Unit Objective
Outcome Measures
Program Plan
Present to BC
Hire Faculty
Hire Classified
Curriculum Change
Dept. Priority
Div Priority
CSA Priority
Goal A
Goal B
Goal C
Goal D
Goal E
IT Div(2022-23)100 Improve IT helpdesk support by providing advanced training to IT staff. Providing training to keep IT staff current on constant evolving technology. College IT staff will have an increased knowledge base of current technology and trends to better serve and support our college community. Helpdesk support will keep pace with the needs of the college. College IT infrastructure (computers, network, wireless etc.) would stay current with future standards. Yes Information Technology O X O O O O O X O X O O Administrative Services IT IT Division Office
Ops(2020-21)100 Addition of 2 smart tablets and software to facilitate floor plan reconfiguration, inventory management, and work order management. Helps provide a more equitable method of accessing data at each location. No O O O X O O O O O O O O Administrative Services Operations Division Operations
Ops(2020-21)101 Addition of flat panel screen in the OPS conference room and new Repro EOC to facilitate regularly scheduled meetings with other colleges' Operations Department, Facilities Management staff, connect with sustainability programs. Enables the campus to fully commit to our sustainability goals.Provides transparency to our faculty, staff, students - for example - we could view/track amount of water or energy used. No O O O X O O O O O O O O Administrative Services Operations Division Operations
Ops(2020-21)102 Replacement of vehicle 9251 (van) due to age and propensity of break downs. Provides a more safe method of transportation. O O O O O O O O O O O O Administrative Services Operations Division Operations
Ops(2020-21)103 New battery operated gum machine to facilitate gum removal throughout campus. O O O O O O O O O O O O Administrative Services Operations Division Operations
Ops(2020-21)104 New wheelchair accessible shuttle to replace existing due to its propensity of breakdowns. Provides a more safe method of transportation. O O O O O O O O O O O O Administrative Services Operations Division Operations
Ops(2020-21)105 Space reconfiguration of Reprographics and Operations to provide ADA accessibility, Emergency Operations Center, Sustainability Center. Provides an adequately sized EOC which meets code. O O O X O O O O O O O O Administrative Services Operations Division Operations
Ops(2020-21)106 Event software to facilitate internal and external event reservations. O O O X O O O O O O O O Administrative Services Operations Division Operations
Ops(2022-23)107 Addition of 2 smart tablets and software to facilitate floor plan reconfiguration, inventory management, and work order management. Helps provide a more equitable method of accessing data at each location. No Non-Instructional Equipment & Infrastructure O O O X O O O O O O O O Administrative Services Operations Division Operations
Ops(2022-23)108 Addition of flat panel screen in the OPS conference room and new Repro EOC to facilitate regularly scheduled meetings with other colleges' Operations Department, Facilities Management staff, connect with sustainability programs. Enables the campus to fully commit to our sustainability goals.Provides transparency to our faculty, staff, students - for example - we could view/track amount of water or energy used. No Non-Instructional Equipment & Infrastructure O O O X O O O O O O O O Administrative Services Operations Division Operations
Ops(2022-23)109 Replacement of vehicles due to age and propensity of break downs. Provides a more safe method of transportation. Yes Safety, Security & Environmental O O O O O O O O O O O O Administrative Services Operations Division Operations
Ops(2022-23)110 Space reconfiguration of Reprographics and Operations to provide ADA accessibility, Emergency Operations Center, Sustainability Center. Provides an adequately sized EOC which meets code. No Safety, Security & Environmental O O O X O O O O O O O O Administrative Services Operations Division Operations
ATCAD(2022-23)101 Hire full-time faculty. Have new full-time faculty in place by August 2021. No O O O O X O O 1 O O X X O Instruction Advanced Technology Air Traffic Cntr - Aircraft Disp
ATCAD(2022-23)102 Revise FAA Part 65 Training Course Outline. Submit and receive approval for FAA TCO. No O O O O O O O 2 X X O O O Instruction Advanced Technology Air Traffic Cntr - Aircraft Disp
ATCAD(2022-23)103 Enhance training environment for terminal control, bring in industry partners for joint training exercises. Installation of high-fidelity tower simulator. Yes None O O O O O O X 5 X O O O X Instruction Advanced Technology Air Traffic Cntr - Aircraft Disp
ATCAD(2022-23)104 Establish Professional Pilot Program. Increase enrollment by 20 students per cohort. Yes O O O O O O X 3 X O O X O Instruction Advanced Technology Air Traffic Cntr - Aircraft Disp
ATCAD(2022-23)105 Enhance student achievement with fixed wing and gyroscopic training aids. Delivery of training aids. No None O O O O O O O 4 X O O O O Instruction Advanced Technology Air Traffic Cntr - Aircraft Disp
AT Div(2020-21)100 MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT (MOE) Maintain current 2020-2021 division level MOE and 700P account. Total division = $94,381 This will provide instructional supplies for faculty, required dues for professional associations and regulatory agencies, ESA and PEX contracts, fees for regulatory and required annual conferences. The division departments will apply to local and regional Strong Workforce and Perkins funds to support the remaining division objectives. No None O X O O O O O X O O O X Instruction Advanced Technology AT Division Office
AT Div(2020-21)101 HIRE FACULTY. Several departments have a critical need to hire full time faculty in order to maintain and grow programs. These hires should be spread out over multiple years and will be dependent on the re-emergence of the regional and state economy. AERO-1 FLTEC/Aviation - 1 D&DM - 2 EDT - 1 MET -1 (Adv Manufacturing) Robust programs which meet the needs of industries and provide employment for students. As the region and state rebound from effects of CV-19,graduates of Adv Tec Division program will be in high demand. The high demand careers require 3-4 semesters of training. It is critical that we hire faculty with the appropriate credentials, skills and experience to provide this training as soon as possible. Yes None O O O O X O O X O O O X Instruction Advanced Technology AT Division Office
AT Div(2020-21)102 MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING FACILITIES 1.MET Adv Manuf program locate to LUC 11A&B with modifications for Adv Manuf program & equipment 2. MET - consolidate tool rooms in LUC9 3. MET - add student wash stations in LUC llB 4. Modifications to D&DM classrooms and AT Design Lab #1. The new Manufacturing program, IMMT, cannot be initiated without a lab area to house required equipment #2. Hand washing and eye wash stations are required safety issues #3. Space will be saved in LUC 9 &116 area by consolidating tool rooms. Better control of equipment, tools and supplies. #4 Improved area for D&DM classes and AT Design Lab. Better use of space and ability for multiple uses of space. Yes Non-Instructional Equipment & Infrastructure O O X O O O O X O O O X Instruction Advanced Technology AT Division Office
AT Div(2020-21)103 AV/MEDIA #1 Install smart stations in LUC 9 and 10, replacing current carts #2 Reconfigure or replace existing Smart Stations in LUC 11A and 11B to be compatible with current technology used by SCC #3 Repair large format plotter printer in TEC 101 #4 Purchase SolidWorks software licenses for faculty and student use. #1 upgrading to smart stations will provide a solid teaching platform, as well as access to document cameras. #2 Exissting smart stations in LUC 11A and 11Bare not reliable . Frequent malfunctions which have a negative effect of lectures, demonstrations, and quality of learning for students. No Media Productions & Services O O O X O O O X O O O X Instruction Advanced Technology AT Division Office
AT Div(2020-21)104 EQUITY INITIATIVES: #1 MET Text Book Lending program for students with financial aid #2 Increased tutoring access for COSM and D&DM students with limited access to technology #3 D&DM and AT Design Lab will develop plan for modifying existing Adv Tec facilities to develop collaborative , multi-use space to promote equitable access to resources, #1 Greater completion and employment for MET marginalized students #2 Improved success and completing rates for COSM and D&DM students #3 Development of D&DM and AT Design Lab plan Yes None O X O O O O O X O O X X Instruction Advanced Technology AT Division Office
PHOTO(2022-23)100 PHOTO/JOUR MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING FACILITIES. STS 207 & 204 (photography studio’s) need sound proofing modifications made to studios to produce broadcast quality audio during video capture. Improved course SLO assessment results, Student Success Program Data and Fulfillment of industry partners recommendations. Yes None O X X O O O O 1 X O O O O Instruction Advanced Technology Photography
CareerCen(2020-21)101 Services and Outreach: The Career Center will offer expansive services in person and online in order to provide a greater range of comprehensive career services to students on the main campus and also at the Davis and W. Sac Outreach Centers. Increase the staffing pattern assigned to the Career Center : Hire one permanent clerk and one additional permanent SPA staff. Recruit one Master's level Career Counseling intern to provide extended services (i.e. Career Exploration Workshops and assessments). Yes None O X O O O X O X O X X X Instruction AVPICE Career Center
CareerCen(2020-21)102 Professional Development: Provide and support ongoing professional development through conferences, seminars, workshops, and training opportunities for career center faculty and classified staff, including maintenance of professional memberships. Membership in professional organizations may include, but not exclusive to: National Career Development Association, National Association of Colleges and Employers, and California Placement Association. Staff participation in professional development as appropriate. Yes None O X O O O O O X X X X X Instruction AVPICE Career Center
CareerCen(2020-21)103 Outreach and Collaboration: Work collaboratively with Work Experience and other SCC departments to foster relationships with local regional employers that will highlight marketable careers connecting coursework to job market in the local region. Investigate and identify regional business leaders seeking to promote job opportunities for students. Invite targeted employers to Career Day(s). Organize Vocational Career Days that will target career technical education and job placement. Yes None O O O O O O O X X X X X Instruction AVPICE Career Center
CareerCen(2020-21)104 Assessment: Assist students who are undeclared in identifying a major and career goal. New and continuing undeclared students will attend career exploration workshops and complete interest, career and personality assessments to assist them with identifying a major. Yes None O O O O O O O X X X X X Instruction AVPICE Career Center
CareerCen(2020-21)105 Technology: To increase availability of efficient technologies in career development, major exploration and job search services, as well as systems that will track students served. Assess current technology and update existing systems as appropriate. Identify and purchase new career technology programs. Bring back the funding to offer Myers Briggs and Strong Interest Inventory, so we can provide valuable resources to students for career exploration. Yes None O O O O O O O X X X X X Instruction AVPICE Career Center
CareerCen(2020-21)106 Career Exploration: Collaborate with HCD professors to incorporate career exploration workshops in their syllabi. Develop ongoing career workshops and services to students at the SCC main campus, Davis Center and W. Sacramento Center. Career Exploration: Collaborate with HCD professors to incorporate career exploration workshops in their syllabi. Develop ongoing career workshops and services to students at the SCC main campus, Davis Center and W. Sacramento Center. Yes None O O O O O O O X X X X X Instruction AVPICE Career Center
CareerCen(2020-21)107 Student Learning Outcomes: Collaborate with Institutional Research in developing Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) with a greater focus on the career exploration process, and specific to career workshops, in addition to job preparedness. Develop a survey that will report on SLOs. Work with PRIE to identify data collection tool/program that is input and user friendly. Yes None O O O O O O O X X X X X Instruction AVPICE Career Center
CareerCen(2020-21)108 Data Collection: Collaborate with Institutional Research in developing processes in collecting student data, demographics and also track the career center utilization by students. Schedule consultation with PRIE. Investigate data collection programs that are compatible with existing college data bases. Evaluate and track utilization peak periods to assess the need to adjust hours to maximize student access to career services. Yes None O O O O O O O X X X X X Instruction AVPICE Career Center
CareerCen(2020-21)109 Marketing and outreach: Work with Media Services to develop and maintain social - multi media for marketing and outreach of the WEXP and Internship Program, including website and Facebook. Increased awareness of program and engagement of students and employers. Yes None O O O O O O O X X X X X Instruction AVPICE Career Center
WEXP(2020-21)100 WEXP Instruction: WEXP course adjunct instructors will go through Adjunct Performance Reviews and new WEXP course adjunct instructors will be hired and trained. WEXP course adjunct instructors will go through the Adjunct Performance Review process in accordance with the LRCFT guidelines and instruction from the Counseling Dean. A new pool of WEXP course adjunct instructors will be recruited, hired and trained. Yes None O X O O X O O X X X X X Instruction AVPICE Work Experience
WEXP(2020-21)101 Staffing: Increase staffing to include a permanent Work Experience Internship Program Clerk position for in-office duties to included: intake, office coverage, data entry, social media, and extended services. Recruitment, hiring and training for a Work Experience Internship Program Clerk position. Work space will be made available for Clerk position. Yes None O X O O O X O X X X X X Instruction AVPICE Work Experience
WEXP(2020-21)102 Office Equipment and Supplies: Purchase additional software, equipment and supplies - including but not limited to a color printer. To include stand up desk for WEXP SPA staff. Program will have better tools and equipment to work with and provide more professional materials for program services. Outreach material will have a more professional look, improving visibility and increasing engagement among students and employers. WEXP SPA will stand up desk for more ergonomic work station. Yes None O X O O O O O X X X X X Instruction AVPICE Work Experience
WEXP(2020-21)103 Employer Relations: Develop a Work Experience Education and Internship Program Advisory Board - to include SCC faculty, classified, administration, and employers and community organizations. Increased employer and community engagement will demonstrate increased development of internships and work experience opportunities for students; and increased campus involvement will demonstrate increased engagement of students in internships and WEXP courses. Yes None O O O O O O O X X X X X Instruction AVPICE Work Experience
WEXP(2020-21)104 Professional Development: Improve and enhance services to students by supporting the ongoing professional development of WEXP and Internship Program staff and faculty through attendance at CIWEA (CA Internship and Work Experience Association) conferences and other statewide/local seminars, workshops, and training opportunities, including maintenance of professional memberships. WEXP and Internship Program staff and faculty will utilize the resources and networking benefits of organizational memberships to better assist students by participating in various internship and work experience organizations and conferences. Yes None O X O O O O O X X X X X Instruction AVPICE Work Experience
WEXP(2020-21)105 Outreach: The WEXP & Internship Program will offer expansive services in person (on and off campus) and online in order to provide a greater range of comprehensive career services to students on the main campus and at the Davis and W. Sac Outreach Centers. Newly created outreach material that clearly explains the program systematically will be disseminated across campus, including the Davis and West Sacramento Outreach Centers to increase campus awareness of program. Presentations will be conducted in classrooms throughout all disciplines; and in department and campus - wide meetings to explain how the Work Experience and Internship Program can benefit our students and faculty. Yes None O X O O O O O X X X X X Instruction AVPICE Work Experience
BSS Div(2020-21)100 Purchase laptop computers, cart, and 2 wifi connections to improve student access to classroom computer support in PSYC, GEOG, SOC courses. Students in GIS-related classes, Statistics, and Research Methods will have access to classroom technology. No None X X X X O O O 11 X