Display objectives for
  • Administrative Services

    • Division Business Services Office Division

      • Unit Business Services Office

    • Division College Store Division

      • Unit College Store

    • Division IT

      • Unit Computer Services

      • Unit IT Division Office

        IT Div(2022-23)100 Yes College goals A, C
        Unit Objective: Improve IT helpdesk support by providing advanced training to IT staff. Providing training to keep IT staff current on constant evolving technology.
        Outcome Measures: College IT staff will have an increased knowledge base of current technology and trends to better serve and support our college community. Helpdesk support will keep pace with the needs of the college. College IT infrastructure (computers, network, wireless etc.) would stay current with future standards.
        Types of action: Information Technology
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
    • Division Operations Division

      • Unit Operations

        Ops(2020-21)100 No College goals
        Unit Objective: Addition of 2 smart tablets and software to facilitate floor plan reconfiguration, inventory management, and work order management.
        Outcome Measures: Helps provide a more equitable method of accessing data at each location.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        IT Request: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for IT request: Surface Book 3 15" to use Blue Beam, AutoCAD/REVIT software as well as typical Office suite. Discussed with Andy last year...prior to COVID shutdown.
        Ops(2020-21)101 No College goals
        Unit Objective: Addition of flat panel screen in the OPS conference room and new Repro EOC to facilitate regularly scheduled meetings with other colleges' Operations Department, Facilities Management staff, connect with sustainability programs.
        Outcome Measures: Enables the campus to fully commit to our sustainability goals.Provides transparency to our faculty, staff, students - for example - we could view/track amount of water or energy used.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        IT Request: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for IT request: Flat panel screen at OPS and EOC Repro to connect to FM's Building Management Systems including Sustainability Programs. Will need to add data and power. Checked with IT and AV last year.
        Ops(2020-21)102 College goals
        Unit Objective: Replacement of vehicle 9251 (van) due to age and propensity of break downs.
        Outcome Measures: Provides a more safe method of transportation.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Ops(2020-21)103 College goals
        Unit Objective: New battery operated gum machine to facilitate gum removal throughout campus.
        Outcome Measures:
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Ops(2020-21)104 College goals
        Unit Objective: New wheelchair accessible shuttle to replace existing due to its propensity of breakdowns.
        Outcome Measures: Provides a more safe method of transportation.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Ops(2020-21)105 College goals
        Unit Objective: Space reconfiguration of Reprographics and Operations to provide ADA accessibility, Emergency Operations Center, Sustainability Center.
        Outcome Measures: Provides an adequately sized EOC which meets code.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        IT Request: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for IT request: Provide an adequately sized EOC per the campus and community's request. Current EOC is too small for the amount of emergency personnel services. Will need additional data and power. Checked with IT and AV last year. Floor plan is available.
        Ops(2020-21)106 College goals
        Unit Objective: Event software to facilitate internal and external event reservations.
        Outcome Measures:
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        IT Request: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for IT request: New event software is required to provide a more transparent and organized system to meet our community and campus needs. A few OPS and AV staff have been researching available options.
        Ops(2022-23)107 No College goals
        Unit Objective: Addition of 2 smart tablets and software to facilitate floor plan reconfiguration, inventory management, and work order management.
        Outcome Measures: Helps provide a more equitable method of accessing data at each location.
        Types of action: Non-Instructional Equipment & Infrastructure
        Resources Required:
        IT Request: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for IT request:
        Ops(2022-23)108 No College goals
        Unit Objective: Addition of flat panel screen in the OPS conference room and new Repro EOC to facilitate regularly scheduled meetings with other colleges' Operations Department, Facilities Management staff, connect with sustainability programs.
        Outcome Measures: Enables the campus to fully commit to our sustainability goals.Provides transparency to our faculty, staff, students - for example - we could view/track amount of water or energy used.
        Types of action: Non-Instructional Equipment & Infrastructure
        Resources Required:
        IT Request: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for IT request:
        Ops(2022-23)109 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Replacement of vehicles due to age and propensity of break downs.
        Outcome Measures: Provides a more safe method of transportation.
        Types of action: Safety, Security & Environmental
        Resources Required:
        Ops(2022-23)110 No College goals
        Unit Objective: Space reconfiguration of Reprographics and Operations to provide ADA accessibility, Emergency Operations Center, Sustainability Center.
        Outcome Measures: Provides an adequately sized EOC which meets code.
        Types of action: Safety, Security & Environmental
        Resources Required:
        IT Request: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for IT request:
    • Division VPA Office Division

      • Unit VPA Office

  • Instruction

    • Division Advanced Technology

      • Unit Advanced Transportation Technology

      • Unit Air Traffic Cntr - Aircraft Disp

        ATCAD(2022-23)101 No College goals C, D
        Air Traffic Cntr - Aircraft Disp rank 1
        Unit Objective: Hire full-time faculty.
        Outcome Measures: Have new full-time faculty in place by August 2021.
        Prioritizations: Air Traffic Cntr - Aircraft Disp rank 1
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Hire Full-time Faculty
        ATCAD(2022-23)102 No College goals A, B
        Air Traffic Cntr - Aircraft Disp rank 2
        Unit Objective: Revise FAA Part 65 Training Course Outline.
        Outcome Measures: Submit and receive approval for FAA TCO.
        Prioritizations: Air Traffic Cntr - Aircraft Disp rank 2
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        ATCAD(2022-23)103 Yes College goals A, E
        Air Traffic Cntr - Aircraft Disp rank 5
        Unit Objective: Enhance training environment for terminal control, bring in industry partners for joint training exercises.
        Outcome Measures: Installation of high-fidelity tower simulator.
        Prioritizations: Air Traffic Cntr - Aircraft Disp rank 5
        Types of action: Curriculum Change, None
        Resources Required:
        ATCAD(2022-23)104 Yes College goals A, D
        Air Traffic Cntr - Aircraft Disp rank 3
        Unit Objective: Establish Professional Pilot Program.
        Outcome Measures: Increase enrollment by 20 students per cohort.
        Prioritizations: Air Traffic Cntr - Aircraft Disp rank 3
        Types of action: Curriculum Change
        Resources Required:
        ATCAD(2022-23)105 No College goals A
        Air Traffic Cntr - Aircraft Disp rank 4
        Unit Objective: Enhance student achievement with fixed wing and gyroscopic training aids.
        Outcome Measures: Delivery of training aids.
        Prioritizations: Air Traffic Cntr - Aircraft Disp rank 4
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
      • Unit AT Division Office

        AT Div(2020-21)100 No College goals A, E
        Unit Objective: MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT (MOE) Maintain current 2020-2021 division level MOE and 700P account.
        Outcome Measures: Total division = $94,381 This will provide instructional supplies for faculty, required dues for professional associations and regulatory agencies, ESA and PEX contracts, fees for regulatory and required annual conferences. The division departments will apply to local and regional Strong Workforce and Perkins funds to support the remaining division objectives.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, Cont. CDF Base Augmentation, Operating Base
        Total financial need = $94,381.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        AT Div(2020-21)101 Yes College goals A, E
        Unit Objective: HIRE FACULTY. Several departments have a critical need to hire full time faculty in order to maintain and grow programs. These hires should be spread out over multiple years and will be dependent on the re-emergence of the regional and state economy. AERO-1 FLTEC/Aviation - 1 D&DM - 2 EDT - 1 MET -1 (Adv Manufacturing)
        Outcome Measures: Robust programs which meet the needs of industries and provide employment for students. As the region and state rebound from effects of CV-19,graduates of Adv Tec Division program will be in high demand. The high demand careers require 3-4 semesters of training. It is critical that we hire faculty with the appropriate credentials, skills and experience to provide this training as soon as possible.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Hire Full-time Faculty
        AT Div(2020-21)102 Yes College goals A, E
        Unit Objective: MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING FACILITIES 1.MET Adv Manuf program locate to LUC 11A&B with modifications for Adv Manuf program & equipment 2. MET - consolidate tool rooms in LUC9 3. MET - add student wash stations in LUC llB 4. Modifications to D&DM classrooms and AT Design Lab
        Outcome Measures: #1. The new Manufacturing program, IMMT, cannot be initiated without a lab area to house required equipment #2. Hand washing and eye wash stations are required safety issues #3. Space will be saved in LUC 9 &116 area by consolidating tool rooms. Better control of equipment, tools and supplies. #4 Improved area for D&DM classes and AT Design Lab. Better use of space and ability for multiple uses of space.
        Types of action: Non-Instructional Equipment & Infrastructure
        Resources Required:
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request: Department Chair has had conferred with Ops, provided floor plans and charts, discussed options. Also conversations with FM. #4 request, D&DM and AT Design Lab is a new initiative, and a plan/proposal will be developed in the coming year.
        AT Div(2020-21)103 No College goals A, E
        Unit Objective: AV/MEDIA #1 Install smart stations in LUC 9 and 10, replacing current carts #2 Reconfigure or replace existing Smart Stations in LUC 11A and 11B to be compatible with current technology used by SCC #3 Repair large format plotter printer in TEC 101 #4 Purchase SolidWorks software licenses for faculty and student use.
        Outcome Measures: #1 upgrading to smart stations will provide a solid teaching platform, as well as access to document cameras. #2 Exissting smart stations in LUC 11A and 11Bare not reliable . Frequent malfunctions which have a negative effect of lectures, demonstrations, and quality of learning for students.
        Types of action: Media Productions & Services
        Resources Required:
        IT Request: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for IT request: Items #1, 2, 3 have been discussed with IT on several past occasions. #4, Solidworks, is a new reqquest based on feedback from industry. #1 and 2 Improvement in instruction for MET programs, IMMT program, and CNC program. #3 Large printer plotter may be used by EDT students preparing portfolios for employment interviews. This enables them to show large blueprints with their portfolio, which is something employers value. #4 Solidworks is a program used by many of the employer and this will be a benefit to students in finding employment.
        AT Div(2020-21)104 Yes College goals A, D, E
        Unit Objective: EQUITY INITIATIVES: #1 MET Text Book Lending program for students with financial aid #2 Increased tutoring access for COSM and D&DM students with limited access to technology #3 D&DM and AT Design Lab will develop plan for modifying existing Adv Tec facilities to develop collaborative , multi-use space to promote equitable access to resources,
        Outcome Measures: #1 Greater completion and employment for MET marginalized students #2 Improved success and completing rates for COSM and D&DM students #3 Development of D&DM and AT Design Lab plan
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, Strong Workforce, Instructional Supplies
        Total financial need = $54,000.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: $54,000 textbooks for 4 semester MET program Tutors funds TBD,
      • Unit Cosmetology

      • Unit Design & Digital Media

      • Unit Design Lab

      • Unit Electronics Technology

      • Unit Fashion

      • Unit Flight Technology

      • Unit Mechanical Electrical Technology

      • Unit Photography

        PHOTO(2022-23)100 Yes College goals A
        Photography rank 1
        Unit Objective: PHOTO/JOUR MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING FACILITIES. STS 207 & 204 (photography studio’s) need sound proofing modifications made to studios to produce broadcast quality audio during video capture.
        Outcome Measures: Improved course SLO assessment results, Student Success Program Data and Fulfillment of industry partners recommendations.
        Prioritizations: Photography rank 1
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, OTO Base Augmentation, Instructional Supplies
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: Our current studios are designed for traditional image capture situations. We need to make and install sound proofing modifications so students can capture professional audio during their video capture assignments. Each studio has cement floors, exposed metal ceilings and one wall in each studio has floor to ceiling glass windows. We need consultation by a professional to determine the scoop and costs associated with this modification. Additionally, we need funds to complete this work in the 2 years. , With our changing industry, video is now an essential skill photographers need to learn before entering the workforce to be successfully employed. Industry standards in the field of Photography and Journalism, now requires students to be qualified in both still and video capture. Audio is an essential part of video capture and upgrading our studio with sound proofing is necessary to meet this industry requirement.
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request: During our time away from campus during the pandemic, this type of request was not available by Op’s. Our request is a multi-year. Year 1, we would like to have a sound specialist estimate the necessary modifications, equipment and cost associated with this objective. Year 2, request these funds from the budget committee to proceed with the completion of the project.
    • Division AVPICE

      • Unit Career Center

        CareerCen(2020-21)101 Yes College goals A, C, D, E
        Unit Objective: Services and Outreach: The Career Center will offer expansive services in person and online in order to provide a greater range of comprehensive career services to students on the main campus and also at the Davis and W. Sac Outreach Centers.
        Outcome Measures: Increase the staffing pattern assigned to the Career Center : Hire one permanent clerk and one additional permanent SPA staff. Recruit one Master's level Career Counseling intern to provide extended services (i.e. Career Exploration Workshops and assessments).
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, Strong Workforce,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: Funds needed to hire Clerk and Career Counseling intern, As the program continues to grow additional staffing is needed to serve more students.
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
        CareerCen(2020-21)102 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Unit Objective: Professional Development: Provide and support ongoing professional development through conferences, seminars, workshops, and training opportunities for career center faculty and classified staff, including maintenance of professional memberships.
        Outcome Measures: Membership in professional organizations may include, but not exclusive to: National Career Development Association, National Association of Colleges and Employers, and California Placement Association. Staff participation in professional development as appropriate.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, Strong Workforce, Dues & Membership Fees
        Total financial need = $1,500.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: Professional memberships allow staff to stay current in career and job development field to best serve students., Career and job development fields are continually changing and trending, so staff need to stay current.
        CareerCen(2020-21)103 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Unit Objective: Outreach and Collaboration: Work collaboratively with Work Experience and other SCC departments to foster relationships with local regional employers that will highlight marketable careers connecting coursework to job market in the local region.
        Outcome Measures: Investigate and identify regional business leaders seeking to promote job opportunities for students. Invite targeted employers to Career Day(s). Organize Vocational Career Days that will target career technical education and job placement.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        CareerCen(2020-21)104 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Unit Objective: Assessment: Assist students who are undeclared in identifying a major and career goal.
        Outcome Measures: New and continuing undeclared students will attend career exploration workshops and complete interest, career and personality assessments to assist them with identifying a major.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        CareerCen(2020-21)105 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Unit Objective: Technology: To increase availability of efficient technologies in career development, major exploration and job search services, as well as systems that will track students served.
        Outcome Measures: Assess current technology and update existing systems as appropriate. Identify and purchase new career technology programs. Bring back the funding to offer Myers Briggs and Strong Interest Inventory, so we can provide valuable resources to students for career exploration.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        CareerCen(2020-21)106 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Unit Objective: Career Exploration: Collaborate with HCD professors to incorporate career exploration workshops in their syllabi. Develop ongoing career workshops and services to students at the SCC main campus, Davis Center and W. Sacramento Center.
        Outcome Measures: Career Exploration: Collaborate with HCD professors to incorporate career exploration workshops in their syllabi. Develop ongoing career workshops and services to students at the SCC main campus, Davis Center and W. Sacramento Center.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        CareerCen(2020-21)107 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Unit Objective: Student Learning Outcomes: Collaborate with Institutional Research in developing Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) with a greater focus on the career exploration process, and specific to career workshops, in addition to job preparedness.
        Outcome Measures: Develop a survey that will report on SLOs. Work with PRIE to identify data collection tool/program that is input and user friendly.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        CareerCen(2020-21)108 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Unit Objective: Data Collection: Collaborate with Institutional Research in developing processes in collecting student data, demographics and also track the career center utilization by students.
        Outcome Measures: Schedule consultation with PRIE. Investigate data collection programs that are compatible with existing college data bases. Evaluate and track utilization peak periods to assess the need to adjust hours to maximize student access to career services.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        CareerCen(2020-21)109 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Unit Objective: Marketing and outreach: Work with Media Services to develop and maintain social - multi media for marketing and outreach of the WEXP and Internship Program, including website and Facebook.
        Outcome Measures: Increased awareness of program and engagement of students and employers.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
      • Unit Work Experience

        WEXP(2020-21)100 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Unit Objective: WEXP Instruction: WEXP course adjunct instructors will go through Adjunct Performance Reviews and new WEXP course adjunct instructors will be hired and trained.
        Outcome Measures: WEXP course adjunct instructors will go through the Adjunct Performance Review process in accordance with the LRCFT guidelines and instruction from the Counseling Dean. A new pool of WEXP course adjunct instructors will be recruited, hired and trained.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, Strong Workforce,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: New adjunct WEXP Instructors will be hired. , To continue to meet the need of filling the instructional needs of WEXP courses.
        Hire Full-time Faculty
        WEXP(2020-21)101 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Unit Objective: Staffing: Increase staffing to include a permanent Work Experience Internship Program Clerk position for in-office duties to included: intake, office coverage, data entry, social media, and extended services.
        Outcome Measures: Recruitment, hiring and training for a Work Experience Internship Program Clerk position. Work space will be made available for Clerk position.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, Strong Workforce,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: Funds needed to hire a Clerk , As the program continues to grow additional staffing is needed to serve more students.
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
        WEXP(2020-21)102 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Unit Objective: Office Equipment and Supplies: Purchase additional software, equipment and supplies - including but not limited to a color printer. To include stand up desk for WEXP SPA staff.
        Outcome Measures: Program will have better tools and equipment to work with and provide more professional materials for program services. Outreach material will have a more professional look, improving visibility and increasing engagement among students and employers. WEXP SPA will stand up desk for more ergonomic work station.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, Strong Workforce, Non-Instructional Supplies Marketing Costs
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: Office supplies and equipment include color printer, office supplies; a stand up desk for WEXP SPA., Office supplies and equipment are needed to maintain functionality in the office.
        WEXP(2020-21)103 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Unit Objective: Employer Relations: Develop a Work Experience Education and Internship Program Advisory Board - to include SCC faculty, classified, administration, and employers and community organizations.
        Outcome Measures: Increased employer and community engagement will demonstrate increased development of internships and work experience opportunities for students; and increased campus involvement will demonstrate increased engagement of students in internships and WEXP courses.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        WEXP(2020-21)104 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Unit Objective: Professional Development: Improve and enhance services to students by supporting the ongoing professional development of WEXP and Internship Program staff and faculty through attendance at CIWEA (CA Internship and Work Experience Association) conferences and other statewide/local seminars, workshops, and training opportunities, including maintenance of professional memberships.
        Outcome Measures: WEXP and Internship Program staff and faculty will utilize the resources and networking benefits of organizational memberships to better assist students by participating in various internship and work experience organizations and conferences.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, Strong Workforce, Dues & Membership Fees
        Total financial need = $1,500.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: Professional memberships allow staff to stay current in career and job development field to best serve students., Career and job development fields are continually changing and trending, so staff need to stay current.
        WEXP(2020-21)105 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Unit Objective: Outreach: The WEXP & Internship Program will offer expansive services in person (on and off campus) and online in order to provide a greater range of comprehensive career services to students on the main campus and at the Davis and W. Sac Outreach Centers.
        Outcome Measures: Newly created outreach material that clearly explains the program systematically will be disseminated across campus, including the Davis and West Sacramento Outreach Centers to increase campus awareness of program. Presentations will be conducted in classrooms throughout all disciplines; and in department and campus - wide meetings to explain how the Work Experience and Internship Program can benefit our students and faculty.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, Strong Workforce, Non-Instructional Supplies Marketing Costs
        Total financial need = $2,000.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: Outreach material is critical in marketing to continue to grow the program. , By growing the program we are serving more students.
    • Division Behavioral and Social Sciences

      • Unit Administration of Justice

      • Unit Anthropology

      • Unit BSS Division Office

        BSS Div(2020-21)100 No College goals A
        Instruction rank 11
        Unit Objective: Purchase laptop computers, cart, and 2 wifi connections to improve student access to classroom computer support in PSYC, GEOG, SOC courses.
        Outcome Measures: Students in GIS-related classes, Statistics, and Research Methods will have access to classroom technology.
        Prioritizations: Instruction rank 11
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, Equipment, Equip. Purchase
        Total financial need = $35,842.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: 1 Spectrum SIM32 cart with Power Switch, $1082.90. 25 HP SB ProBook 650 G5 laptops, $1070.34 ($26,758.48). Network connections for 2 classrooms, $4000 each($8000). Total: $35,842 , Some classes such as Statistics and Research Methods currently don't have access to appropriately sized computer lab space and our GIS program needs computers with large CPUs.
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request: Our plan is to purchase a laptop cart with 25 computers on it. We have a space in RHN on the second floor in the Geography closet where we can store it, but faculty would prefer we store the cart in RHS because it would be closer to the majority of classrooms we would us it in. We would like facilities to help us identify a space where the cart can be stored on the second floor and be plugged in while not in use in RHS. An alternative solution would be to chain the cart up in the back of the classroom, but we need to be able to move the cart to other rooms as needed. Having a better location in RHS would make the cart easier to use. If we have to store it in RHN in the Geography closet, we will.
        IT Request: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for IT request: Three programs in the BSS division teach 15-20 classes that require computer labs or computer carts. 1 Spectrum SIM32 cart with Power Switch, $1082.90. 25 HP SB ProBook 650 G5 laptops, $1070.34 ($26,758.48). Network connections for 2 classrooms, $4000 each($8000). Total: $35,842 Some of these classes are currently taught in a small computer lab in the library, but we are forced to run the classes smaller than cap due to the small lab space. A computer cart would allow us to maximize our current space and instructional capabilities. We have a plan to borrow some space for the Fall 21 semester from another division to get by, but this cart would provide greater flexibility and the ability to add sections.
        BSS Div(2020-21)101 No College goals A, B, D
        Instruction rank 17
        Unit Objective: Purchase computers and create a space in or near the BSS Division for adjunct faculty, including faculty computers, phones, office furniture, etc.
        Outcome Measures: Students in the BSS division will have greater access to Adjunct faculty for support in their classes.
        Prioritizations: Instruction rank 17
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, Equipment, Equip. Purchase
        Total financial need = $12,000.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: We need a central office space with at least 5 computers and phones ($2000 each PC, and phones), $12,000 and desks for adjunct faculty to work and meet with students. We can use desks from the warehouse, but we need computers. We can convert one of our fulltime faculty offices if we can't find a better space., BSS is a large division and we currently have no place for adjuncts to meet with students, which could improve student success.
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request: We would like to find options for creating a larger space for adjunct faculty teaching in the BSS division--5 computer stations with desks. Ideally, there is space somewhere on the second floor of RHS or RHN that is not being used to capacity. In the short term, we may have one open office in BSS, but that may not suit our needs well in the long term. I will submit an VPRT form for this request. Increased access to faculty would improve student success.
        IT Request: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for IT request: BSS Adjunct faculty need access to space and computers to meet with students. The space needs to be close to our BSS division to make it easier for students to locate faculty. We would like to have 5 computers in the room with appropriate office furniture (Desk, chair, etc.)--We can use warehouse desks, but we need computers ($2000 each). Total: $10,000. The BSS Division currently serves 10,000 students and the majority of classes are taught by adjunct faculty. Student access to faculty is a priority because we believe it may positively impact student success and engagement.
        BSS Div(2020-21)105 No College goals A
        Unit Objective: Work with SAH Area and facilities to secure a suitable lab space to teach one section of PSYC 311 lab each semester.
        Outcome Measures: PSYC 311 will be offered on the main campus each semester.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request: We need a lab space for one section of PSYC 311 in Mohr Hall. We will also need some help installing a faucet facewashing set in the sink in the lab if it doesn't have one. Ops said to put a work order in when we are ready. This science lab is extremely high demand for students and we currently only have one section at the Davis Center. Psychology students and others need greater access to science labs that meet the transfer requirements.
        BSS Div(2020-21)106 Yes College goals A
        Unit Objective: Hire Full-time Faculty, Psychology (Statistics)--New.
        Outcome Measures: Hire a new full-time faculty member with expertise to teach PSYC 330 and other courses in the PSYC degree.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Hire Full-time Faculty
        BSS Div(2020-21)107 Yes College goals A, D
        Unit Objective: Hire Full-time Faculty, Psychology (Psychology of Women/Sexual Oriention)--Replacement (G.Pitman)
        Outcome Measures: Hire a replacement full-time faculty member with expertise to teach Psychology of Women and Psychology of Sexual Orientation. NOTE: position could be shared with WGS.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Hire Full-time Faculty
        BSS Div(2020-21)108 Yes College goals A
        Unit Objective: Hire or reassign support staff for division faculty to convert or make Canvas materials and OER text books accessible.
        Outcome Measures: Allow instructors to continue the use of free textbooks that may not meet standards of accessibility. Provide support and labor to convert readings to accessible formats (PDF's, articles etc…) that are posted on Canvas.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: None, ,
        Total financial need = $0.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
        BSS Div(2020-21)109 Yes College goals A
        Unit Objective: Relocate the Fashion program to a larger space on Campus.
        Outcome Measures: Moving to a larger space should allow the program to enroll and serve more students.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request: The current Fashion Design lab only has room for 20 student stations. We would like to find a location on campus where 25 students could be served in one section. The lab space would need to be 1.5 to 2 times the current lab. Ops said this is a larger project and we would need a VPRT form approval. If we had a larger lab space, we would be able to serve more students with higher overall productivity. We would also be able to upgrade technology over time, which is needed for the discipline.
        BSS Div(2020-21)110 Yes College goals A, B
        Unit Objective: Improve use of RHS 261 for Nutrition classes by fixing flooring.
        Outcome Measures: Replace the old carpet with new flooring that will be more appropriate for food prep classes.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, , Repair
        Total financial need = $10,000.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: The carpeting in RHS 261 needs to be replaced with new flooring. , Since this room has a kitchen, which our Nutrition department uses, it needs to have flooring that is easily cleaned.
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request: Cost to replace carpeting with new washable vinyl or similar flooring material, $10,000. The current space has carpeting, which is difficult to clean. Since the space is used for food preparation, carpeting is not a good flooring for sanitary reasons.
        BSS Div(2020-21)111 College goals
        Unit Objective: Hire Fulltime faculty member in split position between History and Ethnic Studies. (Replacement for Rosamaria Taghetti)
        Outcome Measures: Hiring a new fulltime faculty member in History/Ethnic Studies will allow for Chicano History and Ethnic Studies to be taught and provide leadership in a growing area.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Hire Full-time Faculty
        BSS Div(2020-21)112 No College goals A
        Instruction rank 14
        Unit Objective: Provide additional equipment necessary to offer a Biopsychology lab course on the main campus.
        Outcome Measures: If we purchase the required supplies and equipment, we will be able to offer an additional section of Biopsychology on the main campus.
        Prioritizations: Instruction rank 14
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, Equipment, Equip. Purchase
        Total financial need = $5,436.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: Compound Microscopes - $4068 (9 @ $452 ea.); Dissection Kits $110 (10 @ $11 ea.); Lab trays - $73 (Pack of 10); Storage tubs - $52.50 (5 @ $10.50 ea.); Faucet-mount eye-wash station $79.22; and Microscope neutral slide kits--estimate, $1052.34 Total: $5435.06 , If we purchase the additional equipment, we will be able to provide students with an additional science course that meets CSU Area B3; IGETC Area 5C.
        BSS Div(2020-21)113 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Unit Objective: Maintenance of Effort needed to provide the needed support to maintain the Legal Scholars, 2 + 2 + 3 program, which requires a coordinator reassignment and monies for Legal Pathways Registration, Pathway to Law Summit (required by MOU), Graduation Ceremony, Printing and Postage.
        Outcome Measures: 1. Coordinator, .2 fte, reassignment 2. Legal Pathways Registration 3. Annual Pathways to Law Summit (required by MOU) 4. Graduation Ceremony 5. Brochures and Printing.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        BSS Div(2022-23)114 No College goals A
        Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 1
        Unit Objective: Increase course offerings for Psychology majors, so they may finish degrees. (Replacement Tromborg)
        Outcome Measures: Hire a replacement full-time faculty member with expertise to teach PSYC 310 and related courses in the PSYC degree.
        Prioritizations: Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 1
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Hire Full-time Faculty
        BSS Div(2022-23)115 No College goals A
        Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 15
        Unit Objective: Increase course offerings for Psychology majors, so they may finish degrees. (Replacement Pitman)
        Outcome Measures: Hire a replacement full-time faculty member with expertise to teach Psychology of Women and Psychology of Sexual Orientation.
        Prioritizations: Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 15
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Hire Full-time Faculty
        BSS Div(2022-23)116 No College goals A
        Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 2
        Unit Objective: Expand our course offerings in Ethnic Studies to meet demand in new Area F requirement.
        Outcome Measures: Hire a new Ethnic Studies faculty member.
        Prioritizations: Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 2
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Hire Full-time Faculty
        BSS Div(2022-23)117 No College goals A
        Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 16
        Unit Objective: Expand course offering of Chicano History. (Replacement Taghetti)
        Outcome Measures: Hire a replacement History faculty member with expertise in Chicano History.
        Prioritizations: Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 16
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Hire Full-time Faculty
        BSS Div(2022-23)118 No College goals A
        Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 18
        Unit Objective: To improve access to Gerontology courses and programs
        Outcome Measures: Hire a new permanent Gerontology faculty member.
        Prioritizations: Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 18
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Hire Full-time Faculty
        BSS Div(2022-23)119 No College goals A, B, C
        Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 17
        Unit Objective: To improve accessibility of materials used in the division.
        Outcome Measures: Hire a permanent classified staff member to complete division accessibility work and improve access to free and low cost texts.
        Prioritizations: Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 17
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
        BSS Div(2022-23)120 No College goals C
        Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 3
        Unit Objective: Improve communication among faculty and students by increasing access to faculty.
        Outcome Measures: Purchase computers and create a space in or near the BSS Division for adjunct faculty, including faculty computers, phones, office furniture, etc. NOTE: Budget Committee approved funding last year but space has not been approved yet.
        Prioritizations: Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 3
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, Equipment, Equip. Purchase
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: The division needs new space for adjunct faculty. We are hoping for at least 5 computer workstations with desks and a phone. A VRPT form was submitted and the Budget Committee provided some funding last year, but the project has not been approved yet., The BSS division has the largest number of students at the college and no space for adjunct faculty who teach the majority of the classes to meet with students.
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request: Adjunct faculty need access to a space near the division in Rodda Hall for at least 5 workstations. This request was approved by the Budget Committee in the last cycle but the space has not been identified yet. Adjunct faculty serve the majority of students in BSS, which is one of the largest divisions at the college. Student success is often dependent on access to instructors.
        IT Request: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for IT request: REPEAT REQUEST FROM LAST YEAR: BSS Adjunct faculty need access to space and computers to meet with students. The space needs to be close to our BSS division to make it easier for students to locate faculty. We would like to have 5 computers in the room with appropriate office furniture (Desk, chair, etc.)--We can use warehouse desks, but we need computers ($2000 each). Total: $10,000. The BSS Division currently serves 10,000+ students each semester, and the majority of classes are taught by adjunct faculty. Student access to faculty is a priority because we believe it may positively impact student success and engagement.
        BSS Div(2022-23)121 Yes College goals C
        Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 14, Instruction rank 4
        Unit Objective: Improve instruction and ability use online materials in the classroom.
        Outcome Measures: Add two additional WIFI access points in BSS classrooms with the long-term goal of upgrading all classrooms.
        Prioritizations: Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 14, Instruction rank 4
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, Equipment, Equip. Purchase
        Total financial need = $8,000.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: WIFI access points added to RHN and RHS. $4000 each (total: $8000), Students in the BSS division need access to WIFI in classroom. BSS has a large number of OER online texts in use and the division currently only has two classrooms with WIFI access points.
        IT Request: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for IT request: Add WIFI access points in RHN 264 and RHS 263. Alternative classroom options are possible if configuring these two rooms is not possible. Network connections for 2 classrooms, $4000 each($8000). BSS has purchased a computer cart, and they want to increase access to WIFI in instructional classrooms.
        BSS Div(2022-23)122 No College goals C
        Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 13
        Unit Objective: Improve access to PSYC 311 (Bio Psyc Lab) on main campus.
        Outcome Measures: Work with SAH Area and facilities to secure a suitable lab space to teach one section of PSYC 311 lab each semester.
        Prioritizations: Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 13
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request: We need access to a computer lab for a one hour PSYC 311 class on main campus. We agreed in principle to the request but we have not been granted a day/time/location. We are hoping to begin Sp 23. Bio-Psyc is an extremely popular class that is part of the Psychology major. Currently, we are only offering the course at the Davis Center.
        BSS Div(2022-23)123 No College goals C
        Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 19
        Unit Objective: Increase FASHN course access.
        Outcome Measures: Relocate the Fashion program to a larger space on Campus.
        Prioritizations: Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 19
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: Fashion needs larger space to increase class size and access to technology., The current space is fully used and class sizes are overly small.
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request: The Fashion program is planning to submit a VPRT request to find a larger space on campus to house their program. The current space only allows for class sizes of 20 students when we could support closer to 25 student per class in a larger room. Storage is also a concern.
        IT Request: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for IT request: Fashion would like the college to find a larger classroom location for the program. If that is possible, IT would need to work with Fashion to move classroom computer to the new space. We would also like to explore adding computerized equipment down the road for the program. Current classroom space limits the overall size of the classes to 20 students. If we had a larger space with more room, we could expand class size and implement some modern digital equipment.
        BSS Div(2022-23)124 No College goals C
        Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 4, Instruction rank 13
        Unit Objective: Improve instructional space.
        Outcome Measures: Improve RHS 261 to improve multidiscipline usage, including removal of cabinets and updated furniture.
        Prioritizations: Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 4, Instruction rank 13
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, Equipment, Equip. Purchase
        Total financial need = $25,000.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: Purchase additional furniture for RHS 261 to allow the room to be used by more students in two departments. Estimated cost of desk/chair=$375 times 40 plus tax and shipping. Replace old cabinets and paint, $6000 Estimate= $25,000., Two departments share this space and it doesn't currently have enough seats to meet demand.
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request: The Nutrition and Psychology departments are attempting to share space in RHS 261 and the current configuration is not appropriate. We need new desks and some remodeling of the space to make it work for both programs. An alternative would be to find a second room for Psychology elsewhere at the college. Nutrition and Psychology both teach classes capped at 40 students but we don't have enough workstations to fit all of those students in the current room. We also plan to use laptops in this room, so different furniture and reconfigured space (without the cabinets) would work better.
        BSS Div(2022-23)125 No College goals C
        Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 5
        Unit Objective: Increase access to instructional space for oversized classes.
        Outcome Measures: Locate additional classroom space for oversized classes in NUTRI and PSYC.
        Prioritizations: Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 5
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: Nutrition and Psychology need space to offer oversized classes. Soon, they will not be able to use the Lillard Hall large classroom and no replacement space has been identified., These departments have high demand and courses need to be offered at peak times to meet student needs.
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request: Both Psychology and Nutrition teach oversized classes on a regular basis and need some additional oversized space for lectures. The current oversized space in Lillard Hall is being removed from the new building.
        BSS Div(2022-23)127 No College goals C
        Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 9, Instruction rank 19
        Unit Objective: Increase instructor access to technology and resources.
        Outcome Measures: Update two older PCs in the BSS division office with new computers ($4000). Part of this request includes purchasing 4 new chairs for the work area ($700). Replace commercial microwave ($360).
        Prioritizations: Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 9, Instruction rank 19
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, Equipment, Equip. Purchase
        Total financial need = $5,060.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: Purchase two new PCs ($4000), 2 new chairs ($700), and a new microwave ($360)., Faculty in the workroom need to be able to use updated equipment.
        IT Request: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for IT request: The two PCs in the BSS division office are ready to be updated with new computers. These are heavily used by both fulltime and part-time faculty. Additionally, the commercial microwave is old and needs to be replaced and some older chairs should be removed and replaced. The division office is a highly used area of the division and equipment and furniture need to be maintained.
        BSS Div(2022-23)128 No College goals B
        Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 10, Instruction rank 17
        Unit Objective: Improve ability to schedule
        Outcome Measures: Update monitors for the division AA and Dean to a larger size, dual monitor.
        Prioritizations: Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 10, Instruction rank 17
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, Equipment, Equip. Purchase
        Total financial need = $2,000.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: Purchase updated larger monitors to make it easier to process the schedules for the division on multiple screens. Estimate: $2000, We are currently managing schedules and budgets for 10+ departments, 4 coordinators, and 3 locations. We need to be able to work with materials on larger screen sizes.
        IT Request: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for IT request: Purchase two larger monitors for the dean and AA computers in the BSS Division Office. The BSS schedule is complicated and requires the use of at least two larger monitors, so the dean and AA to properly proofread and adapt the schedule.
        BSS Div(2022-23)129 Yes College goals A, D
        Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 20
        Unit Objective: Increase student success in Psychology 300 courses
        Outcome Measures: Continue Beacon mentoring/tutoring partnership pilot, which allows Psychology faculty to train mentor tutors through the Beacon program for Psychology 300 courses. Project was added to the Tutoring Program Plan. We may seek funding through SEAP to continue program if data supports. This objective will be funded by the Tutoring Program Plan.
        Prioritizations: Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 20
        Types of action: Tutoring
        Resources Required:
        BSS Div(2022-23)130 Yes College goals A, D
        Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 7
        Unit Objective: MOE--Fashion Design
        Outcome Measures: The objective can be maintained if we are provided with annual increase of repair budget of $6795. Annual maintenance is required to maintain equipment.
        Prioritizations: Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 7
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, Cont. CDF Base Augmentation, Repair
        Total financial need = $6,795.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: Outside vendor will repair and maintain 40 machines each year. Cost estimated at $6765 per year., Machines must be maintained to continue the program or they will break and not be usable.
        BSS Div(2022-23)131 Yes College goals A, D
        Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 8
        Unit Objective: MOE--Ethnic Studies and Global Studies: Improve quality of resources for new programs--Ethnic Studies and Global Studies
        Outcome Measures: Provide annual membership fees for two national organizations in Ethnic Studies (National Association for Ethnic Studies, $200) and Global Studies(California Colleges for International Education, $450).
        Prioritizations: Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 8
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, Cont. CDF Base Augmentation, Dues & Membership Fees
        Total financial need = $650.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: Membership fees for new programs--$650., Ethnic Studies and Global Studies are new program that need to be part of their professional organizations.
        BSS Div(2022-23)132 No College goals A
        Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 12
        Unit Objective: Increase coordination of Child Development Programming.
        Outcome Measures: Secure release time for ECE faculty to support programs in ECE and the Child Development Center (CCAMPIS, UP-LIFT, building renovations, etc.)
        Prioritizations: Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 12
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, Strong Workforce,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: Coordination of the Child Development Center has become more complex as we begin to renovate the center and add a new grant program. We need to include some additional coordination time to manage these new activities., Center coordination is required for new activities.
        BSS Div(2022-23)133 No College goals A
        Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 21
        Unit Objective: Child Development Programming: Increase Strong Workforce funding for ECE and Child Development Programming.
        Outcome Measures: Continue to apply for and utilize funds from the Strong Workforce Program to support the alignment of the SCC Child Development Center with the instructional program and faculty engagement through the use of student lab assistants.
        Prioritizations: Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 21
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        BSS Div(2022-23)134 No College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 6
        Unit Objective: Increase support for the BSS division and help assist the 10 department chairs
        Outcome Measures: Hire a supervisor, director or Assistant Dean to support the large division.
        Prioritizations: Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 6
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
        BSS Div(2022-23)135 No College goals A
        Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 11, Instruction rank 2
        Unit Objective: Improve classroom activities for Anthropology courses.
        Outcome Measures: Purchase Neanderthal Skeleton.
        Prioritizations: Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 11, Instruction rank 2
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, Equipment, Equip. Purchase
        Total financial need = $15,367.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: Neanderthal Skeleton $13900 plus tax ($1217) and shipping (est $250) Total: $15367, The skeleton is necessary to demonstrate how Neanderthal differ from modern humans in ANTH 300 and 301.
        BSS Div(2022-23)136 Yes College goals A
        Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 22
        Unit Objective: MOE: Legal Scholars, 2+2+3 program--Increase minoritized student access to Law Pathways.
        Outcome Measures: Maintenance of Effort needed to provide the needed support to maintain the Legal Scholars, 2 + 2 + 3 program, which requires a coordinator reassignment and monies for Legal Pathways Registration, Pathway to Law Summit (required by MOU), Graduation Ceremony, Printing and Postage.
        Prioritizations: Behavioral and Social Sciences rank 22
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, Cont. CDF Base Augmentation, Dues & Membership Fees
        Total financial need = $26,500.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: Coordinator Reassigned Time for Legal Scholars: $20,000 (annual) 2+2+3 Legal Scholars fees: $5000 Graduation, Printing, Postage: $1500 Total: $26500.00, The Legal Scholars pathway provides a path for minoritzed students to enter and complete a pathway to become a Lawyer. The program focuses on agreements with the transfer institution and provides guidance and support.
      • Unit Early Childhood Education

      • Unit Ethnic Studies

      • Unit Family & Consumer Science

      • Unit Geography

      • Unit Gerontology

      • Unit Global Studies

      • Unit History

      • Unit International Studies Program

      • Unit Nutrition

      • Unit Political Science

      • Unit Psychology

      • Unit Social Sciences

      • Unit Sociology

      • Unit Women and Gender Studies

    • Division Business & CIS

      • Unit BUS & CIS & DE Division Office

        BUS&CIS Div(2020-21)100 College goals
        Unit Objective: Improve the air quality and temperature in the Business Building.
        Outcome Measures: All vents in offices and classrooms will be cleaned and filters replaced. Air filters are changed routinely such that there are no black flakes falling from the air vents onto people's desk. Have the a/c and heat working so that not more than one call a week needs to be made for a temperature check in the building.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        BUS&CIS Div(2020-21)101 College goals
        Unit Objective: Health and safety improvements.
        Outcome Measures: Masks, gloves, hand sanitizers, and instructions/workshops on how to properly use each will be provided to the Business Building.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        BUS&CIS Div(2020-21)102 College goals
        Unit Objective: Computer lab sanitization.
        Outcome Measures: Computer labs will be cleaned and sanitized, and a plan for doing so will be developed and shared. Disinfecting wipes will be provided in all labs in sufficient amounts so that each keyboard and mouse can be wiped down between classes.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        BUS&CIS Div(2022-23)103 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Hire an accounting faculty member and replacements for any retiring faculty.
        Outcome Measures: Students will continue to have full-time faculty for more than half of their courses.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Hire Full-time Faculty
      • Unit Business

      • Unit Computer Information Science

    • Division Davis Center Division

      • Unit Davis Center

    • Division Humanities & Fine Arts

      • Unit Art

      • Unit Art History

      • Unit Communication

      • Unit Foreign Language

      • Unit HFA Division Office

        HFA Div(2020-21)101 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Hire a permanent Clerk III at 50%
        Outcome Measures: Hire a permanent 50% classified Clerk III. This would eliminate the need for the MORE temporary classified position.
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
        HFA Div(2020-21)102 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Permanently increase the IA Accompanist position (66781) FTE from 10 hours to 30 hours, which would enable the Music department to . Provide accompanist support for all vocal, choral, and applied instruction courses in the Music department.
        Outcome Measures: • Cost: $12,342 ($24.94/hr for 16.5 weeks)
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
        HFA Div(2020-21)103 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Hire a full-time Classified Permanent employee to run the Music Lab. The Music Lab is an essential function of the Music Department, providing access to computers and pianos to students, providing support to instructors, and organization to the Music department as a whole.
        Outcome Measures:
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
        HFA Div(2020-21)104 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Permanently reinstate repair budget to $3,000. (MOE)
        Outcome Measures:
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        HFA Div(2020-21)105 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: ) Permanently increase IR budget for Commercial Music Ensemble, which was suddenly reduced two years ago, and receives $500 less than other performance ensembles. • Cost: $500
        Outcome Measures:
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        HFA Div(2020-21)106 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Fund individual instruction expected in the Applied Music Class so we are in compliance with curriculum mandates outlined in the Transfer Model Curriculum for Music and our AAT.
        Outcome Measures: • Cost: $15,000 (funds private lessons for approximately 15 students for 9 months)
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        HFA Div(2022-23)107 Yes College goals A
        HFA Division Office rank 1
        Unit Objective: increase CDF base to facilitate need in both Student help and material budgets to work in the newly renovated auditorium as well as replace the 40 percent of the 07/08 increase to the CDF base that was issued as OTO. 1500 student help hours and an additional 10000 dollars to accommodate inflationary costs in materials.
        Outcome Measures: Will be able to continue to maintain production program to the status quo.
        Prioritizations: HFA Division Office rank 1
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        HFA Div(2022-23)108 Yes College goals A
        HFA Division Office rank 2
        Unit Objective: Secure Funding to continue to pay for offsite costume and furniture storage.
        Outcome Measures: Will be able to continue to maintain storage for costume collection and furniture collection.
        Prioritizations: HFA Division Office rank 2
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        HFA Div(2022-23)109 No College goals A
        HFA Division Office rank 3, Instruction rank 1
        Unit Objective: Secure Funding for a Wireless Clear Com system to replace the existing Built in systerm that was intalled in the PAC renovation in 2012 which has never functioned as designed. This system Crashes and causes major issues durring performance which are essential to TAP Classes and has the potential to put actors and stage technicians in unsafe situations during communication failure.
        Outcome Measures: Will be able to purchase a new Wireless system That will allow for safe and careful work to be done on stage.
        Prioritizations: HFA Division Office rank 3, Instruction rank 1
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , , Equip. Purchase
        Total financial need = $25,375.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: , Will be able to purchase a new Wireless system That will allow for safe and careful work to be done on stage.
        HFA Div(2022-23)110 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Increase the number of ARTH majors
        Outcome Measures: 1. promote ARTH as a major and transfer degree program, 2. Recruit ARTH majors to act as tutors
        Types of action: Marketing
        Resources Required:
        HFA Div(2022-23)112 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Expand non-western course offerings to support Ethnic studies program/requirement
        Outcome Measures: 1. offer sections of Native American, African, and Latin American courses more frequently, 2. Investigate adding Islamic Art History to our curriculum
        Types of action: Articulation
        Resources Required:
        HFA Div(2022-23)113 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Plan and revise current class schedule offerings in Foreign Languages to better respond to the needs and requests of students. Extend the breadth and depth of foreign language offerings on campus and in the outreach centers to better reflect the needs and requests of students.
        Outcome Measures: An increase in the number of students enrolling and completing language courses and degrees. An increase in the number of courses and sections of foreign language classes offered on campus and at the outreach centers.
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        HFA Div(2022-23)114 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Increase student retention in Language classes by supporting students with their educational goals.
        Outcome Measures: An increase in the number of students completing language courses and degrees.
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        HFA Div(2022-23)115 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Increase faculty development to maintain and enhance the quality of instruction to benefit all students. Faculty participation in world language conferences at the national and international levels, with special focus on participating in the annual ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) Conference.
        Outcome Measures: An increase on faculty innovations in the fields of world language teaching methodologies and technology, to maintain currency and continue providing high quality education for our students.
        Types of action: Staff Development
        Resources Required:
        HFA Div(2022-23)116 Yes College goals
        Instruction rank 10
        Unit Objective: Fund GoReact (if District does not) for instructors who are currently using it. (COMM, DEAF, FRGN LANG, THEATRE ass use this technology) 5000 students @ $6.70 = $33,500.00 for 1 year.
        Outcome Measures: Continued high quality of online education
        Prioritizations: Instruction rank 10
        Types of action: Distance Education
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Emergent/Urgent, , Dues & Membership Fees
        Total financial need = $33,500.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: , Continued high quality of online education
        HFA Div(2022-23)117 No College goals
        Unit Objective: Upgrade metal-smith facilities for beginning and intermediate Small Metals/Jewelry classes by purchasing three soldering stations and 20 individual soldering pads which students could set up in advance at their tables prior to approaching the torch. Improve ventilation
        Outcome Measures: Facilities/ Budget Upgrade metal-smith facilities for beginning and intermediate Small Metals/Jewelry classes by purchasing three soldering stations and 20 individual soldering pads which students could set up in advance at their tables prior to approaching the torch. Improve ventilation Cost? Update equipment to offer more current facilities for Art 380 Techniques in Metal Design and other metal design classes: Art 381-387. Create a safer environment for working in all metal arts classes with a better ventilation system.
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        HFA Div(2022-23)118 No College goals
        Unit Objective: Install perimeter work lighting around the inside of FA 101 and PAC 128
        Outcome Measures: Increase student success and productivity in 2-D classes with students pinning work on the walls and working in a well lit perimeter section of each room.
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        HFA Div(2022-23)119 Yes College goals
        Instruction rank 11
        Unit Objective: Expand program capabilities by acquiring a 3-D PotterBot 10; software license/connectivity. • Potterbot 10 quote: $8000 • IT connectivity/licensing/hardware total: $8500
        Outcome Measures: expose students to the latest technology in the field of ceramics; particular to Art 390/391, Art 400/404 and Art 394/395/396
        Prioritizations: Instruction rank 11
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, Equipment, Equip. Purchase
        Total financial need = $8,500.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: , expose students to the latest technology in the field of ceramics; particular to Art 390/391, Art 400/404 and Art 394/395/396
        HFA Div(2022-23)120 No College goals
        Instruction rank 7
        Unit Objective: Purchase new digital drawing pads, software, printer, and styluses to build a Digital Drawing curriculum. Costs: Mobile digital drawing Lab: $29,481 Digital Media Print Station: $2600 Total Cost: $32,081
        Outcome Measures: Have equipment and logistics in place for new computer-based media in the art department; Prepare students to utilize contemporary technology in a fine art context; Increase enrollment
        Prioritizations: Instruction rank 7
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, Equipment,
        Total financial need = $32,081.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: 25 10.9 inch iPad Airs 256GB Wi-Fi: $18,703 ($748.12 each) 25 Apple Pencils: $3,466 ($138.64 each) 25 10.9 inch OtterBox Defender Series Pro Cases: $2,024 ($80.96 each) 25 Apple Care 2YR Warranty: $1,725 ($69.00 for each iPad) Cart with Pneumatic wheels $1500 Dedicated Wi-Fi for FFA 108 = $0 Total Cost = $27,418.00 , Prepare students to utilize contemporary technology in a fine art context; Increase enrollment
        IT Request: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for IT request:
        HFA Div(2022-23)121 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: aspire Improve faculty counseling for art majors within our department by developing clear pathways, setting up presentations each semester for art majors preparing to graduate, and developing better relationships with potential transfer institutions. Have art department faculty with more complete knowledge of the art department offerings-majors/certificate/transfer requirements; recommendations to institutions to transfer; articulation agreements cultivated.
        Outcome Measures: Have art department faculty with more complete knowledge of the art department offerings-majors/certificate/transfer requirements; recommendations to institutions to transfer; articulation agreements cultivated.
        Types of action: Staff Development
        Resources Required:
        HFA Div(2022-23)122 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Assure the ability of faculty and staff to adequately prepare and present course content by maintaining the base amount of funding allotted for teaching material and supplies (MOE)
        Outcome Measures: Maintain basic funding of Art Department programs; attempt to expedite more quickly the purchasing process.
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        HFA Div(2022-23)123 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Personnel Hire Gallery/collections manager as IA or Faculty/collections manager position Hire a person who can manage and implement the day to day operations of the art gallery and art department collection under the guidance of the art department gallery committee OR go through faculty search process for gallery coordinator/faculty hybrid position
        Outcome Measures: Hire a person who can manage and implement the day to day operations of the art gallery and art department collection under the guidance of the art department gallery committee OR go through faculty search process for gallery coordinator/faculty hybrid position
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        HFA Div(2022-23)124 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Develop online courses: 2-D design course (art 320) or refine beginning drawing (Art 300).
        Outcome Measures: Improve student access to classes by offering an on-line modality
        Types of action: Distance Education
        Resources Required:
        HFA Div(2022-23)125 Yes College goals
        Instruction rank 15
        Unit Objective: Maintenance/Repair fund for ceramics/print/sculpture of $3000
        Outcome Measures: Program/ Budget Maintenance/Repair fund for ceramics/print/sculpture of $3000 Promote effective teaching by having equipment that is functional
        Prioritizations: Instruction rank 15
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, , Repair
        Total financial need = $3,000.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: Establish Program/ Budget Maintenance/Repair fund for ceramics/print/sculpture, Promote effective teaching by having equipment that is functional
        HFA Div(2022-23)126 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Develop curriculum in Ceramics to include a third level of general ceramics, a third level of ceramic sculpture and a GE level course for ART 400
        Outcome Measures: Expand curriculum offerings; Expand curriculum offerings to general student population
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        HFA Div(2022-23)127 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Request additional coverage for Ceramics Instructional Assistant at the end of the semester. Specifically an extra 10 hours for each of the last two weeks of class would be useful at a load of 6 classes. (20 hours total).
        Outcome Measures: Personnel Request additional coverage for Ceramics Instructional Assistant at the end of the semester. Specifically an extra 10 hours for each of the last two weeks of class would be useful at a load of 6 classes. (20 hours total). Acknowledge the extra hours the ceramics IA incurs at semester’s end
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        HFA Div(2022-23)128 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Enhance public relations, recruitment, department identity and morale through a beautification campaign with the intent to make our department more welcoming, user friendly, professional and creative looking. (this encompassed painted doors, bench ideas and website presence).
        Outcome Measures: Advertise/PR
        Types of action: Marketing
        Resources Required:
        HFA Div(2022-23)129 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Allocate more funds for figure models. Currently our budget for models is dedicated to supplying models for the Figure class only. We would like to have more money for models for our Portrait class and a least one opportunity for a model to sit in each basic drawing class. We are requesting 50 more hours of time with models $1680 estimate • plus Art 300 and/or other classes $1000
        Outcome Measures: Program/ Budget Allocate more funds for figure models. Currently our budget for models is dedicated to supplying models for the Figure class only. We would like to have more money for models for our Portrait class and a least one opportunity for a model to sit in each basic drawing class. We are requesting 50 more hours of time with models $1680 estimate • plus Art 300 and/or other classes $1000 total cost: $2680 Expand the opportunity for classes to work from live models, an invaluable experience in an art education
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        HFA Div(2022-23)130 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Expand program capabilities by installing roofing on the existing architectural structure that is above the shared space behind FIA 101, 108 and 111
        Outcome Measures: Make a more user friendly environment in the “back area” of the art department during warm weather.
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        HFA Div(2022-23)131 No College goals
        Unit Objective: Improve public display areas for drawings and paintings in the hallway of the Performing Arts Center and at our Outreach Centers.
        Outcome Measures: Celebrate the artistic creations of students; Advertise/PR what is made in art classes
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        HFA Div(2022-23)132 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Increase collaboration and communication between Art and Design dept. and Makerspace to create maker-based art curriculum and cross-list classes where appropriate within our programs.
        Outcome Measures: Take part in cross disciplinary activities w/ relevant academic departments
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        HFA Div(2022-23)133 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Work with the Los Rios Colleges Foundation and the SCC Foundation to develop a thoughtful, department-centered plan and a dedicated stream of funding, from the interest of the Putnam Fund, for various goals of the Art Department (including department book/dvd collection, guest speakers, specialized equipment/supplies, emergency funds for students, awards at student show and unexpected repairs) and for the Kondos gallery (including the organization/documentation of the SCC art collection),
        Outcome Measures: aspire Work with the Los Rios Colleges Foundation and the SCC Foundation to develop a thoughtful, department-centered plan and a dedicated stream of funding, from the interest of the Putnam Fund, for various goals of the Art Department (including department book/dvd collection, guest speakers, specialized equipment/supplies, emergency funds for students, awards at student show and unexpected repairs) and for the Kondos gallery (including the organization/documentation of the SCC art collection), Assist with financially supporting art department programing into perpetuity.
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        HFA Div(2022-23)134 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Create new, and modify existing, curriculum for digital drawing/painting class.
        Outcome Measures: Curriculum Create new, and modify existing, curriculum for digital drawing/painting class. Plan to teach new computer-based media in the art department; Prepare students to utilize contemporary technology in a fine art context
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        HFA Div(2022-23)135 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Build relationships with area high schools by reaching out with a newsletter in the Spring about our program, specifically our Summer and Fall offerings, inviting high school students to tour our facilities throughout the Spring semester and creating a more attractive online presence (web page, Instagram, Facebook etc
        Outcome Measures: Advertise and Recruit students
        Types of action: Marketing
        Resources Required:
        HFA Div(2022-23)136 No College goals
        Unit Objective: Replace ventilation hoods over two electric kilns in the ceramic studio.
        Outcome Measures: Update equipment
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, Equipment,
        Total financial need = $1,400.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: , Improve safety and efficiency.
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        HFA Div(2022-23)137 No College goals
        Unit Objective: Purchase and install air lines (including hose reels, pressure gauges and water traps) for sandblaster and pneumatic equipment (compressor) in sculpture and ceramic studio.
        Outcome Measures: To Finish installation
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        HFA Div(2022-23)138 No College goals
        Unit Objective: Purchase or build a small shed for protecting and securing equipment (sandblaster and compressor) that will be stored in the fenced area behind the Fine Arts building.
        Outcome Measures: To Finish installation
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        HFA Div(2022-23)139 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Create curriculum for additional level of Acrylic painting, similar to our secondary offering in Oil painting.
        Outcome Measures: Expand course offerings
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        HFA Div(2022-23)140 No College goals
        Instruction rank 15
        Unit Objective: Outfit the still life storage area in FFA-101 for safety and access by purchasing durable, industrial shelving which makes efficient use of our vertical space. Cost $5,839.88 (includes tax)
        Outcome Measures: Make the storage area more efficient and effective for staff and faculty
        Prioritizations: Instruction rank 15
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, Cont. CDF Base Augmentation,
        Total financial need = $5,839.88
        Description and rationale for financial request: , Make the storage area more efficient and effective for staff and faculty
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        HFA Div(2022-23)141 No College goals
        Unit Objective: Facilities/ Budget Resurface the walls of the Kondos Gallery. After nearly 50 exhibitions our gallery walls are starting degrade the quality of our exhibitions. Periodically, in gallery spaces like this, the walls need to be sanded down, resurfaced and painted. Estimated cost $3,000? Present a professional appearance for the department showcase venue.
        Outcome Measures: Present a professional appearance for the department showcase venue.
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        HFA Div(2022-23)142 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Devise a comprehensive plan regarding 2-D locker spaces—in front of FA 101-108, in back of FA 108 and purchasing new lockers for the PAC hallways. Purchase lockers
        Outcome Measures: Make a secure and convenient storage plan for 2-D art classes
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        HFA Div(2022-23)143 Yes College goals
        HFA Division Office rank 1
        Unit Objective: Hire three full time faculty members
        Outcome Measures: Expand the Communication department's offerings by filling three replacement positions. Increase the diversity of our full-time faculty.
        Prioritizations: HFA Division Office rank 1
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        HFA Div(2022-23)144 Yes College goals
        HFA Division Office rank 3
        Unit Objective: Increase the number of COMM majors.
        Outcome Measures: 1. Host "majors" student meetings. Invite guest speakers including COMM professionals from D.I. populations to speak about their careers. 2. Invite internship coordinators to the students meetings . 3. Develop a recruitment video 4. Network with counseling liaison and counseling faculty to promote COMM as a major. 5. Identifying jobs and salaries for COMM. 6. Connect with faculty from other departments on how COMM classes could help their students. succeed.
        Prioritizations: HFA Division Office rank 3
        Types of action: Marketing
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        HFA Div(2022-23)145 Yes College goals
        HFA Division Office rank 2
        Unit Objective: Increase enrollment for COMM classes.
        Outcome Measures: 1. Identify strategies to reach students from disproportionately impacted populations. Increase the number of non-oral COMM offerings 2. Increase the number of COMM majors 3. Investigate a survey of COMM studies course 4. Assess the appropriateness of online delivery of courses. 5. Investigate more OER options. 6. Provide students access to GoReact 7. Network with counseling to increase enrollment.
        Prioritizations: HFA Division Office rank 2
        Types of action: Marketing
        Resources Required:
        HFA Div(2022-23)146 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Provide continuity for our students by hiring a Temp IA for the Commercial Music Program (currently funded by Strong Workforce, with no guarantee of future funding)
        Outcome Measures: Hire Temp IA for Commercial Music Program
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
      • Unit Humanities

      • Unit Music

        MUSIC(2020-21)100 No College goals A
        Unit Objective: Provide our students and faculty with effective, quality workspaces which allows for attainment of musical and educational goals.
        Outcome Measures: Purchase a Yamaha U1 studio piano for rehearsal studio 119A • Cost: $8,697.00 (including 10-yr. warrantee, 1 free tuning, and bench)
        Types of action: College Advancement
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        MUSIC(2022-23)101 No College goals A, D
        Unit Objective: Replace faculty member due to retirements and death.
        Outcome Measures: Hire full-time faculty
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Hire Full-time Faculty
      • Unit Philosophy

      • Unit Sign Language Studies

      • Unit Theatre Arts & Film

    • Division Kinesiology, Health & Athletics

      • Unit Kinesiology, Health & Athletics

        KHA(2020-21)101 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Kinesiology, Health & Athletics rank 1
        Unit Objective: Maintenance of Effort needed to Provide the needed support to minimally maintain an 17-sport team, approximately 500 student athlete program which is equitable, integrity-based, and complies with Institutional, Conference, and CCCAA (California Community College Athletic Association) policies and standards of practice.
        Outcome Measures: 1. Equitable travel per diem, 2. equitable team equipment allocation, 3. payment of event management expenses, 4. payment of membership dues/fees, 5. adequate level of division staffing/equipment
        Prioritizations: Kinesiology, Health & Athletics rank 1
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, Cont. CDF Base Augmentation, Operating Base
        Total financial need = $50,000.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: Maintain adequate funding to sustain intercollegiate athletic programs, Maintain adequate funding to sustain intercollegiate athletic programs
        KHA(2020-21)102 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Kinesiology, Health & Athletics rank 5
        Unit Objective: Institutionalize the Panther for Panther Program for student athletes
        Outcome Measures: Student-athlete academic success
        Prioritizations: Kinesiology, Health & Athletics rank 5
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, SSSP Funds, Temp. Staffing
        Total financial need = $42,000.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: Groundbreaking mentoring program for first-year student-athletes. Wildly successful in terms of student-athlete academic success measures., Athletics has developed this Panther for Panther mentoring program that has predated but also includes much of the College-wide fye tools. Has been very successful and costs a relatively very small amount, as only expenses are student and classified temp wages.
        KHA(2020-21)103 Yes College goals A, C, D
        Kinesiology, Health & Athletics rank 7
        Unit Objective: Remodel South Gym which will include: new flooring, baskets, bleachers, scoreboards, and painting.
        Outcome Measures: Updated and improved SG facility.
        Prioritizations: Kinesiology, Health & Athletics rank 7
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, , Repair
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: This facility has not been updated for many decades. It is the main facility used for activity classes and could be used, if remodeled, as a practice facility for Men's Basketball, Women's Basketball, and Volleyball. Productivity of fitness classes., The SG is currently an eyesore on campus and does not properly represent our College or our students.
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request: This facility has not been updated for many decades. It is the main facility used for activity classes and could be used, if remodeled, as a practice facility for Men's Basketball, Women's Basketball, and Volleyball. Productivity of fitness classes. The SG is currently in terrible condition, to include a roof that has leaked for over a decade, and does not properly represent our College or our students.
        KHA(2020-21)104 Yes College goals A, C, D
        Kinesiology, Health & Athletics rank 10
        Unit Objective: Replace North Gym bleachers and install existing bleachers in South Gym for increase use for Intercollegiate Athletic events.
        Outcome Measures: Increased stability, aesthetic and spectator capacity
        Prioritizations: Kinesiology, Health & Athletics rank 10
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, , Equip. Purchase
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: Bleachers are lacking in aesthetic and spectator capacity., Would improve look of NG and experience for spectators.
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request: Bleachers are lacking aesthetic and spectator capacity. Would improve look of NG and experience for spectators.
        KHA(2020-21)105 Yes College goals A, C, D
        Kinesiology, Health & Athletics rank 6
        Unit Objective: Update and paint the Athletic Weight Room with signage.
        Outcome Measures: Room used as a means to recruit and attract athletes to attend Sacramento City College
        Prioritizations: Kinesiology, Health & Athletics rank 6
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, OTO Base Augmentation, Operating Base
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: Hughes Stadium weight room is currently blank walls and blank wood siding., Would like to enhance look and feel of weight room to enhance experience of students and student-athletes.
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request: Hughes Stadium weight room is currently blank walls and blank wood siding. Would like to enhance look and feel of weight room to enhance experience of students and student-athletes.
        KHA(2020-21)106 Yes College goals A, C, D, E
        Kinesiology, Health & Athletics rank 9
        Unit Objective: Remodel softball complex which includes replacing bleachers in softball field; existing bleachers have safety issues; install field lights; expand dugout and clubhouse; build new press box; install restrooms in complex.
        Outcome Measures: Meet minimum safety standards. Strengthen compliance with Title IX.
        Prioritizations: Kinesiology, Health & Athletics rank 9
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, , Repair
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: Softball stadium is inferior compared to baseball stadium. , Needs to be updated/enhanced to be equitable to facility for comparable male sport.
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request: Softball stadium is inferior compared to baseball stadium. Needs to be updated/enhanced to be equitable to facility for comparable male sport.
        KHA(2020-21)107 Yes College goals A, C, D, E
        Kinesiology, Health & Athletics rank 8
        Unit Objective: Remodel and cover batting cages needed for baseball and softball programs that would additionally create facility for activity classes.
        Outcome Measures: Productivity of sport programs; create additional facility for activity classes serving student interests.
        Prioritizations: Kinesiology, Health & Athletics rank 8
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, , Repair
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: Enhancement to Union Stadium that could be used by both male/baseball and female/softball student-athletes. Covered area would provide weatherproof area for students and student-athletes., Would be equitable for baseball and softball student-athletes; Upgrade for Union Stadium.
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request: Enhancement to Union Stadium that could be used by both male/baseball and female/softball student-athletes. Covered area would provide weatherproof area for students and student-athletes. Would be equitable for baseball and softball student-athletes; Upgrade for Union Stadium.
        KHA(2020-21)109 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Kinesiology, Health & Athletics rank 2
        Unit Objective: Increase full time faculty/coach personnel who specialize in fitness and athletics to meet the needs of the department and its' students and 450+ student-athletes, to include strengthening of our title IX compliance. We currently have 7 male intercollegiate sports, all (100%)with FT faculty as head coaches. We currently have 10 female intercollegiate sports, just 7 (70%) with FT faculty as head coaches.
        Outcome Measures: Productivity of fitness courses. Increased proportion of student athletes coached by full-time faculty/coaches. Expansion of instruction in fitness and coaching certificate courses.
        Prioritizations: Kinesiology, Health & Athletics rank 2
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Hire Full-time Faculty
        KHA(2020-21)110 Yes College goals A, C, D, E
        Kinesiology, Health & Athletics rank 11
        Unit Objective: Build/repair pool that would adequately meet standards needed for intercollegiate competition which are currently not being met; facility would include deck storage space, offices, team and locker rooms.
        Outcome Measures: Meet general student population needs as well as intercollegiate athletic needs.
        Prioritizations: Kinesiology, Health & Athletics rank 11
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, , Repair
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: Hoos pool has significant HVAC problems and does not meet minimum requirements for CCCAA Water Polo competition. It needs to be upgraded to support students and student-athletes. , Hoos pool has significant HVAC problems and does not meet minimum requirements for CCCAA Water Polo competition. Currently a potential title IX issue as pool does not provide equitable experience to other male sport venues.
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request: Hoos pool has significant HVAC problems and does not meet minimum requirements for CCCAA Water Polo competition. It needs to be upgraded to support students and student-athletes. Hoos pool has significant HVAC problems and does not meet minimum requirements for CCCAA Water Polo competition. Currently a potential title IX issue as pool does not provide equitable experience to other male sport venues.
        KHA(2022-23)111 Yes College goals A, C, D, E
        Kinesiology, Health & Athletics rank 12, Instruction rank 2
        Unit Objective: Provide equipment necessary to sponsor Intercollegiate Men's and Women's Track and Field programs.
        Outcome Measures: Purchase new hurdles to replace 20+ year-old hurdles.
        Prioritizations: Kinesiology, Health & Athletics rank 12, Instruction rank 2
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, OTO Base Augmentation, Equip. Purchase
        Total financial need = $66,000.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: Need for new hurdles for Intercollegiate Men's and Women's Track programs, Current hurdles are 20+ years old and rusting out. Need equipment for training of Intercollegiate track student-athletes and to host both CCCAA and rental track meets.
        KHA(2022-23)112 No College goals A, C, D, E
        Kinesiology, Health & Athletics rank 3, Instruction rank 4
        Unit Objective: Provide weight training equipment needed to support intercollegiate student-athletes.
        Outcome Measures: Purchase of new dumbells and dumbell racks for Athletic Weight Room.
        Prioritizations: Kinesiology, Health & Athletics rank 3, Instruction rank 4
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, OTO Base Augmentation, Equip. Purchase
        Total financial need = $24,000.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: Purchase of dumbells and dumbell racks for use in Hughes/Athletic Weight Room, Need dumbells for complete weight room needed for Intercollegiate athletics and general student body.
        KHA(2022-23)114 No College goals A, C, D, E
        Kinesiology, Health & Athletics rank 4, Instruction rank 7
        Unit Objective: Provide equipment to support intercollegiate football program.
        Outcome Measures: Purchase the following training items: 1) Trap Shoot for line play; 2) Pop-up dummies; 3) Two-man tek sled.
        Prioritizations: Kinesiology, Health & Athletics rank 4, Instruction rank 7
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, OTO Base Augmentation, Equip. Purchase
        Total financial need = $11,500.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: Training equipment for Intercollegiate football student-athletes., Training devices needed to enhance the FB program and skill development of FB student-athletes.
      • Unit Kinesiology, Health & Athletics Division Office

    • Division Language & Literature

      • Unit English

      • Unit English as a Second Language

      • Unit Journalism

      • Unit L & L Division Office

        L&L Div(2020-21)100 Yes College goals A, D
        Unit Objective: Developmental Writing Assistance Program (DWAP) mentors for combo (ENGWR 300+108) courses
        Outcome Measures: Improved student success and retention, particularly among DI groups
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, Student Equity Funds,
        Total financial need = $165,000.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: Second instructor in ENGWR 108 acting as a mentor to students, providing additional support: 30 sections in fall, 25 in spring, for 55 sections needing mentors, DWAP mentors help to close equity gaps by providing additional, individualized attention and follow-up with students
        L&L Div(2020-21)101 Yes College goals A, C, D
        Unit Objective: Community of Practice (COP) workshops and other PD focused on stand-alone ENGWR 300
        Outcome Measures: Improved rates of student success in Transfer-Level English in first year
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, Student Equity Funds,
        Total financial need = $5,000.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: Different people facilitate workshops, sharing best practices and offering tips and tricks and materials to improve ENGWR 300 instruction. Facilitators are paid $100 for each workshop and those who attend four workshops receive $200 at the end of the semester., Most English instructors teach ENGWR 300 regularly and recognize that there are many challenges in teaching it well. The COPs help to improve the teaching of the course and will help to improve student success rates in the course.
        L&L Div(2020-21)102 Yes College goals A, C, D
        Unit Objective: COPS and other PD focused on teaching the new blended ESL curriculum
        Outcome Measures: Accelerated progress through the ESL program; more students transitioning to ENGWR 300 or higher
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, BSI Funds,
        Total financial need = $8,200.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: Brett Thomas will continue his work in facilitating COPS for ESL. The facilitator receives $500 per semester for managing the Canvas shell for ESL COPs, creating assignments, and tracking completion; participants receive between $100 and $300 depending on the type of project completed and shared., The new blended curriculum in ESL can help to move students through the ESL program more quickly. The COPs can help to get the blended courses off to a good start.
        L&L Div(2020-21)103 Yes College goals B, D
        Unit Objective: ESL Guided Placement
        Outcome Measures: Increased number of students placed into ESL or referred to ENGWR
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, Cont. IR Base Augmentation, Operating Base
        Total financial need = $10,000.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: Students do the Guided Placement online through Canvas. The process requires managing the Canvas site, communicating with students, coordinating essay reading, scoring essays, and reporting placements. Instructors are paid at their normal ESA rate to communicate with students, coordinate essay reading and conduct norming sessions, and score essays. Cost depends on number of students taking the placement. Each essay is read 2-3 times., This process allows for more encouragement and support of new students and, thus far, seems to provide more accurate placements for students. The ESL Department has taken on assessment because of the dissolution of the college Assessment Center, so we believe this item should be institutionalized and funded by the college (as augmentation to the L&L base or some other college budget) rather than requiring the ESL Department to seek funding sources every year.
        L&L Div(2020-21)105 Yes College goals B, D, E
        Unit Objective: ESL outreach/student recruitment
        Outcome Measures: Increased numbers of new ESL students
        Types of action: Marketing
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, BSI Funds, Non-Instructional Supplies Marketing Costs
        Total financial need = $2,000.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: Send marketing materials to potential new SCC students, faculty visit/reach out to area high schools, adult schools, and community centers to publicize ESL program and recruit new students. Pay faculty to do outreach, $100 per school/community group visit plus the cost of printed materials., The ESL Program has room to grow, and there is potential to expand the program.
        L&L Div(2020-21)106 No College goals A, B
        Unit Objective: ESL embedded tutors
        Outcome Measures: Improved success and retention rates in classes with embedded tutors
        Types of action: Tutoring
        Resources Required:
        Financial: None, BSI Funds, Student Help
        Total financial need = $33,600.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: 8 tutors/semester working in specific ESL classrooms, providing individualized attention and support for students; 10 hours/week for 15 weeks/semester, $14/hour, Embedded tutors, current and former ESL students themselves, assist faculty in the classroom but also serve as role models to students in the class.
        L&L Div(2020-21)107 Yes College goals A, B
        Unit Objective: ESL Lab tutors
        Outcome Measures: Improved completion rates for ESLLAB section; increased enrollment in ESLLABs
        Types of action: Tutoring
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, BSI Funds, Student Help
        Total financial need = $25,200.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: 6 tutors/semester working in the ESL Lab; up to 10 hours/week, 15 weeks/semester, $14/hour, Student tutors keep the ESL Lab open and running efficiently.
        L&L Div(2020-21)108 Yes College goals A, E
        Unit Objective: River City Writers program
        Outcome Measures: Increased enrollment in creative writing and literature courses
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, , Personal/Consulting Services
        Total financial need = $1,000.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: This program brings new and established authors to campus to give a public reading and facilitate workshops with out creative writing students., Exposure to talented professional writers enhances the reputation of the college, inspires and motivates students to explore creative writing courses and writing as a career, and helps to build the English CW program.
        L&L Div(2020-21)109 Yes College goals A, B, D, E
        Unit Objective: Outreach and support for English majors
        Outcome Measures: Increased enrollment in ENGLT and ENGCW courses; increased number of English majors
        Types of action: Marketing
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, , Non-Instructional Supplies Marketing Costs
        Total financial need = $800.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: This item aims at not only increasing the number of English majors but also providing more support, guidance, and connection for current majors., We have a good number of English majors but they often feel disconnected from each other, isolated as they progress through the program. We would like to provide more opportunities for majors to come together, connect with faculty and each other.
        L&L Div(2020-21)110 No College goals A
        Unit Objective: Hire full-time faculty in English-Journalism to oversee campus newspaper
        Outcome Measures: Maintain quality and success of THE EXPRESS
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Hire Full-time Faculty
        L&L Div(2020-21)111 Yes College goals A
        Unit Objective: Student assistant to support the online college newspaper
        Outcome Measures: High quality online college newspaper
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, Cont. CDF Base Augmentation, Student Help
        Total financial need = $8,960.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: The college newspaper, The Express, is an entirely online publication, requiring daily uploads of text, images, videos, and podcasts. , Since we will have only one FT faculty with a 50% assignment in Journalism, we would like to employ a student to provide technical support for the newspaper.
        L&L Div(2020-21)113 No College goals A, B, D
        Unit Objective: Refurbish mobile Chrome carts
        Outcome Measures: The division's 3 mobile Chrome carts will be ready for in-classroom use
        Types of action: Information Technology
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Emergent/Urgent, Equipment, Repair
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: L&L loaned our 3 mobile Chrome carts (loaded with 32 laptops per cart) to the college for distribution to classified staff needing to borrow equipment to work remotely during the pandemic. These machines will need to be inspected and possibly refurbished to make them ready for student use when we return to campus., Refurbishment or replacement of some Chromebooks seems likely to be necessary. It is impossible to tell how much refurbishment or replacement will be needed, however, until we actually get back to campus and the machines are returned and inspected.
        IT Request: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for IT request: We have three mobile Chromebook carts, each holding 32 (?) laptops. Classified staff have been using them to work from home. We loaned our three mobile Chrome carts to the college for distribution to classified staff who needed them to do their work from home. When we are back on campus, we will need the carts back. We suspect that the machines may require some refurbishment to be ready for student use.
        L&L Div(2020-21)114 Yes College goals A, B
        Unit Objective: Reading-Writing Lab tutors
        Outcome Measures: Improved success rates in ENGWR corequisites courses
        Types of action: Tutoring
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, Student Equity Funds, Student Help
        Total financial need = $25,200.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: 6 tutors/semester working in the Reading-Writing Lab; up to 10 hours/week, 15 weeks/semester, $14/hour , Student tutors keep the Reading-Writing Lab open and running efficiently.
        L&L Div(2020-21)115 Yes College goals A, B, C
        Unit Objective: Tech support for online teaching: Calendly, Padlet, and Class for Zoom
        Outcome Measures: Improved retention rates in online courses
        Types of action: Distance Education
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, Student Equity Funds, Software
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: These programs support faculty teaching completely or partially online and could be used to augment in-person teaching as well. Calendly provides efficient scheduling of office hours or other student-faculty appointments; Padlet offers a more engagine alternative to Canvas Discussion boards and a more attractive way of sharing certain resources with students; Class for Zoom is currently in beta testing but it seems to offer a more classroom-focused configuration of Zoom, These enhancements can help engage and retain students in online courses as well as assist in making technology more useful and supportive even for face-to-face classes.
        L&L Div(2020-21)116 Yes College goals A, B, C
        Unit Objective: ESL Lab re-design
        Outcome Measures: Increased student enrollment in ESLLAB; improved student engagement
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , OTO Base Augmentation,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: Prior to moving remote, we had met with IT and Facilities to discuss reconfiguring the lab; we received approval of the concept from the VP team but no funding. In light of curriculum changes, and experiences with our current online format, we are re-conceptualizing how the lab space should be used and configured., ESLLAB curriculum has been revised, making the lab an elective rather than a requirement. This change means that the lab will most likely be used differently by students and faculty, so the space will need to be reconfigured.
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        IT Request: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for IT request: We began discussion of an ESL Lab re-design prior to the pandemic and received agreement but no funding stream from IT, Facilities, and the VP team. We have revised curriculum for the ESLLAB courses now, so we are again re-thinking what the re-design should actually look like. We are keeping this on our unit plan, hoping to take another look at how best to use this space so that it optimizes our ESL Lab for students.
        L&L Div(2022-23)119 Yes College goals A, B, D, E
        Language & Literature rank 2
        Unit Objective: ESL assessment position dedicated to assisting potential and incoming ESL students through the ESL assessment process(exam proctoring, dissemination of exams to graders, exam grade inputting, and contact/greeter for incoming and new ESL students)
        Outcome Measures: Increased enrollment in ESL courses; retention and success of disproportionately impacted students.
        Prioritizations: Language & Literature rank 2
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        L&L Div(2022-23)120 Yes College goals A, B, D
        Language & Literature rank 1
        Unit Objective: Re-structure online English DWAP program so that it is more closely linked with other student services and so that it better serves students in the online environment.
        Outcome Measures: Increased retention and success rates in ENGWR 300/108, particularly for disproportionately impacted students.
        Prioritizations: Language & Literature rank 1
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        L&L Div(2022-23)121 Yes College goals A, B
        Language & Literature rank 6
        Unit Objective: Offer professional development for English faculty specifically focused on teaching writing online; research and, if necessary, purchase additional programs and site licenses that can be used to enhance online teaching.
        Outcome Measures: Improved retention and success rates in online English courses.
        Prioritizations: Language & Literature rank 6
        Types of action: Distance Education
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        L&L Div(2022-23)122 Yes College goals A, B, D
        Language & Literature rank 9
        Unit Objective: In partnership with SCC Writing Center, explore expanding access to students through a variety of methods including but not limited to: Writing Across the Curriculum, WR co-requisites, etc.
        Outcome Measures: Increased student access to resources; improved retention and success for students in English and other disciplines.
        Prioritizations: Language & Literature rank 9
        Types of action: Tutoring
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        L&L Div(2022-23)123 Yes College goals A
        Language & Literature rank 7
        Unit Objective: Re-design of ENGWR classrooms in order to facilitate collaborative, active learning environments (whiteboards, table seating, potential new technology).
        Outcome Measures: Increased student engagement; improved retention and success rates in ENGWR courses.
        Prioritizations: Language & Literature rank 7
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        L&L Div(2022-23)124 Yes College goals
        Language & Literature rank 8
        Unit Objective: Add to current class offerings in Journalism by reinstating advanced newswriting, podcasting, and magazine production classes; in addition, offer new classes in advanced photojournalism and public relations writing.
        Outcome Measures: Increased enrollment in journalism program.
        Prioritizations: Language & Literature rank 8
        Types of action: Curriculum Change, None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        L&L Div(2022-23)125 No College goals A
        Language & Literature rank 4
        Unit Objective: Hire a permanent Instructional Assistant position for the Express and Mainline websites.
        Outcome Measures: Increased consistency/continuity in college publications.
        Prioritizations: Language & Literature rank 4
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
        L&L Div(2022-23)126 Yes College goals A
        Language & Literature rank 10
        Unit Objective: Continue to add to recording and photography equipment for student use in the production of the Express and Mainline.
        Outcome Measures: Increased quality and efficiency of production of student publications.
        Prioritizations: Language & Literature rank 10
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        L&L Div(2022-23)127 Yes College goals A
        Language & Literature rank 11
        Unit Objective: Create a podcasting studio workspace to be used by both podcasting students and staff members of the Express and Mainline.
        Outcome Measures: Increased quality and efficiency of production of student publications.
        Prioritizations: Language & Literature rank 11
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        L&L Div(2022-23)128 Yes College goals A, B, D, E
        Language & Literature rank 5
        Unit Objective: Continue to hire a multi-linigual team of ESL Ambassadors to help with student recruitment, retention, and "stay in school" skills. (Funded by Federal Work Study)
        Outcome Measures: multi-linigual team of ESL Ambassadors to help with student recruitment, retention, and "stay in school" skills. (Funded by Federal Work Study) Increased enrollment in ESL courses; retention and success of disproportionately impacted students.
        Prioritizations: Language & Literature rank 5
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        L&L Div(2022-23)129 Yes College goals A, B, D
        Language & Literature rank 3
        Unit Objective: Review and develop ESL placement process -- the number and types of tasks, clarity and length of instructions, sequencing, formatting and presentation of information, and time required to complete the process. Check for inconsistent outcomes, biases, and cognitive overload. Obtain data from PRIE
        Outcome Measures: Increased enrollment in ESL courses; retention and success of disproportionately impacted students; achievement of student equity
        Prioritizations: Language & Literature rank 3
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
      • Unit Library

        LTECH(2020-21)100 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Marketing materials for Library and LRC at Centers: Increase utilization of library services by presenting well-designed posters, bookmarks, and trifold brochures marketing Library access and services to students, including posters specifically designed for students at Davis and West Sacramento Centers. Estimated costs for printing - $300
        Outcome Measures: Production of materials; distribution at outreach events; posters are posted around campus and centers.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        LTECH(2020-21)102 Yes College goals A
        Unit Objective: Present and distribute data on Library services: Facilitate awareness of Library services to students by sharing statistical data with regard to circulation, reference services via attractive infographics; circulated to wider campus community, including administrators. Piktochart Pro Team for 3 users: $120 annually / Printing costs: $300 annually. Total estimated costs = $420 annually
        Outcome Measures: Provisioning of design tools Piktochart and Canva (pro versions); printing and distribution of infographics via department chair, division dean, and PIO.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        LTECH(2020-21)104 No College goals C
        Unit Objective: Standing librarian station at Research Help Desk: Increase approachability of librarians at Research Help Desk by transforming one seated reference station into a standing desk station. VARIDESK Height-Adjustable Standing Desk - Pro Plus 36 - Black - $395
        Outcome Measures: One of the three workstations at the Research Help Desk has a standing desk.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        LTECH(2020-21)106 Yes College goals A, B
        Unit Objective: Room upgrades for LRC 220: Promote student engagement and success by implementing room upgrades in LRC 220.
        Outcome Measures: Renovation of LR220
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, Equipment, Equip. Purchase
        Total financial need = $9,000.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: Redesign LRC 220 to provide for more group oriented activities and improved engagement , Group oriented activities improve student engagement and promote success
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        LTECH(2022-23)107 No College goals A, B
        Unit Objective: Replace temporary study rooms on Library 2nd floor (Rooms A & B) with modern, modular study rooms.
        Outcome Measures: New study rooms are in place and in use by students
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, Equipment, Repair
        Total financial need = $56,000.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        LTECH(2022-23)108 No College goals A, B
        Unit Objective: Purchase SMS communication capabilities to enable text communication with students around circulation activities.
        Outcome Measures: SMS communication with students using Library circulation processes is in place and in use by Library personnel to alert students about library materials holds and availability.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, OTO Base Augmentation, Software
        Total financial need = $1,000.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        IT Request: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for IT request: Checking with Vendors to see if SCC College IT of District IT support is required to enable this functionality. More direct communication to students regarding library materials and services
      • Unit Reading

    • Division Learning Resource Center

      • Unit LRC Division Office

        LRC Div(2020-21)100 No College goals A
        Unit Objective: LRD Division Upgrade signage in LRC: Increase student awareness of services by providing improved signage throughout the Library, including directional guidance, noise level guidance, and food and drink policies.
        Outcome Measures: New signage is designed and installed in the LRC
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, OTO Base Augmentation, Non-Instructional Supplies Marketing Costs
        Total financial need = $800.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        LRC Div(2020-21)101 Yes College goals B, C
        Unit Objective: Consultant for planning future of Library spaces: Plan for the future of the Library's space utilization and potential repurposing of spaces by hiring a space planning consultant.
        Outcome Measures: RFP written; consultant hired and regularly meets with Library faculty. Consultant recommendations including cost estimates are delivered.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, OTO Base Augmentation, Personal/Consulting Services
        Total financial need = $4,500.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        LRC Div(2020-21)102 Yes College goals C
        Unit Objective: Hire additional student workers (3 students @ 20 hours per week for 32 weeks) to help students with the use of the 5 photocopy machines,
        Outcome Measures: Support students making copies in the library
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, Cont. CDF Base Augmentation, Student Help
        Total financial need = $28,800.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        LRC Div(2020-21)103 Yes College goals B, C
        Unit Objective: Hire a part-time temporary LMTA to work on Saturdays only during the fall and spring semesters. This position is required to ensure the safety and service on the 3rd floor of the LRC on Saturdays. Without this position, there is no staff working in the area.
        Outcome Measures: 1. Hire a part-time temporary LMTA to work on Saturdays only
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, Cont. CDF Base Augmentation, Temp. Staffing
        Total financial need = $3,060.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
      • Unit Online and Technology Student Support

        OTSS(2020-21)100 Yes College goals A
        Unit Objective: Funding three temporary classified Instructional Assistants (IA) for STHD who assist students with basic technology needs, online support with Zoom and Canvas. The temporary IAs are a part of the District-wide Centralized Student Technology Help Desk assisting all Los Rios Students.
        Outcome Measures: To provide support and assist students with online technology and face-to-face support when applicable. 60 hours a week of Student Technology Help per semester and 400 hours for the summer semester. In addition, to dedicated hours to help disproportionate students.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, Cont. CDF Base Augmentation, Temp. Staffing
        Total financial need = $39,081.25
        Description and rationale for financial request: Funding three temporary classified Instructional Assistants (IA) for STHD who assist students with basic technology needs, online support with Zoom, Canvas and Microsoft365. The temporary IAs are a part of the District-wide Centralized Student Technology Help Desk providing assistance to all Los Rios Students. FY 2021 July, 225 hours = $2993, Fall 1000 hours= $16630, Spring 1000 hours =$16630 and June 2022, 180 hours- $3742, Total amount requested $39995., Support students with technical assistance for accessing the college learning systems 60 hours a week per semester and 400 hours for the summer semester. In addition, dedicating hours to help disproportionate students with student success. The Student Help Desk support is crucial in the online environment as numerous students need assistance navigating Canvas, e-Services, and Zoom to complete their course work. The Student Technology Help desk employees are the only staff able to contribute to the District-wide Centralized Student Technology Help Desk.
        OTSS(2020-21)101 Yes College goals B, C
        Unit Objective: Hire two temporary IAs for technology support, one on on 2nd floor and one on first floors. Each IA for 20 hrs/week to provide assistance to students using the the 1st and 2nd floor computer lab areas. Students will receive tutoring/asssistance on Microsoft Office applications, PeopleSoft, FAFSA, Canvas,Google applications, wireless printing, etc.
        Outcome Measures: 1. Hiring two temporary part-time IAs, one for the 1st floor and one for the 2nd floor.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, Cont. CDF Base Augmentation, Temp. Staffing
        Total financial need = $19,200.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
    • Division Mathematics, Statistics & Engineering

      • Unit Engineering

      • Unit Engineering Design Technology

      • Unit Learning, Tutoring & Academic Technology

        LTAT(2020-21)100 College goals A, B, C, D
        Unit Objective: Hire a full-time 12-month classified Universal Course Design Specialist to support universal course design and development for all distance education courses. Universal design, (which includes accessibility) is an essential component of online programs. Ensuring a quality learning experience for all learners – including those with a disability – is federally mandated. There is currently no person on campus dedicated to assisting in building courses that are sound in both accessibility and layout/design. Because of the skill set required create universally designed content, it is unreasonable to depend upon faculty alone for the creation of such courses. Failure to address this issue is damaging to our students and leaves us open to litigation.
        Outcome Measures: Work with UDL Coordinator in identifying and remediating inaccessible course content. Audits performed pre and post position creation will provide data on percentage of compliant vs. non-compliant materials.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
        LTAT(2020-21)101 College goals A, B, C, D
        Unit Objective: Hire a permanent 12-month, full-time Clerk II for the Learning Skills and Tutoring Center (LSTC). The LSTC is the centralized tutoring hub at SCC, and it coordinates the hiring, training, and recruiting of student tutors for all the tutoring services on campus and at the outreach centers. The main LSTC counter directs student traffic and distributes academic support information to all students seeking assistance. However, the center is currently using several part-time staff and student help, resulting in unpredictable and insufficient services that cause student and staff frustration. A permanent 12-month clerk would ensure adequate and consistent year-round services to the students and campus community and improve communication and collaboration among different student support services on campus and at the outreach centers. The clerk would answer phones, make copies for the center and the tutors, schedule tutoring appointments, assist with organizing files and documents, assist in the daily operations of the center, as well as act as a liaison between students, tutors, and staff. Additionally, the full-time clerk would assist the Tutorial Services Assistant with processing paperwork for the approximately 250 tutors hired each year campus-wide, as well as with record keeping of positive attendance for the tutoring center and its programs and of the satisfaction surveys for the center. The presence of a full-time 12-month clerk would allow the faculty coordinators and the Tutorial Services Assistant the time needed to concentrate on researching and improving student-centered academic support (e.g., expanding online tutoring).
        Outcome Measures: Enable the Learning Skills & Tutoring Center to provide efficient tutoring services and increase student participation in tutoring and other LSTC programs, as well as enable the Tutorial Services Coordinators and Tutorial Services Assistant to perform their tasks more effectively.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
        LTAT(2020-21)102 College goals A, B, D
        Unit Objective: Hire a full-time, permanent 10-month Clerk II for the Writing Center in order to meet students’ needs for tutoring appointments and post-appointment follow-up, increase the number of students served, adequately support online tutoring and equity goals, and increase ability to track students. The clerk is the first point of contact for all students calling or coming to the Writing Center. Clerks match students with appropriate tutors, help them sign up for the Writing Center, make appointments using WC Online, enter progress data about each visit that students make, and maintain records. Currently, the Writing Center relies on temporary part-time clerks. The Center experiences high turnover among part-time clerks and difficulty finding anyone who had the required skills who is willing to work for the Los Rios temporary clerk pay rate. This adversely affects the Writing Center’s ability to help students and the number of students seen and forces the Center to turn more students than necessary away.
        Outcome Measures: 1.)Increase in writing tutoring sessions 2) Increase in post-session tracking of students 3.)decrease in the number of IA hours spent doing clerical tasks freeing up more IA time for instruction of students
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
        LTAT(2020-21)103 College goals A, C, D
        Unit Objective: Hire a full time faculty Universal Design for Learning Coordinator. This position would support faculty and staff in the development of accessible content, and curriculum for courses/student-focused services utilizing UDL principles and best practices in accessibility. The position will develop and deliver training programs incorporating universal design for learning principles for college faculty and staff. The position will be responsible for ensuring compliance with accessibility standards, and will serve as the primary liaison between SCC and district-level accessibility resources (currently under development). The position will work in conjunction with the classified Universal Course Design Specialist to provide support and consultation services for faculty/staff in utilizing UDL and digital accessibility.
        Outcome Measures: Audit DE courses and report on the number of DE courses that are 508 compliant. Collaborate with faculty to ensure all content is 508 compliant and follows universal design principles. Result is that students will have better access to course content.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Hire Full-time Faculty
        LTAT(2020-21)104 College goals A, C, D
        Unit Objective: Hire temporary clerks for LSTC to provide assistance to students seeking information and tutoring services.
        Outcome Measures: 1.)Avoid reduction of services 2.)decrease the number of IA and coordinator hours spent doing clerical tasks freeing up more IA and coordinator time for instruction of students.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, Cont. CDF Base Augmentation, Temp. Staffing
        Total financial need = $17,993.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: 36 hours/week for 34 weeks = 1,224 hours @ $14.70, Temp Clerks (1, 2 or 3) for LSTC (LTAT 104) Note: Following are the hours of operation of the LSTC, which total 47 hours. Thus, we are submitting over a 20% reduction in clerical coverage for FA21 and SP22. In addition, since the actual schedule for a clerk will depend upon their availability, more than one may be needed. However, their schedules will be within these hours of operation. Mon: 9am-5pm Tue: 9am-7pm Wed: 9am-7pm Thur: 9am-7pm Fri: 9am-1pm Sat: 10am-3pm
        LTAT(2020-21)105 Yes College goals A, C, D
        Unit Objective: "Hire 2 temporary part-time Instructional Assistants (IA) for Learning Skills & Tutoring Center: A. to help cover evenings & weekends B. for Beacon group tutoring program to assist Beacon Coordinator"
        Outcome Measures: "A. Assist students and tutors; assist with online tutoring; assist FT IA with data reporting, training tutors, and outreach. Assist in presenting college success workshops. B. Provide support to Beacon tutors. Assist with tutor training, data collection and reporting, meeting and communicating with Beacon tutors."
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, Cont. CDF Base Augmentation, Temp. Staffing
        Total financial need = $11,989.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: 20 hours/week for 34 weeks = 680 hours @ $17.63 , Tue, Wed, Thur 1-6 and Sat 10-3 (20 hours) The proposed schedule may change as we get a better sense of the need closer to the semester. Saturday is not included in this tentative schedule; however, an IA would be needed for Sat if there is no clerk since an IA could help with these tasks. Liz is the only one working on Saturdays and will definitely need a clerk or IA.
        LTAT(2020-21)106 College goals A, C, D
        Unit Objective: Purchase sound-proof pod or booth for online tutoring in LR 144.
        Outcome Measures: Ability to meet increased demand for online tutoring
        Types of action: Tutoring
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, OTO Base Augmentation, Equip. Purchase
        Total financial need = $16,500.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: One sounds proof booth to support tutors performing online tutoring , There is not quiet space in the LRC that can be used to have an online tutoring session with a student. Noise can be heard which can be distracting, as well as if the student has something of a confidential nature they would like to discuss
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
      • Unit Mathematics and Statistics

        MATHSTAT(2020-21)103 Yes College goals A, B, D, E
        Mathematics and Statistics rank 1, Mathematics, Statistics & Engineering rank 2
        Unit Objective: Develop and evaluate support programs for students throughout the Mathematics and Statistics course pathways.
        Outcome Measures: 1) Hire additional tutors to embed in MATH, MATHS, and STAT sections. 2) Develop additional support programs for students whose educational goals include Statistics, STEM, and CTE pathways. 3) Track data on retention, success, and throughput rates to identify student groups that are highly unlikely to suceed and are in need of additional support and to identify which new course structures are working. 4) Develop Canvas tools and videos for use in MATH and STAT courses.
        Prioritizations: Mathematics and Statistics rank 1, Mathematics, Statistics & Engineering rank 2
        Types of action: President’s Fund for Innovation & Excellence
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, Student Equity Funds, Student Help
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: 1. Embedded tutors in Math classes, particularly the support courses for the transfer level classes as well as pre-transfer level classes. 2. Instructor In-Class Support. A second instructor in the classroom working with the faculty of record to assist students. , 1. Having embedded tutors in our support courses will be necessary to assist students with varying mathematical preparation levels complete transfer-level coursework. The tutors will work closely with the instructor to assist students with both support skills and content in the transfer-level course. All state models say that high-support is crucial to success in the direct-placement model. 2. Similar to the DWAP program in English Writing courses, this program would be offered to math faculty who wish to take part. The support instructor will have a 5-hour commitment per week to use in supporting the course. Duties would include assisting in the class as well as out-of-class follow-up with students as needed. Attendance at monthly community of practice meetings would be required as well. 1. 10200 hours of tutoring (10 hours per week for 17 weeks, times 30 sections and 2 semesters. 10*7*30*2) at $13/hr 2. 1700 hours. Anticipated participation 10 classes each semester. (10 classes at 5 hours per week for 17 weeks and 2 semesters. 10*5*17*2) **There would be a $3000 stipend per support instructor and $500 for parent instructor.
        MATHSTAT(2020-21)108 Yes College goals A, B
        Mathematics and Statistics rank 3, Mathematics, Statistics & Engineering rank 4
        Unit Objective: Expand the Math Lab
        Outcome Measures: Increased number of students tutoring needs met due to more meeting space being available.
        Prioritizations: Mathematics and Statistics rank 3, Mathematics, Statistics & Engineering rank 4
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request: Use RHS 163 and 166 to form small group study rooms and a storage area for the Math Lab. Implementation of the support-class structure is expected to increase use of the math lab as well as require or encourage group-study and tutor-led study sessions outside of class.
      • Unit MSE Division Office

        MSE Div(2022-23)100 Yes College goals A, B, C, D
        MSE Division Office rank 2, Mathematics, Statistics & Engineering rank 3
        Unit Objective: Convert RHS 176 to a group-based learning classroom to support math and statistics students in support courses.
        Outcome Measures: 1) Add whiteboards from floor to ceiling on 3 walls. 2) Purchase desks suitable for group-based learning 3) Collect data on usage of the room, innovative teaching practices utilized, and track success and retention in these courses.
        Prioritizations: MSE Division Office rank 2, Mathematics, Statistics & Engineering rank 3
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request: Many math department faculty have begun using group-based learning in their classes, with student collaboration and presentations a regular part of the course. Converting RHS 176 to group-based learning will allow instructors teaching in-person classes to have their students work in groups, or at the whiteboards, on their projects. Group-based learning and a transition to mastery based assessment incorporates equity-based teaching pedagogies and results in increased student success and retention. In the math and statistics support courses, these connections are crucial to ensure students are getting the support they need for success in their transfer math courses.
        MSE Div(2022-23)101 Yes College goals
        MSE Division Office rank 1, Mathematics, Statistics & Engineering rank 1
        Unit Objective: MOE - Renewal of the MATLAB program licenses for use in ENGR 405.
        Outcome Measures: 1)Licenses renewed. 2) Students in ENGR 405 have continued access to the MATLAB program required in ENGR 405.
        Prioritizations: MSE Division Office rank 1, Mathematics, Statistics & Engineering rank 1
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
    • Division Science & Allied Health

      • Unit Biology

      • Unit Chemistry

      • Unit Dental Assisting

      • Unit Dental Hygiene

      • Unit HOPE Center

      • Unit Nursing

      • Unit Occupational Therapy Assistant

      • Unit Physical Therapist Assistant

      • Unit Physics, Astronomy & Geology

      • Unit SAH Division Office

        SAH Div(2020-21)100 Yes College goals A, D
        Science & Allied Health rank 5
        Unit Objective: Expand Division-wide effort to eliminate disproportionate impacts in our courses and programs with initial focus on gateway courses such as PHYS 350, CHEM 300, 400 and BIOL 100, 402, 430 and 440.
        Outcome Measures: 1. Continue Science Equity Data Review and Planning process with Science Department/Individual. 2. Support PD for faculty and staff focused on practices that are shown to improve outcomes for disproportional impacted students in STEM. 3. Support Division faculty in teaching INDIS 313 classes. 4. Encourage and support staff in conducting student outreach with a focus on students from underrepresented populations in STEM. 5. Support Department collaboration to address enrollment and outcome disparities, especially for Black and Brown students. 6. Explore cross-divisional use of the Astronomy coordinator position to promote student interest in STEM, especially students historically underrepresented in STEM.
        Prioritizations: Science & Allied Health rank 5
        Types of action: Staff Development
        Resources Required:
        SAH Div(2020-21)101 No College goals B, C
        Science & Allied Health rank 9
        Unit Objective: Improve Division business processes with special focus on providing training (external and internal) to enhance the knowledge and skills of classified staff to assure the best possible service to students and faculty. We be leave that more efficient systems and practices greatly increase our ability to serve at risk students.
        Outcome Measures: 1. Reorganize the S-Drive to make contents more accessible. 2. Implement inventory system implement for MOH Health programs. 3. Work with classified staff, continue to work to more evenly distribute the Division administrative workload. 4. Continue to move forward with digitization of program and office records.
        Prioritizations: Science & Allied Health rank 9
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        SAH Div(2020-21)102 Yes College goals A, B, C
        Science & Allied Health rank 8
        Unit Objective: Develop stable oversight and funding, and implement effective tutoring practices with a focus on eliminating student success disparities in key gatekeeper Science classes.
        Outcome Measures: 1. Re-institute the SAHTC oversight committee by February 1, 2022. 2. Identify $16,500 in stable funding for temporary IA position for SAHTC. 3. Encourage and support faculty to conduct some of their office hours in the SAHTC.
        Prioritizations: Science & Allied Health rank 8
        Types of action: Tutoring
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, Cont. CDF Base Augmentation, Operating Base
        Total financial need = $16,500.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: Science and Health classes have significant disproportionate impacts on Black and Brown Students with respect to enrollment and success. The the convenient availability of discipline specific tutoring that is tightly connected to instructors in the those disciplines is a high impact practice in STEM. An IA who can monitor the daily activity of SAHTC is an essential element for a successful tutoring program. , The funding request for an IA is critical to the success of SAHTC. The IA is particularly important for recruiting, on-boarding, scheduling and monitoring the work of student tutors. Faculty do not have the time capacity to take on this daily monitoring.
        SAH Div(2020-21)104 No College goals A, B
        Science & Allied Health rank 1
        Unit Objective: Maintenance of Effort - continue to provide strong, well-equipped academic and career programs
        Outcome Measures: Provide effective and efficient instructional services to students. Total Division MOE is $190,924.
        Prioritizations: Science & Allied Health rank 1
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: Maintenance of Effort, Cont. CDF Base Augmentation, Operating Base
        Total financial need = $190,924.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: AGP - $8,500 BIOL - $49,294 CHEM - $44,625 DENTAL - $50,000 OTA - $14,090 PTA - $24,415 Total - $190,924 , Science and Health programs use many different types of expensive and sensitive equipment. This equipment is subject to significant price increases, especially this year with COVID-19.
        SAH Div(2020-21)109 Yes College goals A, D
        Science & Allied Health rank 2
        Unit Objective: Hire full-time faculty
        Outcome Measures: We will be seeking the following full-time positions. 1. AGP - Astronomy faculty coordinator; BIOL - Non-majors/field ecology; 2. Chemistry - 2 positions; 3. Dental Hygiene - Dentist & instructor 4. DAST - 1 instructor; 5. OTA - Fieldwork Coordinator
        Prioritizations: Science & Allied Health rank 2
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Hire Full-time Faculty
        SAH Div(2020-21)110 No College goals A, C
        Science & Allied Health rank 4, Instruction rank 4
        Unit Objective: Purchase of computers & related items
        Outcome Measures: BIOL 24 laptops on replacement cycle, wheeled cart, and 24 charger converters ($30,236) NURSE 10 10 Data On Wheels for simulation ($18,000; PTA/OTA 33 laptops, wheeled cart and software for student use ($44,200); Total $92,436
        Prioritizations: Science & Allied Health rank 4, Instruction rank 4
        Types of action: Information Technology
        Resources Required:
        Financial: None, OTO Base Augmentation, Equip. Purchase
        Total financial need = $92,436.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: BIOL - $30,236 NURSE - $18,000 PTA - $44,200 Total $92,436, Science & Health programs are highly visual and data rich disciplines. This requires a significant investment in IT equipment. This year the primary requests are for the purchase of laptops and notebooks to support
        IT Request: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for IT request: Four or our academic areas are requesting additional computers as follows: Physics - 12 MacBook Air with cart for use in the laboratory classes; 12 laptops (PCs)for Temp 11 to be used for our major Biology services and Field Ecology; CHEM - 3 laptops for use by faculty during lectures and labs; NURSE/OTA/PTA - 33 laptops and computer cart as a shared resource among the three programs. Science & Health are highly visual and data driven areas. All the requests here share a couple of common themes. First, they are seek to put data gathering, processing and analysis directly in the hands of the students. Second, they all are seeking to support multiple modalities of learning, auditory, kinesthetic and visual. Third, they all seek to make their classes more of an "active learning" environment where students can engage the material in a more self-directed way.
        SAH Div(2020-21)111 No College goals A, C, D
        Science & Allied Health rank 3, Instruction rank 7
        Unit Objective: Purchase of non-IT instructional equipment
        Outcome Measures: Make the following purchases: AGP: 12 Immersive Virtual Reality Systems (IVRS) for Astronomy Lecture and Lab - $6,000 BIOL - Field Ecology materials & supplies - $8,650 DHYG - $2,000 - 3 saddle chairs; CHEM - LC-MS 30,000 per year for 5 years, 3 New balances $7,500; NURSE - 2 Pyxis medication dispensing system for simulated hospital unit, $40,000
        Prioritizations: Science & Allied Health rank 3, Instruction rank 7
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: New Initiative, OTO Base Augmentation, Equip. Purchase
        Total financial need = $94,150.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: AGP: Is seeking to purchase 12 sets of Immersive Virtual Reality System (IVRS) for Astronomy Lecture and Lab. Biology is seeking to purchase equipment to enhance outcomes for students taking non-majors & Fieldwork labs. Dental Hygiene seeks to purchase three saddle chairs that will improve the ergonomics for smaller students as they conduct patient cleanings. Chemistry is requesting funds to purchase and LC-MS to allow for a broader array of lab experiences and for replacement of 3 poorly functioning analytical balances. , AGP: IVRS provides an authentic, students-center lecture and laboratory activities to teach difficult-to-grasp 3-dimensional concepts in Astronomy. Biology: Non-majors and Fieldwork labs emphasize a hands-on, realistic Science experience. Dental Hygiene: ergonomics is a critical consideration in training Dental Hygiene students. Shorter students will be benefited from having an alternative seating arrangement. CHEM: The department provides students incredible opportunities to experience a realistic lab experience. A critical aspect is to provide opportunities to work with industry standard equipment. These purchase will help the department to continue providing such experiences. NURSE: Providing students a realistic hospital experience is critical for their being able to work effectively and safely with actual patients. A critical part of this experience is the highly regulated dispensing of medications. The Pyxis system will provide this experience.
        SAH Div(2020-21)112 Yes College goals A, C
        Science & Allied Health rank 7
        Unit Objective: Provide facilities that are secure, safe, healthy and productive work and learning environment.
        Outcome Measures: LIH - address electrical and air quality issues including annual air quality studies: Dental clinic - new sink and counter in radiology lab and key pad for entry into clinic area.
        Prioritizations: Science & Allied Health rank 7
        Types of action: Non-Instructional Equipment & Infrastructure
        Resources Required:
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request: LIH: a)Replace/repair existing wiring and address electrical deficiencies in Lillard Hall and T-11; (b) Repair or renovate HVAC systems to address leaks that cause mold growth in ceilings and ceiling tile and black dust from HVAC ducts that settles on and damages biological specimens; (c) Annual testing of air quality, installation of HEPA filters, and (d) designating additional parking for faculty close to Lillard Hall to replace the loss of F Lot due to the construction of the new Lillard Hall. DENTAL: Install a new sink and counter in the dental radiology room. LIH: While construction on new LIH has begun, the current building will remain in use for at least another two years. In the meantime, the ongoing electrical air quality issues need to be addressed so that students, staff, and faculty have a safe learning and working environment. Until the new Lillard Hall is built and occupied, the building's wiring, HVAC systems, ducts, and air quality must be maintained to provide a learning and working environment that has clean and safe air. It is also important that during construction of the new building sufficient parking is available as close to the old building as practicable for faculty whose classes meet during the busiest time of the day. DENTAL CLINIC: The key pad is being requested to improve the security of the Dental Clinic. While the addition of a locking door to the clinic has been helpful, the key pad will assure that the door remains locked and also provide more convenient access by staff and faculty. The sink in the radiology lab will replace what has become a poorly function work space.
        SAH Div(2022-23)113 No College goals A, C, D
        Science & Allied Health rank 6
        Unit Objective: Professional Development for faculty and staff in order to assure best practices in all areas of the Division
        Outcome Measures: CHEM - $4,000 for outreach to H.S.; DAST - $5,000 - attend as a team best practice conferences; DHYG - $5,000 - attend as a team best practices conferences; OTA - $4,000 to hold annual program improvement retreat with FT and PT faculty Classified; Staff - $3,000 to provide Division classified training on college process and use of Office(tm)suite and Adobe programs.
        Prioritizations: Science & Allied Health rank 6
        Types of action: Staff Development
        Resources Required:
        Financial: None, OTO Base Augmentation, Travel/Conference
        Total financial need = $21,000.00
        Description and rationale for financial request: These requests involve conducting in-house PD efforts as well as attendance of faculty as a team at state/national conferences. It also provides support for skills training for classified staff. , Health programs: These programs operate in a highly dynamic environment with rapidly changing technology as well as changes in scope of practice and care delivery. These investments will insure that our programs provide students with access to education that is current to industry standards. CHEM: The department is committed to improving the enrollment of historically underserved students. One of the many efforts they are making is to conducted targeted interaction with high school students from these populations. The funds will provide training and support for these activities. Support more efficient practices by classified staff will allow for more effective and efficient service to students and faculty. Classified staff: Support more efficient practices by classified staff will allow for more effective and efficient service to students and faculty.
        SAH Div(2022-23)114 No College goals A, B
        Science & Allied Health rank 6
        Unit Objective: Hire full-time classified positions to (1) assure the Dental clinic accreditation requirements, (2) support the Science & Allied Health tutoring center (3) three support ASTR, GEOL and PHYS labs, and (4) create a Health Program Supervisor position to support on-site clinical lab classes and the dental clinic.
        Outcome Measures: 1. Hire sterilization lab tech for the Dental clinic in order to assure compliance with State accreditation standards and regulations. 2. Create a Health program supervisor position, similar to the Science Lab Supervisor. 3. Hire a full-time lab tech to support Astronomy, Geology & Physics. 4. Hire a full-time IA to support the Science & Allied Health Tutoring Center.
        Prioritizations: Science & Allied Health rank 6
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
    • Division VPI Office Division

      • Unit VPI Office

    • Division West Sacramento Center Division

      • Unit West Sacramento Center

        WSAC(2022-23)100 Yes College goals A, B
        Unit Objective: Increase Tutoring Support: Provide services that support student success in the classroom.
        Outcome Measures: Maintain a tutoring/writing center schedule that is sufficient to meet the needs of the West Sacramento students, including the hiring of a faculty Writing Center Coordinator. A minimum of 32 hours of tutoring support is ideal to meet the needs of the student population and increase the course success rates in English and Mathematics as well as in other subject areas. Funding should be made available through the Writing Center Program plan and Tutoring Program Plan. Plus, Coordinator Position IA and student tutors.
        Types of action: Tutoring
        Resources Required:
        WSAC(2022-23)101 College goals E
        Unit Objective: Offer the Optical Technology Program at the West Sacramento Center. This objective will require the support of Strong Workforce Funds to redesign space on the 3rd floor of the WSC.
        Outcome Measures: Increase the Career Education opportunities at the West Sacrameno Center by offering this program at the WSC. Students will be able to complete a Certificate of Achievement to work in the growing health field.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        WSAC(2022-23)102 College goals A, E
        Unit Objective: AT- DIV. MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT (MOE) Maintain current 2021-2022 division level MOE and 700P account.
        Outcome Measures: This will provide instructional supplies for faculty, required dues for professional associations and regulatory agencies, ESA and PEX contracts, fees for regulatory and required annual conferences. The division departments will apply to local and regional Strong Workforce and Perkins funds to support the remaining division objectives.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        WSAC(2022-23)104 Yes College goals A, B, E
        Unit Objective: AT-DIV HIRE FACULTY. Several departments have a critical need to hire full time faculty in order to maintain and grow programs. These hires should be spread out over multiple years and will be dependent on the re-emergence of the regional and state economy. PHOTO- 1 D&DM - 2 EDT - 1 MET -1 (Adv Manufacturing)
        Outcome Measures: Robust programs which meet the needs of industries and provide employment for students. As the region and state rebound from effects of Covid-19, graduates of Adv Tec Division program will be in high demand.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Hire Full-time Faculty
        WSAC(2022-23)105 College goals E
        Unit Objective: To purchase Opt tech equipment and lab storage cabinets.
        Outcome Measures: The purchase and installation of storage cabinets and Opt tech equipment
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        WSAC(2022-23)106 Yes College goals A
        Unit Objective: D&DM 01- Industry and Community Outreach: Establish close working relationship with community organizations, and with communities to promote education and career opportunities for all students. This will strengthen support for students to enroll and to succeed.
        Outcome Measures: Improved relationships with industries which provide invaluable support for programs and employment for students, more direct involvement with programs, students, and faculty. Improved relationships with high schools and four year institutions. Community relationships will significantly expand awareness of programs and benefits to students, as well as community support for student participation.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        WSAC(2022-23)107 College goals A
        Unit Objective: D&DM 02 Replace existing computer desks in T103 with 25 new computer desks to accommodate new desktop computer hardware and create individual computer stations for each desktop computer.
        Outcome Measures: Work with division to identify funding; IT and Facilities to identify, purchase and install new desks.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        WSAC(2022-23)108 Yes College goals E
        Unit Objective: AT Div EQUITY INITIATIVES: #1 MET Text Book Lending program for students with financial aid #2 Increased tutoring access for COSM and D&DM students with limited access to technology #3 D&DM and AT Design Lab will develop plan for modifying existing Adv Tec facilities to develop collaborative , multi-use space to promote equitable access to resources,
        Outcome Measures: #1 Greater completion and employment for MET marginalized students #2 Improved success and completing rates for COSM and D&DM students #3 Development of D&DM and AT Design Lab plan
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        WSAC(2022-23)109 College goals E
        Unit Objective: AT Div MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING FACILITIES 1.MET Adv Manuf program locate to LUC 11A&B with modifications for Adv Manuf program & equipment 2. MET - consolidate tool rooms in LUC9 3. MET - add student wash stations in LUC llB 4. Modifications to D&DM classrooms and AT Design Lab
        Outcome Measures: #1. The new Manufacturing program, IMMT, cannot be initiated without a lab area to house required equipment #2. Hand washing and eye wash stations are required safety issues #3. Space will be saved in LUC 9 &116 area by consolidating tool rooms. Better control of equipment, tools and supplies. #4 Improved area for D&DM classes and AT Design Lab. Better use of space and ability for multiple uses of space.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
  • President

    • Division Office of Philanthropy Division

      • Unit Office of Philanthropy

    • Division P.R.I.E. Division

      • Unit P.R.I.E.

        PRIE(2020-21)101 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Unit Objective: PLANNING: Work with the College Council to draft a new five-year college strategic plan.
        Outcome Measures: Completion of 2022-2027 SCC Strategic Plan.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        PRIE(2020-21)102 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Unit Objective: PLANNING: Work with the College Council to review and modify planning structures and processes, so that planning is more efficient, effective, and meaningful.
        Outcome Measures: Modification of planning structures and processes; development of review and evaluation practices for planning processes.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        PRIE(2020-21)104 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Unit Objective: RESEARCH: Continue to work with groups and constituencies from across the college to develop new data approaches and increase the understanding of how data can be used in support of student equity and achievement.
        Outcome Measures: Implementation of data communication plan status updates indicating completion, which includes communication of data to appropriate people/areas, feedback mechanisms, and data action planning and decision-making.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        PRIE(2020-21)105 Yes College goals C
        Unit Objective: INFRASTRUCTURE: Continue to explore options for moving PRIE to a larger space, ideally the former Office of Philanthropy. The current PRIE office is crowded and noise levels from the adjacent classrooms are intrusive. This is a continuing objective - space has been identified and plans have been developed, but the current plans do not meet the needs of the PRIE office.
        Outcome Measures: A larger space for the PRIE office identified no later than Fall 2022 and a move planned no later than Spring 2023.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        PRIE(2020-21)106 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Unit Objective: GRANTS: Improve grants support at the college by creating an SCC Grants Handbook, providing regular training, developing a grants feasibility process, and posting grants resources on our SCC Grants webpage.
        Outcome Measures: Completion of Grants Handbook; offerings of at least 1 training per semester; posting recorded trainings/slides on the SCC Grants webpage; approval of grants feasibility process.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        PRIE(2022-23)107 Yes College goals A, B, D
        Unit Objective: RESEARCH: Strengthen the college's adherence to good research ethical practices by (1) requiring members of our Institutional Review Board (IRB) and external researchers to complete CITI training, and (2) revising the college's Research Handbook to be clearer and more user-friendly.
        Outcome Measures: Our office will require our IRB members to be CITI-trained no later than Fall 2022. The Research Handbook will be revised no later than Spring 2023. Identifying ongoing funding for CITI training will likely be a multi-year goal, but ideally completed by Spring 2023.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
    • Division President's Office Division

      • Unit President's Office

    • Division Public Information Office Division

      • Unit Public Information Office

  • Student Services

    • Division AVPESS

      • Unit AVPESS Division Office

      • Unit Professional Development/SRC

    • Division Connection and Onboarding

      • Unit Admissions & Records

      • Unit Assessment

      • Unit Connection and Onboarding Division Office

      • Unit Financial Aid

      • Unit First Year Experience

      • Unit Outreach

    • Division Engagement and Completion

      • Unit API

        API(2022-23)100 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        API rank 1
        Unit Objective: Staffing: Hire a permanent full-time Student Personnel Assistant to assist with the growth of the API program. Both with programming and with staffing a center.
        Outcome Measures: The Student Personnel Assistant will oversee the day to day operation of the center along with plan and coordinate events and workshops, oversee student staff, and manage the budget. Having a center where students can gather and built peer to peer community.
        Prioritizations: API rank 1
        Types of action: Staff Development
        Resources Required:
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
        API(2022-23)101 Yes College goals A, B, C, D
        API rank 2
        Unit Objective: Physical Space: Secure a larger space that is suitable for a program that is launching into a center that serves 21% of the student population. Current/previous space identified is SOG-212, which is incredibly small for serving this student population.
        Outcome Measures: The API Program will launch into a center that supports new initiatives such as the new AANAPISI grant funded staff and programming, expansion of API Counseling, API Therapist, staffing, employee work stations, and space to serve students, host events/workshops, and provide confidentiali space for counseling appointments. A larger space would also support adherance to COVID-19 safety protocols and maximum person limits during COVID-19.
        Prioritizations: API rank 2
        Types of action: Non-Instructional Equipment & Infrastructure
        Resources Required:
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        API(2022-23)102 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        API rank 4
        Unit Objective: Operational/Programming Funds, Student Hiring: Increase API Program Budget from $31K to $88K
        Outcome Measures: Increase student employee and benefits to $36k for 3 student staff, for a total of four API Student Assistants/Peer Mentors to serve the primary four populations inuding: East Asian, Pacific Islander, South Asian and Southeast Asian students. In addition to this, an increase in overall operational/programming budget would provide students with academic and personal support through diverse peer mentors, enhance student educational opportunities with guest speakers, professional development opportunities for the team and students, improve API student sense of belonging, retention, and completion amidst increase needs related to anti-Asian racism, refugee student needs, multilingual student needs and resources.
        Prioritizations: API rank 4
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        API(2022-23)103 Yes College goals E
        API rank 3
        Unit Objective: Hiring: 0.5 FTE API Faculty Coordinator/Counselor
        Outcome Measures: With leadership of an API Coordiantor/Counselor, build a fully operational API-serving center with a faculty coordinator/counselor dedicated to supporting the diverse needs of this large demographic, including East Asian, Pacific Islander, Southeast Asian, South Asian students. This population includes refugee students, undocumented/underdocumented/mixed status students, multilingual, first generation students, ESL, etc. Faculty would also serve as liaison to faculty body, as well as help address anti-Asian/anti-immigrant/anti-refugee racism and barriers to success.
        Prioritizations: API rank 3
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Hire Full-time Faculty
      • Unit ASHE Center

        ASHE(2022-23)100 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        ASHE Center rank 1
        Unit Objective: Increase awareness and visibility of the ASHE Center and services.
        Outcome Measures: Increase awareness of program and student engagement. Increase Social Media presence (hire student assistant to concentrate on Socials). Enhance ASHE’s role in FYE, Summer Bridge, INDIS, Gen Couns. efforts and other campus/district wide efforts to improve the quality and experience of African American students at SCC.
        Prioritizations: ASHE Center rank 1
        Types of action: Marketing
        Resources Required:
        ASHE(2022-23)101 Yes College goals A, B, D, E
        ASHE Center rank 2
        Unit Objective: Provide academic support and guidance (primarily, but not exclusively) to African/African-American students at SCC.
        Outcome Measures: Promote timely transfer and graduation. Encourage transfer / graduation level Math and English requirements are met in the first year, Provide engagement opportunities with CA Colleges, out of state and HBCU's. Provide opportunities for students to connect with tutoring and financial aid representatives in ASHE Center.
        Prioritizations: ASHE Center rank 2
        Types of action: Articulation
        Resources Required:
        ASHE(2022-23)102 Yes College goals A, B, D, E
        ASHE Center rank 3
        Unit Objective: Promote African/African-American cultural preservation and awareness.
        Outcome Measures: Provide space for recognizing African/African American student and personal success. Encourage and increase awareness of HBCUs. Sponsor and collaborate in the provision of a variety of cultural events and resources.
        Prioritizations: ASHE Center rank 3
        Types of action: Marketing
        Resources Required:
      • Unit CalWORKS

      • Unit College 2 Career

        C2C(2022-23)100 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Develop information system/database to track referrals, IPE's, outcomes, and service progress. Align system to DOR contract requirements.
        Outcome Measures: Development of referral and tracking system.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        C2C(2022-23)101 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Develop partnerships with local employers/business
        Outcome Measures: Attend Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club, and other business association meetings. Participate in meetings related to employment of individuals with disabilities within state government.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
        C2C(2022-23)102 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Increase referrals for program enrollment
        Outcome Measures: Collaborate with internal and external programs established; create a streamlined referral process with timelines communicated to stakeholders;
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        C2C(2022-23)103 College goals
        Unit Objective:
        Outcome Measures:
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        C2C(2022-23)104 College goals
        Unit Objective:
        Outcome Measures:
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        C2C(2022-23)105 College goals
        Unit Objective:
        Outcome Measures:
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        C2C(2022-23)106 College goals
        Unit Objective:
        Outcome Measures:
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        C2C(2022-23)107 College goals
        Unit Objective:
        Outcome Measures:
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        C2C(2022-23)108 College goals
        Unit Objective:
        Outcome Measures:
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        C2C(2022-23)109 College goals
        Unit Objective:
        Outcome Measures:
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
      • Unit Cultural Engagement Center

        CEC(2022-23)100 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Cultural Engagement Center rank 1
        Unit Objective: Hiring: Hire full-time Specialist to support three programs including API Program, Pride Center, and Native American Student Program.
        Outcome Measures: Increase from 1 full-time SPA overseeing three programs. This position would support development and growth of programs launching to become established with robust programming, budget management, event coordination, team management, hiring and personnel support, training and professional development opportunities, and strategic planning to better support three teams in supporting diverse needs of Asian Pacific Islander, Native American, LGBTQ+, and students with intersecting identities.
        Prioritizations: Cultural Engagement Center rank 1
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
      • Unit Disabled Students Programs & Services

        DSPS(2020-21)100 No College goals A, B
        Unit Objective: Offer a section of HCD 113 for students with learning disabilities during the Summer Semester.
        Outcome Measures: Students will maintain and/or increase knowledge of subject matter between semesters for an increased probability of success in the next semester.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        DSPS(2020-21)101 No College goals A
        Unit Objective: Augment classroom support with one IA permanent position for the HCD 83, 84, 85, 113 classes taught for LD students. DSPS funded.
        Outcome Measures: HCD classes 83, 84, 85 and 113 for students with learning disabilities IAs are necessary to support LD students who need more individualized support than is provided in other academic classes. Currently we use student help, and temp IA's in the classrooms, supporting the instructors. These HCD classes are key to students entering the Basic Skills classes and support students in the graduation math sequence.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
        DSPS(2020-21)102 Yes College goals A
        Unit Objective: Counselor assigned to work with students on probation and/or dismissal
        Outcome Measures: Specialized counseling becomes more imperative due to the Equity Plan and the need to provide additional counseling, follow-up and case management to students on probation, at risk students and to increase retention and student success. The outcome measure will be an additional private room dedicated to probation and dismissal counseling and specialized case management counseling. This will also allow the current shared space to be dedicated to LD intake and testing.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Hire Full-time Faculty
        DSPS(2020-21)103 No College goals A
        Unit Objective: Create a part time/permanent real time captioner job description/position. DSPS funded.
        Outcome Measures: This position does not exist in Los Rios. DSPS Deaf Services has seen a marked increase in captioning requests. DSPS currently contracts with agencies to provide real time captioning accommodationsto Deaf and Hard of Hearing students. The agencies cannot always fill the requests. A staff captioner would ensure that we can provide the requested accommodation.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
        DSPS(2020-21)104 No College goals C
        Unit Objective: Reconfigure student records file room to create space to move copier and mail station into file room. Convert copier/mail room into a DSPS adjunct counselor office. This project is contingent upon an electronic filing system.
        Outcome Measures: This will give DSPS a separate LD intake testing room and a separate adjunct counselor office and private room for LD classified staff.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        DSPS(2020-21)105 No College goals C
        Unit Objective: Purchase e-file or disability accommodation management software to convert current paper student records to e-files. Alternatively, IT can create a homegrown accommodation management system.
        Outcome Measures: Improved efficiency of DSPS student records procedures and storage.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        IT Request: Feasibility checked - Yes. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for IT request: Purchase an electronic filing and management system. We are currently using paper files. A robust system would be ideal. Due to COVID-19, we have begun to scan our paper files into OnBase. We are currently scanning our paper files into OnBase. We need a robust file management system that is compatible with DSPS needs and responsibilities.
        DSPS(2020-21)106 No College goals C
        Unit Objective: Purchase scheduling software for use by DSPS Support Services, Deaf Services and Proctored Testing Center. Alternatively, IT can create a homegrown scheduling software.
        Outcome Measures: Improved efficiency of DSPS scheduling systems for notetakers, class assistants, interpreters, captioners and proctored exams. Staff in these areas are currently using Excel and Access spreadsheets.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        IT Request: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for IT request: We need electronic scheduling software for our DHH and PTC. Scheduling software will improve the efficiency of the DSPS scheduling needs for, note-takers, class assistants, interpreters, captioners, and proctored exams. We are currently using Excel and Access spreadsheets.
        DSPS(2020-21)107 No College goals A, B
        Unit Objective: Hire one fulltime DSPS SPA.
        Outcome Measures: DSPS unduplicated student count has grown from 800 in 2005 to over 2,100 in 2017. This SPA position would augment our current SPA staffing (3) providing educational support services to DSPS students in one or more areas including: Proctored Testing Center, Learning Disabilities and Support Services.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
        DSPS(2020-21)108 No College goals C
        Unit Objective: Purchase taller partitions to increase privacy in the STS for staff who meet with DSPS students regarding disability accommodations. DSPS funds cannot be used to purchase furniture.
        Outcome Measures: Increase confidentiality for DSPS students. DSPS funds cannot be used to purchase furniture.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        DSPS(2020-21)109 No College goals A, B
        Unit Objective: Hire FT Proctoring SPA
        Outcome Measures: The PTC proctors exams from 7am -6pm, later in the evenings and weekends by appt. We currently have only one FT SPA. DSPS will fund.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
        DSPS(2020-21)110 No College goals C
        Unit Objective: Soundproof PTC.
        Outcome Measures: Currently the PTC is adjacent to the FA lab. Noise from the lab is not conducive to providing a distraction reduced environment which is an ADA accommodation.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        DSPS(2020-21)111 No College goals C
        Unit Objective: Increase number of private rooms in the PTC.
        Outcome Measures: We currently have only 4 private testing rooms. We are obligated to provide this ADA accommodation.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        DSPS(2020-21)112 Yes College goals B, C
        Unit Objective: Make the HTC a smart "classroom". DSPS will fund.
        Outcome Measures: Purchase laptop, mouse, keyboard, & screen. All equipment has been purchased and received. We will now need to install.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        IT Request: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for IT request: Convert the HTC into a smart classroom by purchasing a laptop, mouse, keyboard, and screen. The HTC will be able to provide group training on accessible software. Currently, staff schedules one-on-one appointments.
        DSPS(2020-21)113 No College goals B
        Unit Objective: 3-5 android tablets with live transcription apps for note-taking. This purchase would be a test pilot. DSPS will fund.
        Outcome Measures: As a pilot we will determine if the live transcription services actually support students who use note-takers as an accommodation.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        IT Request: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for IT request: Purchasing tablets to provide live transcription services for students who use note-takers. Live transcription service may benefit students who use note-takers. This will be a pilot program.
      • Unit Engagement and Completion Division Office

      • Unit Extended Opportunities, Programs & Services

        EOPS/CARE/NUP(2020-21)100 Yes College goals A, B, C, D
        Unit Objective: EOPS, CARE, and Next Up will expand programs and specialized support services to disproportionately impacted populations at SCC, such as eligible current and former foster youth, by acquiring additional physical space and hiring a Next Up Student Support Specialist and Next Up Counselor.
        Outcome Measures: EOPS, CARE, and Next Up programs will have a community space for students from disproportionately impacted populations. EOPS will have a study area for student participants. Cubicles used to provide direct face-to-face support will increase in size and situated to provide privacy. EOPS will acquire the waiting room space currently shared by EOPS and Financial Aid to accommodate the delivery of programs and services to foster youth in Next Up and Next Up faculty and staff.
        Types of action: Non-Instructional Equipment & Infrastructure
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
        IT Request: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for IT request: The EOPS office will acquire the waiting room next to the financial aid office. The expansion of space is to better serve our students in our current program but to adhere to covid-19 social distancing regulations when back on ground. New work stations will be installed and computers and printing stations will be part of this request for expansion.
        EOPS/CARE/NUP(2020-21)101 Yes College goals A, B, C, D
        Unit Objective: EOPS will increase student engagement of current and incoming students through enhancing retention efforts while serving students in a remote environment and through the utilization of technology.
        Outcome Measures: EOPS staff will identify key data elements and establish a baseline for measure outcomes.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
        EOPS/CARE/NUP(2020-21)102 Yes College goals A, B, C, D
        Unit Objective: EOPS, CARE and Next Up will continue to adhere to State Chancellor program and budget plans to ensure all programmatic requirements are being met and fulfilled as listed in the EOPS/CARE/NextUp State regulations as an "over and above" program.
        Outcome Measures: EOPS will follow state reporting requirements and deadlines through collecting and compiling in house data of student enrollment, retention and completion.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        EOPS/CARE/NUP(2022-23)103 Yes College goals A, B, C, D
        Unit Objective: We will continue to enhance our retention efforts in finding creative platforms in serving our students remotely and develop a hybrid model without compromising the quality of services that historically have been provided in person and on ground. And it meets the needs of our students both who chose to completed requirements remotely or in person
        Outcome Measures: Identify key data elements that support students are thriving in a hybrid model. Survey, number of in person contact, etc.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        EOPS/CARE/NUP(2022-23)104 Yes College goals A, B, C, D
        Unit Objective: Develop a more comprehensive and interactive electronic filing system that supports the programs commitment to a holistic case management framework
        Outcome Measures: A functional quality electronic filing system database that meets the needs of the program and staff
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
      • Unit Native Center

        NATIVE(2022-23)100 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Native Center rank 1
        Unit Objective: Staffing: Hire a permanent full-time Student Personnel Assistant to assist with the growth of the Native American Student Program. Both with programming and with staffing a center.
        Outcome Measures: The Native American Student Program envisions year round programming to include community connection, workshops and events for cultural tradtitions. The full-time Student Personnel Assitant will be responsible in making the programs' objectives possible. Along with oversee the day to day operation of the center and assist with the services provided within the center, schedule counseling appointments, refer students to student services and assist with the academic success of students.
        Prioritizations: Native Center rank 1
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
        NATIVE(2022-23)101 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Native Center rank 2
        Unit Objective: Physical Space: Secure a space that is suitable for a growing program including one full-time staff and at least one student staff with work stations for students. The current/previous identified space is STC-119, which is designated as shared with The Pride Center.
        Outcome Measures: Provide proper space for staff and students, a space where students can gather and celebrate each others accomplishment feel a sense of community and the support of the insitution. Provide workshops, educational development and celebrate cultural traditions. Offer counseling and mental health services.
        Prioritizations: Native Center rank 2
        Types of action: Non-Instructional Equipment & Infrastructure
        Resources Required:
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        NATIVE(2022-23)102 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Native Center rank 3
        Unit Objective: Expand: Increase awareness and visibility of the program and services. Increase budget to increase student staff hours, purchases promotional materials flyers and souvenirs.
        Outcome Measures: Increasing the budget to offer student staff more hours or increase from one student staff to two students. The hours will be use to attend off campus promotion events, work on partnership within the district and in the community. Offer peer mentor hours to further develop student connection to the campus and the program. Purchase promotional material, flyers, record/produce a film to use in presentation. Work with the outreach department to join high school visits.
        Prioritizations: Native Center rank 3
        Types of action: Marketing
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
      • Unit PRIDE

        PRIDE(2022-23)100 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        PRIDE rank 1
        Unit Objective: Staffing: Hire a permanent full-time Student Personnel Assistant to assist with the growth of the Pride Center. Both with programming and with staffing a center.
        Outcome Measures: The Student Personnel Assistant is responsible for year round programming, events, advisory meetings, workshops, and the day to day operation of the center. Oversee student staff, assist with professional development. Work to meet the centers' mission and objectives.
        Prioritizations: PRIDE rank 1
        Types of action: Staff Development
        Resources Required:
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
        PRIDE(2022-23)101 Yes College goals C
        PRIDE rank 2
        Unit Objective: Physical Space: Secure a space that is suitable for a program that launched into a center. The current/previous identified space is STC-119, which is designated as shared with the Native American Student Program.
        Outcome Measures: The Pride Center is in need of space for employee work stations, to serve students, host event/workshops and provide confidential space for counseling appointments. A larger space to support COVID-19 safety protocols with maximum person limits.
        Prioritizations: PRIDE rank 2
        Types of action: Non-Instructional Equipment & Infrastructure
        Resources Required:
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        PRIDE(2022-23)102 Yes College goals A, B, C, E
        PRIDE rank 3
        Unit Objective: Hire: Pride Mental Health Specialist
        Outcome Measures: A mental health specialist can offer one-on-one support for the diverse transgender, non-binary, queer, and questioning student, including queer and trans students of color, experiencing barriers to wellness. This population faces special circumstances learning from home environments that may not affirm their identies. Offer preventative and skill-building wellness and mental health workshops and trainings.
        Prioritizations: PRIDE rank 3
        Types of action: Staff Development
        Resources Required:
        Hire Full-time Faculty
      • Unit RASA Center

        RASA(2022-23)100 Yes College goals A, B, D, E
        RASA Center rank 1
        Unit Objective: Expand: Increase awareness and visibility of the RASA Center and services. Increase in completed RASA intake forms. Along with increasing the number of unduplicated students that we serve.
        Outcome Measures: Spreading awareness of the RASA Center to current students, who we are, what we do and how we serve. Intentional inreach during campus events and outreach at community orgranizations, Highschools, community events... etc.
        Prioritizations: RASA Center rank 1
        Types of action: Marketing
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
        RASA(2022-23)101 Yes College goals B, D
        RASA Center rank 3
        Unit Objective: Staffing: Hire a permanent full-time Student Personnel Assistant to assist with the growth of the RASA Center. Both with programming and with staffing a center.
        Outcome Measures: Full time SPA will assist with daily tasks and responsibilites in the center. Including but not limited to supporting with event/programming creation, RASA class support, and facilitation of trainings.
        Prioritizations: RASA Center rank 3
        Types of action: Staff Development
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
        RASA(2022-23)102 Yes College goals A, B, C, D
        RASA Center rank 2
        Unit Objective: Physical Space: Have a private and safe space for our counselors. Current counselor does not have a private office to meet with students.
        Outcome Measures: Allow students privacy and confidentiality during academic and personal counseling appointments.
        Prioritizations: RASA Center rank 2
        Types of action: Non-Instructional Equipment & Infrastructure
        Resources Required:
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
      • Unit RISE Program

        RISE(2022-23)100 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        RISE Program rank 1
        Unit Objective: Hire a permanent full-time Student Student Support Specialist to assist with the growth and coordinate of Jr. RISE High School program.
        Outcome Measures: The Student Support Specialist will implement and oversee JR Rise Program Coordination, oversee/ cunduct high school outreach effots, train student help and part time staff, work alongside high school personnel, and conduct evaluations and reports.
        Prioritizations: RISE Program rank 1
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
        RISE(2022-23)101 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        RISE Program rank 2
        Unit Objective: Hire a permanent Full Time SPA to assist and facilitate office needs.
        Outcome Measures: Permanent SPA will assist current Full Time Specialist with daily clerical office duties. This will allow much needed time for Full Time Specialist to focus on programming, planning, case-management, and retention efforts of current RISE students.
        Prioritizations: RISE Program rank 2
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
        RISE(2022-23)102 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        RISE Program rank 3
        Unit Objective: Expand Jr. RISE Recruitment and Early College program into more feeder high schools; namely, Legion, Arthur Benjamin (Health Professions).
        Outcome Measures: Jr. RISE is a four-day a week after school program, preparing students academically, socially, and emotionally for the rigors of college. Students will earn college credit through Advanced Education and complete courses that orientate them to college. Program will be open to 10th-12th graders.
        Prioritizations: RISE Program rank 3
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        RISE(2022-23)103 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        RISE Program rank 4
        Unit Objective: Create Student Leadership Experience by continuing to utilize Student Help to tutor, guide, mentor, orientate, acclimate, and assimilate students to the college experience.
        Outcome Measures: Improve exposure to leadership roles by increasing the number of interaction between RISE hired students and the rest of the student population through class room presentations, campus events (in-person and online), student pannels, and one-on-one tutoring.
        Prioritizations: RISE Program rank 4
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        RISE(2022-23)104 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        RISE Program rank 5
        Unit Objective: Create adjunct counselor pool specific to equity division to increase access to culturally competent adjunct counselors to teach Jr. RISE Advanced Education courses/ provide academic counseling to Jr. Rise students.
        Outcome Measures: Increase amount and access of culturally competent adjunct counselors so JR Rise Services ie- courses and counseling services can be expanded to additional feeder high schools.
        Prioritizations: RISE Program rank 5
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
      • Unit Student Leadership & Development

        Development(2022-23)100 Yes College goals A, B, C, D
        Student Leadership & Development rank 5
        Unit Objective: Review online/interactive forms that are accessed, completed, and submitted through the SLD web pages to ensure currency and efficiency.
        Outcome Measures: Interactive SLD forms will be current, online for completion and submission.
        Prioritizations: Student Leadership & Development rank 5
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Development(2022-23)101 No College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Student Leadership & Development rank 1
        Unit Objective: Develop students' leadership and interpersonal skills/abilities by completing the Leadership Series of courses to address student association training mandate.
        Outcome Measures: Approved curriculum will be in place for Leadership I-IV (SGVT 311, 312, 313,314).
        Prioritizations: Student Leadership & Development rank 1
        Types of action: Distance Education
        Resources Required:
        Development(2022-23)102 No College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Student Leadership & Development rank 2
        Unit Objective: Improve programs that serve to welcome, orient, share information with, and engage students(including evening and Outreach Center students) and the campus community by converting a temporary classified position (currently shared with Student Equity & Success Division Office) to a permanent classified position.
        Outcome Measures: An additional full-time position will be added.
        Prioritizations: Student Leadership & Development rank 2
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
        Development(2022-23)103 College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Student Leadership & Development rank 4
        Unit Objective: Develop club advisor and club president training videos for chartering process to streamline time efficiency with only 2 staff members.
        Outcome Measures: Club training videos will exist and be available online for chartering clubs to access.
        Prioritizations: Student Leadership & Development rank 4
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Development(2022-23)104 Yes College goals A, B, C, D
        Student Leadership & Development rank 3
        Unit Objective: Create and implement a "Council of Wisdom" for each student leader to have a mentor from outside of SLD, and for the Council of Wisdom" to meet and share best practices and include the students in the process.
        Outcome Measures: A Council of Wisdom is in place and functioning.
        Prioritizations: Student Leadership & Development rank 3
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
      • Unit Veterans Resource Center

        VRC(2022-23)100 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Veterans Resource Center rank 1
        Unit Objective: Hire a permanent full-time VRC Counselor to assist with student recruitment, retention, and success. CreateVA Course planners while offering student counseling, and participate in all other VRC functions, programs, and events.
        Outcome Measures: Increase from 2 Adjunct VRC Counselors to a full-time counseling presence in VRC. Our current coverage only includes a few days per week. We have over 438 certified veterans, and a total of 550-600 veteran students including non-certified. In addtion, the VRC Counselor would support veteran dependents. This full-time VRC Counselor would be able to better serve and provide holistic support for the diverse needs of this population including: veterans of color, veterans with disabilities, women veterans, parenting veterans, and veterans adjusting to civilian life, underperforming students who need academic or career support, and more.
        Prioritizations: Veterans Resource Center rank 1
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Hire Full-time Faculty
        VRC(2022-23)101 Yes College goals B, C, E
        Veterans Resource Center rank 4
        Unit Objective: Create a Veterans Resource Center Advisory Team to support and strengthening relationships with the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, CalVet and other veteran community organizations that help recruit veterans and offer off campus resources that are unavailable on campus.
        Outcome Measures: VRC Planning Committee will host a meeting twice a semester that will include representation from VA community partners, local veteran leader’s, SCC campus staff, students, faculty, and administrative.
        Prioritizations: Veterans Resource Center rank 4
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        VRC(2022-23)102 No College goals A, B, D
        Veterans Resource Center rank 3
        Unit Objective: Create a campus-specific resource packet, including a new physical and virtual brochure highlighting Veteran’s Services and Resources available on campus. Can also use the packet for outreach purposes.
        Outcome Measures: This resource would tailor to the needs of veteran students and veteran dependent students, as well as the diverse populations within(students with intersecting identities).
        Prioritizations: Veterans Resource Center rank 3
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        VRC(2022-23)103 Yes College goals A, B, C, D, E
        Veterans Resource Center rank 2
        Unit Objective: Hiring: Hire full-time VRC Specialist to support and coordinate veteran services, support budget planning, and grant-related timelines and purchasing.
        Outcome Measures: Increase from 1 full-time SPA overseeing No Vet Left Behind, Women Veteran Support Group, Veteran Men of Color Support Group, Orientation, Events, Outreach and Recruitment . This position would support development and growth of these programs as well as budget management, event coordination, team management, hiring and personnel support, training and professional development opportunities, and strategic planning to better support the Veterans Resource Center
        Prioritizations: Veterans Resource Center rank 2
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
      • Unit Workability III

        WORKIII(2022-23)100 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Increase referrals to WAIII and engagement of students from all four campuses in the district.
        Outcome Measures: Relationships and collaborations with internal and external programs established; streamlined referral process communicated to stakeholders; feedback loop to referring programs is implemented
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        WORKIII(2022-23)101 Yes College goals
        Workability III rank 1
        Unit Objective: Increase support of the WAIII program across the district, including financial and personnel support for cash match and certified time match.
        Outcome Measures: Contract renewed for 2023-2026; data collected and analyzed to demonstrate the value of the WAIII program (involves edits to WAIII database); all four campuses in the district are contributing to match.
        Prioritizations: Workability III rank 1
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        IT Request: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for IT request: Need assistance with editing the WAIII database (https://apps.scc.losrios.edu/waiii/students) to collect additional data. Need more robust data to demonstrate the value of the WAIII program across the district.
        WORKIII(2022-23)102 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Improve WAIII student employment and internship outcomes
        Outcome Measures: WAIII SPA and temp classified staff have increased engagement in chambers of commerce and local employers; collaborative relationships established with WEXP and career centers at each campus
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        WORKIII(2022-23)103 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Vocational assessments offered to WAIII students unsure of what educational or career path to take.
        Outcome Measures: Software purchased for vocational assessments. Contract goal met to provide 15 vocational assessments every FY to WAIII students.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
    • Division Equity and Student Success

      • Unit SSSP

      • Unit Village Hub

    • Division Retention and Persistence

      • Unit Articulation

      • Unit Athletic Advising

      • Unit Counseling

        COUN(2020-21)100 Yes College goals C
        Unit Objective: Request 4 (four) fulltime tenure-track counseling faculty replacement positions due to retirements
        Outcome Measures: 4 Fulltime tenure-track Faculty Counseling approved
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Hire Full-time Faculty
        COUN(2020-21)101 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Request 3-5 fulltime SSSP classified support staff (Pathway Specialists) to work directly with and in consultation with Counseling Faculty in Meta major pathways. Cross trained to perform varied duties, such as, Assist students with Eservices, Financial aid; set up meetings; calendar activities/workshops; answer/direct emails;student follow-up
        Outcome Measures: Staff in place. Improved response time for students. Increased retention
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Hire Permanent Classified Staff
        COUN(2020-21)102 College goals C
        Unit Objective: Request funding to hire additional adjunct Counseling faculty
        Outcome Measures: Hire additional adjunct Counseling Faculty
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Hire Full-time Faculty
        COUN(2020-21)104 No College goals
        Unit Objective: Provide comfortable seating with backs with USB and power outlets for waiting area in Counseling
        Outcome Measures: Students are provided a safe, comfortable and respectable place to wait for their appointments. Will not have to sit on the floor near an outlet
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        COUN(2020-21)105 No College goals
        Unit Objective: Request funding for 5-10 Student Ambassadors to work with Pathways Specialists
        Outcome Measures: Student Ambassadors would work with each Pathways cohorts
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        COUN(2020-21)106 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Request MOE from Budget Committee
        Outcome Measures: Money available to support 4-6 activities, such as FTIC/guided pathway efforts with marketing and in-reach activities
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
      • Unit Health Services

      • Unit Human Career Development

      • Unit International Student Center

        ISC(2020-21)100 Yes College goals A, B
        Unit Objective: Provide academic counseling and answer academic questions for applicants and new/current international students. Request 0.5 FTE counseling for the fiscal year.
        Outcome Measures: Increase the available international counseling appointments.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        ISC(2020-21)101 No College goals A, B
        Unit Objective: Continue with the ISC renovation plan (as discussed in 2016 with the previous supervisor and dean) to expand the wall facing the hallway outward. The current wall features a drop-down window and will need to be replaced by a solid wall for security and safety purposes. The office is an open space and does not provide sufficient privacy for students to share their personal matters. Plan B is to relocate ISC to a better space that best serves our students.
        Outcome Measures: Expand the space will allow the office to be set up more efficiently and with a greater potential for maintaining confidentiality and safety.
        Types of action: Non-Instructional Equipment & Infrastructure
        Resources Required:
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        ISC(2020-21)102 Yes College goals A, B
        Unit Objective: Continue to expand outreach to international students attending high school in the Greater Sacramento Area.
        Outcome Measures: Shift the current international student population so that it includes more incoming freshmen.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        ISC(2020-21)103 No College goals A, B
        Unit Objective: Continue to work with the Public Information Office to create an interactive electronic brochure to send to overseas educational institutions, U.S. high schools and English language programs.
        Outcome Measures: Market SCC and recruit international students. Increase Sacramento City College's presence.
        Types of action: Marketing
        Resources Required:
        ISC(2020-21)104 College goals A, B
        Unit Objective: Request $1,250 for the Student Exchange & Visitor Program (SEVP) "Recertification" Mandatory fees to continue admitting and retaining international students at Sacramento City College. Recertification is every two years.
        Outcome Measures: Maintain certification for admitting F-1 international students in our institution.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        ISC(2020-21)105 Yes College goals B, C
        Unit Objective: Increase the organization center budget (OCB) to keep up with office needs.
        Outcome Measures: Maintain a temporary clerk to track health insurance, TB test results, eServices holds, student reports and office forms, and to assist with international application and class enrollment during peak periods.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
      • Unit Retention and Persistence Division Office

        R&P Div(2020-21)100 Yes College goals A, C
        Unit Objective: Remodel the front counter and counseling entry way to expand the check-in desk, hallway, and expand the seating area for students. The estimated cost is $20,000.
        Outcome Measures: A professional entry way for students and staff to enter the Counseling area. A front desk area that will give students the ability to check in and faculty and staff can have space to move freely into the office and it not be a cramped area.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        R&P Div(2022-23)101 No College goals A, C
        Unit Objective: Efficiently utilize the counseling space to make sure that it is a space that has professional furniture, cultural responsive visual art, and that creates a positive and professional environment. Counseling offices must have uniform furniture that is professional.
        Outcome Measures: Each Counselor office will be professional and have uniform furniture. Each office will have the same desk, bookshelves filing cabinet and student seating area. The walls of the Counseling & Transfer area will have culturally response art and a welcoming environment.
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        R&P Div(2022-23)102 No College goals C
        Unit Objective: New copy machine that works efficiently and provides copies scans for faculty and staff
        Outcome Measures: Efficiently preform office tasks, print office and marketing materials, make copies, and scan information. This will be helpful to faculty, staff and students who work and/or visit the division
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
        Facilities: Feasibility checked - no response. Estimated cost =
        Description and rationale for facilities request:
        R&P Div(2022-23)103 Yes College goals D
        Unit Objective: Increase retention rate for our disproportionately impacted populations by providing intentional Counseling and Transfer services. Continue to focus on Counseling Services that help support Black and African American Student Success.
        Outcome Measures: Increase the number of African & Black students who graduate with a degree and/or transfer by 15%
        Types of action: None
        Resources Required:
      • Unit Transfer Center

        TRANSF(2022-23)107 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Increase the transfer numbers for disproportionately impacted groups, including African American and Latino students, through collaboration with existing programs supporting these groups.
        Outcome Measures: Increased collaboration with programs such as Rasa Center, Ashe center, Puente, Umoja, RISE, and EOPS on workshops, presentations, and materials. Increased transfer awareness of students from disproportionately impacted groups.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        TRANSF(2022-23)108 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Request a full-time coordinator/counselor position dedicated to the Transfer Center
        Outcome Measures: Increase coordinator/counselor position from 0.5 FTE to 1.0
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        Hire Full-time Faculty
        TRANSF(2022-23)109 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Collaborate with college-wide committees that focus on "pathways" for transfer students; update Transfer Center publications and website to provide students with pathway options and information.
        Outcome Measures: Increased awareness of existing pathways for students and collaboration with the college to re-design or create additional transfer pathways.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        TRANSF(2022-23)110 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Expand on series of transfer workshops related to understanding general education patterns, major requirements, admissions criteria, and application process (i.e. Transfer Thursday & Transfer 101).
        Outcome Measures: Students will be invited to attend a transfer workshop prior to meeting one-on-one with a counselor. Students will learn the transfer process to create an iSEP.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        TRANSF(2022-23)111 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Increase the Transfer Center budget to expand services and equipment.
        Outcome Measures: Funding is needed to coordinate campus tours and transfer events for students.
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        Financial: , ,
        Total financial need =
        Description and rationale for financial request: ,
        TRANSF(2022-23)112 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Expand our campus partnerships and offer students workshops from CSU & UC equity programs
        Outcome Measures: Students will be invited to attend workshops hosted from our feeder schools (i.e. Sac State MLK Center, EOP, UCD Center for African Diaspora Success)
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
        TRANSF(2022-23)113 Yes College goals
        Unit Objective: Expand online services
        Outcome Measures: In light of COVID-19, our center will remotely host a large number workshops and events to keep student engagement and abreast with their transfer pathway
        Types of action: Other
        Resources Required:
    • Division Student Intervention Division

      • Unit Student Intervention Division Office

    • Division VPSS Office Division

      • Unit VPSS Office

End Of Grid