
PRIE(2020-21)102 PLANNING: Work with the College Council to review and modify planning structures and processes, so that planning is more efficient, effective, and meaningful. Modification of planning structures and processes; development of review and evaluation practices for planning processes. Partial Several changes have been made to make planning more efficient, effective, and meaningful: -unit planning has shifted from the department level to the division level, to align better with Budget Committee processes; -Instructional Program Review has been modified and aligned more clearly with unit planning; -Changes for cross-divisional program planning and student services program review are underway, with the goal of aligning them with unit planning and resource requests; -the PRIE advisory committee is in the process of revising the college Planning Handbook, with a goal of having a finalized document by the end of Spring 2023. X X X
PRIE(2020-21)103 RESEARCH: Identify and implement practices that will improve our research infrastructure and save on costs. Example: securing a perpetual SPSS license with a one-time costs, rather than paying yearly costs for an annual license (this will require using carryover money from our FY2020-21 PRIE budget). Cost is $995 x 2 = $1,990. Secure perpetual SPSS licenses; identify whether there are other ways our office can save money. Yes Our office has secured two perpetual SPSS licenses, which saves a significant amount of money. We've also let go of our Tableau license and moved all of our data dashboards to Power BI. X X X
PRIE(2020-21)104 RESEARCH: Continue to work with groups and constituencies from across the college to develop new data approaches and increase the understanding of how data can be used in support of student equity and achievement. Implementation of data communication plan status updates indicating completion, which includes communication of data to appropriate people/areas, feedback mechanisms, and data action planning and decision-making. Yes We have a data communication plan that is utilized and updated annually. X X X
PRIE(2020-21)105 INFRASTRUCTURE: Continue to explore options for moving PRIE to a larger space, ideally the former Office of Philanthropy. The current PRIE office is crowded and noise levels from the adjacent classrooms are intrusive. A larger space for the PRIE office identified no later than Fall 2021 and a move planned no later than Spring 2022. No-Other This objective was put on hold during the pandemic, and conversations about space utilization are happening more broadly across the college. There may be less of a need for our office to secure a larger space, especially as some PRIE employees continue to work remotely. X
PRIE(2020-21)106 GRANTS: Improve grants support at the college by creating an SCC Grants Handbook, providing regular training, and posting grants resources on our SCC Grants webpage. Completion of Grants Handbook; offerings of at least 1 training per semester; posting recorded trainings/slides on the SCC Grants webpage; identification and posting of grants resources on the SCC Grants webpage. Yes A college Grants Committee was created to provide support for grant activities at the college. The committee has created a Grants Handbook, which will go to Executive Council for approval. Regular professional development is being planned by the committee. X X X
DSPS(2020-21)100 Offer a section of HCD 83 and 85 for students with learning disabilities during the Summer Semester. Students will maintain and/or increase knowledge of subject matter between semesters for an increased probability of success in the next semester. X X
DSPS(2020-21)101 Augment classroom support with one IA permanent position for the HCD 83, 84, 85 classes taught for LD students. DSPS funded. HCD classes 83, 84 and 85 for students with learning disabilities IAs are necessary to support LD students who need more individualized support than is provided in other academic classes. Currently we use student help, and temp IA's in the classrooms, supporting the instructors. These HCD classes are key to students entering the Basic Skills classes and support students in the graduation math sequence. X
DSPS(2020-21)102 Counselor assigned to work with students on probation and/or dismissal Specialized counseling becomes more imperative due to the Equity Plan and the need to provide additional counseling, follow-up and case management to students on probation, at risk students and to increase retention and student success. The outcome measure will be an additional private room dedicated to probation and dismissal counseling and specialized case management counseling. This will also allow the current shared space to be dedicated to LD intake and testing. X
DSPS(2020-21)103 Create a part time/permanent real time captioner job description/position. DSPS funded. This position does not exist in Los Rios. DSPS Deaf Services has seen a marked increase in captioning requests. DSPS currently contracts with agencies to provide real time captioning accommodationsto Deaf and Hard of Hearing students. The agencies cannot always fill the requests. A staff captioner would ensure that we can provide the requested accommodation. X
DSPS(2020-21)104 Reconfigure student records file room to create space to move copier and mail station into file room. Convert copier/mail room into a DSPS adjunct counselor office. This project is contingent upon an electronic filing system. This will give DSPS a separate LD intake testing room and a separate adjunct counselor office. X
DSPS(2020-21)105 Purchase e-file or disability accommodation management software to convert current paper student records to e-files. Improved efficiency of DSPS student records procedures and storage. X
DSPS(2020-21)106 Purchase scheduling software for use by DSPS Support Services, Deaf Services and Proctored Testing Center. Improved efficiency of DSPS scheduling systems for notetakers, class assistants, interpreters, captioners and proctored exams. Staff in these areas are currently using Excel and Access spreadsheets. X
DSPS(2020-21)107 Hire one fulltime DSPS SPA. DSPS unduplicated student count has grown from 800 in 2005 to over 2,100 in 2017. This SPA position would augment our current SPA staffing (3) providing educational support services to DSPS students in one or more areas including: Proctored Testing Center, Learning Disabilities and Support Services. X X
DSPS(2020-21)108 Purchase taller partitions to increase privacy in the STS for staff who meet with DSPS students regarding disability accommodations. DSPS funds cannot be used to purchase furniture. Increase confidentiality for DSPS students. DSPS funds cannot be used to purchase furniture. X
DSPS(2020-21)109 Hire FT Proctoring SPA The PTC proctors exams from 7am -6pm, later in the evenings and weekends by appt. We currently have only one FT SPA. DSPS will fund. X X
DSPS(2020-21)110 Soundproof PTC. Currently the PTC is adjacent to the FA lab. Noise from the lab is not conducive to providing a distraction reduced environment which is an ADA accommodation. X
DSPS(2020-21)111 Increase number of private rooms in the PTC. We currently have only 4 private testing rooms. We are obligated to provide this ADA accommodation. X
DSPS(2020-21)112 Make the HTC a smart "classroom". DSPS will fund. Purchase laptop, mouse, keyboard, & screen. X X
DSPS(2020-21)113 3-5 android tablets with live transcription apps for note-taking. This purchase would be a test pilot. DSPS will fund. As a pilot we will determine if the live transcription services actually support students who use note-takers as an accommodation. X
EOPS/CARE/NUP(2020-21)100 EOPS, CARE, and Next Up will expand programs and specialized support services to disproportionately impacted populations at SCC, such as eligible current and former foster youth, by acquiring additional physical space and hiring a Next Up Student Support Specialist and Next Up Counselor. EOPS, CARE, and Next Up programs will have a community space for students from disproportionately impacted populations. EOPS will have a study area for student participants. Cubicles used to provide direct face-to-face support will increase in size and situated to provide privacy. EOPS will acquire the waiting room space currently shared by EOPS and Financial Aid to accommodate the delivery of programs and services to foster youth in Next Up and Next Up faculty and staff. X X X
EOPS/CARE/NUP(2020-21)101 EOPS will increase student engagement of current and incoming students through enhancing retention efforts while serving students in a remote environment and through the utilization of technology. EOPS staff will identify key data elements and establish a baseline for measure outcomes. X X X
EOPS/CARE/NUP(2020-21)102 EOPS, CARE and Next Up will continue to adhere to State Chancellor program and budget plans to ensure all programmatic requirements are being met and fulfilled as listed in the EOPS/CARE/NextUp State regulations as an "over and above" program. EOPS will follow state reporting requirements and deadlines through collecting and compiling in house data of student enrollment, retention and completion. X X X
COUN(2020-21)100 Request 4 (four) fulltime tenure-track counseling faculty replacement positions due to retirements 4 Fulltime tenure-track Faculty Counseling approved Partial We hired one full-time Counselor Fall 2022. X
COUN(2020-21)101 Request 3-5 fulltime SSSP classified support staff (Pathway Specialists) to work directly with and in consultation with Counseling Faculty in Meta major pathways. Cross trained to perform varied duties, such as, Assist students with Eservices, Financial aid; set up meetings; calendar activities/workshops; answer/direct emails;student follow-up Staff in place. Improved response time for students. Increased retention Yes We will hire 5 Student Support Specialist (Retention Specialist) Spring 2023. The positions are approved for 5 years based on the funding we received.
COUN(2020-21)102 Request funding to hire additional adjunct Counseling faculty Hire additional adjunct Counseling Faculty Yes Hired additional Adjunct Counseling faculty. We hired 5 Adjunct Counselors Fall 2022. X
COUN(2020-21)103 Request of 5-10 Chrome Books or similar Tablets that allow for Counselors to be more mobile on campus. Purchase of appropriate tablets are purchased and utilized with Pathways and Counseling efforts Yes We updated the request to 13 computers. With approval, we purchased 13 Microsoft Surface computers.
COUN(2020-21)104 Provide comfortable seating with backs with USB and power outlets for waiting area in Counseling Students are provided a safe, comfortable and respectable place to wait for their appointments. Will not have to sit on the floor near an outlet No-Multi-Year
COUN(2020-21)105 Request funding for 5-10 Student Ambassadors to work with Pathways Specialists Student Ambassadors would work with each Pathways cohorts No-Multi-Year
COUN(2020-21)106 Request MOE from Budget Committee Money available to support 4-6 activities, such as FTIC/guided pathway efforts with marketing and in-reach activities No-Multi-Year
HCD(2020-21)100 HCD Faculty provided access to WIFI Hotspot devices. Provided WIFI Hotspot devices for HCD Faculty Instructors. No-Other IT stated that this is a request that can't be funded based on the WIFI Hotspot process is mainly student focused.
ISC(2020-21)100 Provide academic counseling and answer academic questions for applicants and new/current international students. Request 0.5 FTE counseling for the fiscal year. Increase the available international counseling appointments. X X
ISC(2020-21)101 Continue with the ISC renovation plan (as discussed in 2016 with the previous supervisor and dean) to expand the wall facing the hallway outward. The current wall features a drop-down window and will need to be replaced by a solid wall for security and safety purposes. The office is an open space and does not provide sufficient privacy for students to share their personal matters. Plan B is to relocate ISC to a better space that best serves our students. Expand the space will allow the office to be set up more efficiently and with a greater potential for maintaining confidentiality and safety. X X
ISC(2020-21)102 Continue to expand outreach to international students attending high school in the Greater Sacramento Area. Shift the current international student population so that it includes more incoming freshmen. X X
ISC(2020-21)103 Continue to work with the Public Information Office to create an interactive electronic brochure to send to overseas educational institutions, U.S. high schools and English language programs. Market SCC and recruit international students. Increase Sacramento City College's presence. X X
ISC(2020-21)104 Request $1,250 for the Student Exchange & Visitor Program (SEVP) "Recertification" Mandatory fees to continue admitting and retaining international students at Sacramento City College. Recertification is every two years. Maintain certification for admitting F-1 international students in our institution. X X
ISC(2020-21)105 Increase the organization center budget (OCB) to keep up with office needs. Maintain a temporary clerk to track health insurance, TB test results, eServices holds, student reports and office forms, and to assist with international application and class enrollment during peak periods. X X
R&P Div(2020-21)100 Remodel the front counter and counseling entry way to expand the check-in desk, hallway, and expand the seating area for students. The estimated cost is $20,000. A professional entry way for students and staff to enter the Counseling area. A front desk area that will give students the ability to check in and faculty and staff can have space to move freely into the office and it not be a cramped area. Yes A Front Counter was created in the entry way of Counseling to have students check-in prior to getting Counseling and Transfer services X X
TRANSF(2020-21)100 Increase the transfer numbers for disproportionately impacted groups, including African American and Latino students, through collaboration with existing programs supporting these groups. Increased collaboration with programs such as Puente, Umoja, RISE, and EOPS on workshops, presentations, and materials. Increased transfer awareness of students from disproportionately impacted groups. Yes Had several success workshops such as transfer day, transfer week, destination uc davis workshops and many other workshops for students.
TRANSF(2020-21)101 Request a full-time coordinator/counselor position dedicated to the Transfer Center Increase coordinator/counselor position from 0.5 FTE to 1.0 No-Hiring constraints
TRANSF(2020-21)102 Collaborate with college-wide committees that focus on "pathways" for transfer students; update Transfer Center publications and website to provide students with pathway options and information. Increased awareness of existing pathways for students and collaboration with the college to re-design or create additional transfer pathways. Yes The Transfer Center works with the LRCCD Transfer Centers and district on an ongoing basis. The Transfer Center provides outreach materials with pathway options
TRANSF(2020-21)103 Expand on series of transfer workshops related to understanding general education patterns, major requirements, admissions criteria, and application process (i.e. Transfer Thursday & Transfer 101). Students will be invited to attend a transfer workshop prior to meeting one-on-one with a counselor. Students will learn the transfer process to create an iSEP. Yes The Transfer Center provided workshops to students on a regular basis regarding the admissions and application process.
TRANSF(2020-21)104 Increase the Transfer Center budget to expand services and equipment. Funding is needed to coordinate campus tours and transfer events for students. Additionally, at this time, the Transfer Center shares a computer lab with the Career Center, Work Experience, and Counseling. Funding will be used to purchase laptops for workshops to help students navigate online resources. No-Multi-Year
TRANSF(2020-21)105 Expand our campus partnerships and offer students workshops from CSU & UC equity programs Students will be invited to attend workshops hosted from our feeder schools (i.e. Sac State MLK Center, EOP, UCD Center for African Diaspora Success) Yes Continued to work closely with both CSU and UC Davis. We worked closely with Davis On Destination UC Davis which was an Equity Initiative.
TRANSF(2020-21)106 Continue to deliver online transfer services to students (online workshops, events, Transfer Fair, four-year university representatives etc.) In light of COVID-19, our center will remotely host a large number workshops and events to keep student engagement and abreast with their transfer pathway Yes Provided in-person and remote services to students.
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