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    BSS Div(2020-21)100 Purchase laptop computers, cart, and 2 wifi connections to improve student access to classroom computer support in PSYC, GEOG, SOC courses. Students in GIS-related classes, Statistics, and Research Methods will have access to classroom technology. No None O X X X X O O O O O X O O O O Instruction Behavioral and Social Sciences BSS Division Office 1 Spectrum SIM32 cart with Power Switch, $1082.90. 25 HP SB ProBook 650 G5 laptops, $1070.34 ($26,758.48). Network connections for 2 classrooms, $4000 each($8000). Total: $35,842 Some classes such as Statistics and Research Methods currently don't have access to appropriately sized computer lab space and our GIS program needs computers with large CPUs. New Initiative Equipment Equip. Purchase N/A 35842.00 35842.00 35842.00 35842.00 Our plan is to purchase a laptop cart with 25 computers on it. We have a space in RHN on the second floor in the Geography closet where we can store it, but faculty would prefer we store the cart in RHS because it would be closer to the majority of classrooms we would us it in. We would like facilities to help us identify a space where the cart can be stored on the second floor and be plugged in while not in use in RHS. An alternative solution would be to chain the cart up in the back of the classroom, but we need to be able to move the cart to other rooms as needed. Having a better location in RHS would make the cart easier to use. If we have to store it in RHN in the Geography closet, we will. Three programs in the BSS division teach 15-20 classes that require computer labs or computer carts. 1 Spectrum SIM32 cart with Power Switch, $1082.90. 25 HP SB ProBook 650 G5 laptops, $1070.34 ($26,758.48). Network connections for 2 classrooms, $4000 each($8000). Total: $35,842 Some of these classes are currently taught in a small computer lab in the library, but we are forced to run the classes smaller than cap due to the small lab space. A computer cart would allow us to maximize our current space and instructional capabilities. We have a plan to borrow some space for the Fall 21 semester from another division to get by, but this cart would provide greater flexibility and the ability to add sections. Division discussed the project with IT in Feb. 2020. The cost analysis and feasibility remains the same as indicated in the "Description" column 11 $300,000.00
    BSS Div(2020-21)101 Purchase computers and create a space in or near the BSS Division for adjunct faculty, including faculty computers, phones, office furniture, etc. Students in the BSS division will have greater access to Adjunct faculty for support in their classes. No None O X X X X O O O O O X X O X O Instruction Behavioral and Social Sciences BSS Division Office We need a central office space with at least 5 computers and phones ($2000 each PC, and phones), $12,000 and desks for adjunct faculty to work and meet with students. We can use desks from the warehouse, but we need computers. We can convert one of our fulltime faculty offices if we can't find a better space. BSS is a large division and we currently have no place for adjuncts to meet with students, which could improve student success. New Initiative Equipment Equip. Purchase 5 2400.00 12000.00 12000.00 12000.00 We would like to find options for creating a larger space for adjunct faculty teaching in the BSS division--5 computer stations with desks. Ideally, there is space somewhere on the second floor of RHS or RHN that is not being used to capacity. In the short term, we may have one open office in BSS, but that may not suit our needs well in the long term. I will submit an VPRT form for this request. Increased access to faculty would improve student success. BSS Adjunct faculty need access to space and computers to meet with students. The space needs to be close to our BSS division to make it easier for students to locate faculty. We would like to have 5 computers in the room with appropriate office furniture (Desk, chair, etc.)--We can use warehouse desks, but we need computers ($2000 each). Total: $10,000. The BSS Division currently serves 10,000 students and the majority of classes are taught by adjunct faculty. Student access to faculty is a priority because we believe it may positively impact student success and engagement. IT can provide a cost analysis and feasibility after the exact location (building/room) has given 17 $300,000.00
    BSS Div(2020-21)112 Provide additional equipment necessary to offer a Biopsychology lab course on the main campus. If we purchase the required supplies and equipment, we will be able to offer an additional section of Biopsychology on the main campus. No None O X X O O O O O O O X O O O O Instruction Behavioral and Social Sciences BSS Division Office Compound Microscopes - $4068 (9 @ $452 ea.); Dissection Kits $110 (10 @ $11 ea.); Lab trays - $73 (Pack of 10); Storage tubs - $52.50 (5 @ $10.50 ea.); Faucet-mount eye-wash station $79.22; and Microscope neutral slide kits--estimate, $1052.34 Total: $5435.06 If we purchase the additional equipment, we will be able to provide students with an additional science course that meets CSU Area B3; IGETC Area 5C. New Initiative Equipment Equip. Purchase N/A 5436.00 5436.00 5436.00 5436.00 14 $300,000.00
    BSS Div(2022-23)121 Improve instruction and ability use online materials in the classroom. Add two additional WIFI access points in BSS classrooms with the long-term goal of upgrading all classrooms. Yes None O X X O X O O O O O O O X O O Instruction Behavioral and Social Sciences BSS Division Office WIFI access points added to RHN and RHS. $4000 each (total: $8000) Students in the BSS division need access to WIFI in classroom. BSS has a large number of OER online texts in use and the division currently only has two classrooms with WIFI access points. New Initiative Equipment Equip. Purchase 8000.00 8000.00 8000.00 8000.00 Add WIFI access points in RHN 264 and RHS 263. Alternative classroom options are possible if configuring these two rooms is not possible. Network connections for 2 classrooms, $4000 each($8000). BSS has purchased a computer cart, and they want to increase access to WIFI in instructional classrooms. 14 4 $300,000.00
    BSS Div(2022-23)124 Improve instructional space. Improve RHS 261 to improve multidiscipline usage, including removal of cabinets and updated furniture. No None O X X X O O O O O O O O X O O Instruction Behavioral and Social Sciences BSS Division Office Purchase additional furniture for RHS 261 to allow the room to be used by more students in two departments. Estimated cost of desk/chair=$375 times 40 plus tax and shipping. Replace old cabinets and paint, $6000 Estimate= $25,000. Two departments share this space and it doesn't currently have enough seats to meet demand. New Initiative Equipment Equip. Purchase 25000.00 25000.00 25000.00 25000.00 The Nutrition and Psychology departments are attempting to share space in RHS 261 and the current configuration is not appropriate. We need new desks and some remodeling of the space to make it work for both programs. An alternative would be to find a second room for Psychology elsewhere at the college. Nutrition and Psychology both teach classes capped at 40 students but we don't have enough workstations to fit all of those students in the current room. We also plan to use laptops in this room, so different furniture and reconfigured space (without the cabinets) would work better. 4 13 $300,000.00
    BSS Div(2022-23)127 Increase instructor access to technology and resources. Update two older PCs in the BSS division office with new computers ($4000). Part of this request includes purchasing 4 new chairs for the work area ($700). Replace commercial microwave ($360). No None O X X O X O O O O O O O X O O Instruction Behavioral and Social Sciences BSS Division Office Purchase two new PCs ($4000), 2 new chairs ($700), and a new microwave ($360). Faculty in the workroom need to be able to use updated equipment. New Initiative Equipment Equip. Purchase 5060.00 5060.00 5060.00 5060.00 The two PCs in the BSS division office are ready to be updated with new computers. These are heavily used by both fulltime and part-time faculty. Additionally, the commercial microwave is old and needs to be replaced and some older chairs should be removed and replaced. The division office is a highly used area of the division and equipment and furniture need to be maintained. 9 19 $300,000.00
    BSS Div(2022-23)128 Improve ability to schedule Update monitors for the division AA and Dean to a larger size, dual monitor. No None O X X O X O O O O O O X O O O Instruction Behavioral and Social Sciences BSS Division Office Purchase updated larger monitors to make it easier to process the schedules for the division on multiple screens. Estimate: $2000 We are currently managing schedules and budgets for 10+ departments, 4 coordinators, and 3 locations. We need to be able to work with materials on larger screen sizes. New Initiative Equipment Equip. Purchase 2000.00 2000.00 2000.00 2000.00 Purchase two larger monitors for the dean and AA computers in the BSS Division Office. The BSS schedule is complicated and requires the use of at least two larger monitors, so the dean and AA to properly proofread and adapt the schedule. 10 17 $300,000.00
    BSS Div(2022-23)135 Improve classroom activities for Anthropology courses. Purchase Neanderthal Skeleton. No None O X X O O O O O O O X O O O O Instruction Behavioral and Social Sciences BSS Division Office Neanderthal Skeleton $13900 plus tax ($1217) and shipping (est $250) Total: $15367 The skeleton is necessary to demonstrate how Neanderthal differ from modern humans in ANTH 300 and 301. New Initiative Equipment Equip. Purchase 15367.00 15367.00 15367.00 15367.00 11 2 $300,000.00
    HFA Div(2022-23)109 Secure Funding for a Wireless Clear Com system to replace the existing Built in systerm that was intalled in the PAC renovation in 2012 which has never functioned as designed. This system Crashes and causes major issues durring performance which are essential to TAP Classes and has the potential to put actors and stage technicians in unsafe situations during communication failure. Will be able to purchase a new Wireless system That will allow for safe and careful work to be done on stage. No None O X X O O O O O O O X O O O O Instruction Humanities & Fine Arts HFA Division Office Will be able to purchase a new Wireless system That will allow for safe and careful work to be done on stage. Equip. Purchase 25375.00 25375.00 3 1 $300,000.00
    HFA Div(2022-23)116 Fund GoReact (if District does not) for instructors who are currently using it. (COMM, DEAF, FRGN LANG, THEATRE ass use this technology) 5000 students @ $6.70 = $33,500.00 for 1 year. Continued high quality of online education Yes Distance Education O X X O O O O O O O O O O O O Instruction Humanities & Fine Arts HFA Division Office Continued high quality of online education Emergent/Urgent Dues & Membership Fees 5000 6.70 33500.00 33500.00 10 $300,000.00
    HFA Div(2022-23)119 Expand program capabilities by acquiring a 3-D PotterBot 10; software license/connectivity. • Potterbot 10 quote: $8000 • IT connectivity/licensing/hardware total: $8500 expose students to the latest technology in the field of ceramics; particular to Art 390/391, Art 400/404 and Art 394/395/396 Yes College Advancement O X X O O O O O O O O O O O O Instruction Humanities & Fine Arts HFA Division Office expose students to the latest technology in the field of ceramics; particular to Art 390/391, Art 400/404 and Art 394/395/396 New Initiative Equipment Equip. Purchase 1 8000.00 8500.00 8500.00 11 $300,000.00
    HFA Div(2022-23)120 Purchase new digital drawing pads, software, printer, and styluses to build a Digital Drawing curriculum. Costs: Mobile digital drawing Lab: $29,481 Digital Media Print Station: $2600 Total Cost: $32,081 Have equipment and logistics in place for new computer-based media in the art department; Prepare students to utilize contemporary technology in a fine art context; Increase enrollment No College Advancement O X X O X O O O O O O O O O O Instruction Humanities & Fine Arts HFA Division Office 25 10.9 inch iPad Airs 256GB Wi-Fi: $18,703 ($748.12 each) 25 Apple Pencils: $3,466 ($138.64 each) 25 10.9 inch OtterBox Defender Series Pro Cases: $2,024 ($80.96 each) 25 Apple Care 2YR Warranty: $1,725 ($69.00 for each iPad) Cart with Pneumatic wheels $1500 Dedicated Wi-Fi for FFA 108 = $0 Total Cost = $27,418.00 Prepare students to utilize contemporary technology in a fine art context; Increase enrollment New Initiative Equipment 25 ipads 748.12 32081.00 32081.00 7 $300,000.00
    HFA Div(2022-23)125 Maintenance/Repair fund for ceramics/print/sculpture of $3000 Program/ Budget Maintenance/Repair fund for ceramics/print/sculpture of $3000 Promote effective teaching by having equipment that is functional Yes College Advancement O X X O O O O O O O O O O O O Instruction Humanities & Fine Arts HFA Division Office Establish Program/ Budget Maintenance/Repair fund for ceramics/print/sculpture Promote effective teaching by having equipment that is functional New Initiative Repair 3000.00 3000.00 15 $300,000.00
    HFA Div(2022-23)140 Outfit the still life storage area in FFA-101 for safety and access by purchasing durable, industrial shelving which makes efficient use of our vertical space. Cost $5,839.88 (includes tax) Make the storage area more efficient and effective for staff and faculty No College Advancement O X X X O O O O O O O O O O O Instruction Humanities & Fine Arts HFA Division Office Make the storage area more efficient and effective for staff and faculty New Initiative Cont. CDF Base Augmentation 5839.88 5839.88 15 $300,000.00
    KHA(2022-23)111 Provide equipment necessary to sponsor Intercollegiate Men's and Women's Track and Field programs. Purchase new hurdles to replace 20+ year-old hurdles. Yes None O X X O O O O O O O X O X X X Instruction Kinesiology, Health & Athletics Kinesiology, Health & Athletics Need for new hurdles for Intercollegiate Men's and Women's Track programs Current hurdles are 20+ years old and rusting out. Need equipment for training of Intercollegiate track student-athletes and to host both CCCAA and rental track meets. New Initiative OTO Base Augmentation Equip. Purchase 120 550.00 66000.00 66000.00 66000.00 12 2 $300,000.00
    KHA(2022-23)112 Provide weight training equipment needed to support intercollegiate student-athletes. Purchase of new dumbells and dumbell racks for Athletic Weight Room. No None O X X O O O O O O O X O X X X Instruction Kinesiology, Health & Athletics Kinesiology, Health & Athletics Purchase of dumbells and dumbell racks for use in Hughes/Athletic Weight Room Need dumbells for complete weight room needed for Intercollegiate athletics and general student body. New Initiative OTO Base Augmentation Equip. Purchase 1 24000.00 24000.00 24000.00 24000.00 3 4 $300,000.00
    KHA(2022-23)114 Provide equipment to support intercollegiate football program. Purchase the following training items: 1) Trap Shoot for line play; 2) Pop-up dummies; 3) Two-man tek sled. No None O X X O O O O O O O X O X X X Instruction Kinesiology, Health & Athletics Kinesiology, Health & Athletics Training equipment for Intercollegiate football student-athletes. Training devices needed to enhance the FB program and skill development of FB student-athletes. New Initiative OTO Base Augmentation Equip. Purchase 1 11500.00 11500.00 11500.00 11500.00 4 7 $300,000.00
    SAH Div(2020-21)110 Purchase of computers & related items BIOL 24 laptops on replacement cycle, wheeled cart, and 24 charger converters ($30,236) NURSE 10 10 Data On Wheels for simulation ($18,000; PTA/OTA 33 laptops, wheeled cart and software for student use ($44,200); Total $92,436 No Information Technology O X X O X O O O O O X O X O O Instruction Science & Allied Health SAH Division Office BIOL - $30,236 NURSE - $18,000 PTA - $44,200 Total $92,436 Science & Health programs are highly visual and data rich disciplines. This requires a significant investment in IT equipment. This year the primary requests are for the purchase of laptops and notebooks to support None OTO Base Augmentation Equip. Purchase 92436.00 92436.00 74436.00 92436.00 Four or our academic areas are requesting additional computers as follows: Physics - 12 MacBook Air with cart for use in the laboratory classes; 12 laptops (PCs)for Temp 11 to be used for our major Biology services and Field Ecology; CHEM - 3 laptops for use by faculty during lectures and labs; NURSE/OTA/PTA - 33 laptops and computer cart as a shared resource among the three programs. Science & Health are highly visual and data driven areas. All the requests here share a couple of common themes. First, they are seek to put data gathering, processing and analysis directly in the hands of the students. Second, they all are seeking to support multiple modalities of learning, auditory, kinesthetic and visual. Third, they all seek to make their classes more of an "active learning" environment where students can engage the material in a more self-directed way. This objective has 4 separate requests. Here are the cost analyses and feasibilities for each one:


    * 3 PC Laptops - $3,300

    * 1 will be used in LIH-202B

    * 2 will be used in LIH-202D

    * No cost for Wi-Fi


    * 1 Laptop Cart - $1,200

    * 12 MacBook Airs - $15,000 (~$1,250/each)

    * Laptops will be used in MOH-108 & MOH-111 labs

    * Laptop cart will be charged and stored in MOH-109 or MOH-110

    * No cost for Wi-Fi


    * 1 Laptop Cart - $1,200

    * 33 PC Laptops MacBook Airs - $36,300 (~$1,100/each)

    * Laptops will be used in MOH-205

    * Laptop cart will be charged and stored in MOH-205

    * No cost for Wi-Fi


    * 1 Laptop Cart - $900

    * 12 PC laptops - $13,200

    * Laptops will be used in Temp-11

    * Laptop cart will be charged and stored in LIH-114A

    * No cost for Wi-Fi
    4 4 $300,000.00
    SAH Div(2020-21)111 Purchase of non-IT instructional equipment Make the following purchases: AGP: 12 Immersive Virtual Reality Systems (IVRS) for Astronomy Lecture and Lab - $6,000 BIOL - Field Ecology materials & supplies - $8,650 DHYG - $2,000 - 3 saddle chairs; CHEM - LC-MS 30,000 per year for 5 years, 3 New balances $7,500; NURSE - 2 Pyxis medication dispensing system for simulated hospital unit, $40,000 No None O X X O O O O O O O X O X X O Instruction Science & Allied Health SAH Division Office AGP: Is seeking to purchase 12 sets of Immersive Virtual Reality System (IVRS) for Astronomy Lecture and Lab. Biology is seeking to purchase equipment to enhance outcomes for students taking non-majors & Fieldwork labs. Dental Hygiene seeks to purchase three saddle chairs that will improve the ergonomics for smaller students as they conduct patient cleanings. Chemistry is requesting funds to purchase and LC-MS to allow for a broader array of lab experiences and for replacement of 3 poorly functioning analytical balances. AGP: IVRS provides an authentic, students-center lecture and laboratory activities to teach difficult-to-grasp 3-dimensional concepts in Astronomy. Biology: Non-majors and Fieldwork labs emphasize a hands-on, realistic Science experience. Dental Hygiene: ergonomics is a critical consideration in training Dental Hygiene students. Shorter students will be benefited from having an alternative seating arrangement. CHEM: The department provides students incredible opportunities to experience a realistic lab experience. A critical aspect is to provide opportunities to work with industry standard equipment. These purchase will help the department to continue providing such experiences. NURSE: Providing students a realistic hospital experience is critical for their being able to work effectively and safely with actual patients. A critical part of this experience is the highly regulated dispensing of medications. The Pyxis system will provide this experience. New Initiative OTO Base Augmentation Equip. Purchase 94150.00 54150.00 94150.00 3 7 $300,000.00
    End Of Grid